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1. 王浩,许新发,成静清,.水资源保护利用“四水四定”:基本认知与关键技术体系[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):1-7.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.001

WANG Hao, XU Xinfa, CHENG Jingqing, et al. “Basing four aspects on water resources” in water resources protection and utilization:basic cognition and key technology system[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):1-7.

2. 左其亭,吴青松,马军霞,.“双碳”目标下水资源行为调控研究框架及展望[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):8-14,56.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.002

ZUO Qiting, WU Qingsong, MA Junxia, et al. Research framework and prospect of water resource behavior regulation under carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):8-14, 56.

3. 王宗志,谈丽婷,耿敏,.考虑调水和供水规则的水库优化调度[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):15-21, 48.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.003

WANG Zongzhi, TAN Liting, GENG Min, et al. Reservoir optimal operation considering water transfer and supply rules[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):15-21, 48.


4. 陈文龙,马志鹏,袁菲,.粤港澳大湾区水安全协同调控理论框架研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):22-31.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.004

CHEN Wenlong, MA Zhipeng, YUAN Fei, et al. Theoretical framework of water security collaborative regulation and control in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):22-31.

5. 杨芳,陈文龙,卢陈,.粤港澳大湾区咸潮综合防控体系研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):32-41.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.005

YANG Fang, CHEN Wenlong, LU Chen, et al. Research on comprehensive prevention and control system of saltwater intrusion in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):32-41.

6. 王彪,朱建荣,吕爱琴.珠江河口磨刀门枯水期盐度统计模型[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):42-48.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.006

WANG Biao, ZHU Jianrong, LYU Aiqin. Salinity statistical model for Modaomen of Pearl River Estuary during dry season[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):42-48.


7. 石朋,唐汉,瞿思敏,.西南地区气象干旱向水文干旱传播的特征[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):49-56.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.007

SHI Peng, TANG Han, QU Simin, et al. Characteristics of propagation from meteorological drought to hydrological drought in Southwest China[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):49-56.

8. 薛联青,白青月,刘远洪.人类活动影响下塔里木河流域气象干旱向水文干旱传播的规律[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):57-62, 72. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.008

XUE Lianqing, BAI Qingyue, LIU Yuanhong. Propagation law from meteorological drought to hydrological drought in the Tarim River Basin under the impact of human activities[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):57-62, 72.

9. 冯凯,李彦彬,王飞,.基于改进三维识别方法的西北地区干旱事件分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):63-72.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.009

FENG Kai, LI Yanbin, WANG Fei, et al. Analysis of drought events in Northwest China based on an improved three-dimensional identification method[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):63-72.

10. 周戎星,金菊良,崔毅,.基于联系数集对势置信区间估计的旱灾风险分析模型[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):73-78, 92. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.010

ZHOU Rongxing, JIN Juliang, CUI Yi, et al. Drought risk analysis model based on confidence interval estimation of connection number set pair potential[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):73-78, 92.


11. 王文圣,覃光华,梁瀚续,.基于Copula函数推求的管运洪水防洪标准探讨[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):79-82.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.011

WANG Wensheng, QIN Guanghua, LIANG Hanxu, et al. Probe on flood control standards of manage-flood based on Copula function[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):79-82.

12. 叶陈雷,徐宗学,雷晓辉,.福州晋安河片区海绵改造对城市内涝的影响[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):83-92.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.012

YE Chenlei, XU Zongxue, LEI Xiaohui, et al. Influences of sponge reconstruction of Jinan River drainage district in Fuzhou City on urban flooding/waterlogging[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):83-92.

13. 姚蕊,杨群涛,张书亮.城市暴雨内涝灾害脆弱性研究综述[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):93-100.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.013

YAO Rui, YANG Quntao, ZHANG Shuliang. Review on vulnerability of urban rainstorm waterlogging disaster[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):93-100.

14. 黄亦轩,徐宗学,陈浩,.深圳河流域内陆侧洪涝风险分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):101-108.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.014

HUANG Yixuan, XU Zongxue, CHEN Hao, et al. Analysis on flood/waterlogging risk at inland side of the Shenzhen River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):101-108.


15. 张力,赵自阳,王红瑞,.气候变化下水文模拟不确定性若干问题讨论[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):109-118, 149.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.015

ZHANG Li, ZHAO Ziyang, WANG Hongrui, et al. Discussion on several issues of uncertainty in hydrological simulation under climate change[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):109-118, 149.

16. 沈嘉聚,杨汉波,刘志武,.长江上游径流对气象要素变化的敏感性分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):119-126.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.016

SHEN Jiaju, YANG Hanbo, LIU Zhiwu, et al. Sensitivity analysis of annual runoff to annual variation of meteorological elements in upper reaches of the Yangtze River[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):119-126.

17. 许钦,叶鸣,蔡晶,.19562018年太湖流域降水统计特征及演变趋势[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):127-132, 173.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.017

XU Qin, YE Ming, CAI Jing, et al. Precipitation statistical characteristics and evolution trend in Taihu Lake Basin from 1956 to 2018[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):127-132, 173.

18. 陶佳辉,卞锦宇,敖天其,.南水北调东线调水区及受水区降水径流变化特征[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):133-141.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.018

TAO Jiahui, BIAN Jinyu, AO Tianqi, et al. Variation characteristics of precipitation and runoff in water diversion area and water receiving area of East Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1): 133-141.

19. 郏鹏鑫,杨博,王红瑞,.长江经济带产业绿色发展等级评估[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):142-149.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.019

JIA Pengxin, YANG Bo, WANG Hongrui, et al. Evaluation of industrial green development level in Yangtze River Economic Belt[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):142-149.

20. 王恒,方兰.中国水-能源-粮食纽带系统安全水平与全要素生产率时空耦合协调关系分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):150-157. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.020

WANG Heng, FANG Lan. Spatial-temporal coupling coordination relationship between the security level of water-energy-food nexus system and total factor productivity in China[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):150-157.

21. 白涛,洪良鹏,李江,.塔里木河“二源一干”生态供水潜力研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):158-165.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.021

BAI Tao, HONG Liangpeng, LI Jiang, et al. Study on ecological water supply potential in two source streams and one main stream of the Tarim River[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):158-165.

22. 龚李莉,蔡梅,王元元,.新沟河工程应急调水效果评估[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):166-173.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.022

GONG Lili, CAI Mei, WANG Yuanyuan, et al. Evaluation of emergency water diversion effect of Xingou River Project[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):166-173.


23. 陈炼钢,孙玉莹,叶兴平,.考虑大气沉降的湖库分区动态水环境容量精细解析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):174-180, 189. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.023

CHEN Liangang, SUN Yuying, YE Xingping, et al. Fine analysis of dynamic water environment capacity of lakes and reservoirs in consideration of atmospheric deposition[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):174-180, 189.

24. 蔡奕,邢婧文,阮西科,.河流潜流带氮素迁移转化数值模拟研究进展[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):181-189.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.024

CAI Yi, XING Jingwen, RUAN Xike, et al. Advances in the numerical simulation of the migration and transformation of nitrogen in hyporheic zones of rivers[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):181-189.

25. 王俊,刘超,王智源,.洪泽湖流域污染负荷削减对生境质量的影响[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):190-199.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.025

WANG Jun, LIU Chao, WANG Zhiyuan, et al. Effects of pollution load reduction on habitat quality in Hongze Lake Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):190-199.

26. 姚斯洋,林妙丽,陈诚,.拟建鄱阳湖水利枢纽对湖区水环境容量的影响[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):200-207, 242.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.026

YAO Siyang, LIN Miaoli, CHEN Cheng, et al. Impact of the scheduled Poyang Lake Hydraulic Project on water environment capacity in lake district[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):200-207, 242.

27. 栾广学,侯精明,马鑫,.建筑小区尺度下径流控制率与非点源污染负荷削减率协同关系研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):208-215. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.027

LUAN Guangxue, HOU Jingming, MA Xin, et al. Research on synergistic relationship between runoff control rate and non-point source pollution load reduction rate at residential community scale[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):208-215.


28. 常留红,王瀚锐,章富君,.梯形透空丁坝局部水动力特性对底栖动物生境演替的影响机制[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):216-224. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.028

CHANG Liuhong, WANG Hanrui, ZHANG Fujun, et al. Influence mechanism of local hydrodynamic characteristics of trapezoidal hollow spur dike on benthos habitat succession[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):216-224.

29. 陈一迪,诸葛亦斯,石岳峰,.柴达木盆地湖泊天然生态水文特性辨识[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):225-233.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.029

CHEN Yidi, ZHUGE Yisi, SHI Yuefeng, et al. Identification of natural eco-hydrological characteristics of lakes in the Qaidam Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):225-233.

30. 陈默,林育青,张建云,.水生态系统生产总值核算体系及应用[J].水资源保护,2023,39(1):234-242.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.01.030

CHEN Mo, LIN Yuqing, ZHANG Jianyun, et al. Accounting system of gross water ecosystem product and its application[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(1):234-242.



1. 陈莉,张安安.黄河流域水资源与社会经济协同评价及影响因素分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):1-8.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.001

CHEN Li, ZHANG An'an. Synergistic evaluation of water resources and social economy in the Yellow River Basin and analysis of influencing factors[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):1-8.

2. 郭亚丽,魏本胜,郑思远,.长江大保护生态云平台顶层设计架构研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):9-16.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.002

GUO Yali, WEI Bensheng, ZHENG Siyuan, et al. Research on architecture design of Yangtze River Protection Ecological Cloud Platform[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):9-16.

3. 冯平,张立斌,李建柱,.目标函数对滦河流域SWAT模型径流模拟不确定性的影响[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):17-24, 69. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.003

FENG Ping, ZHANG Libin, LI Jianzhu, et al. Influence of objective function on uncertainty of SWAT model runoff simulation in the Luanhe River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):17-24, 69.

4. 薛联青,杨明杰,廖淑敏.间歇性输水条件下塔里木河下游地下水时空变化模拟[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):25-30, 77.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.004

XUE Lianqing, YANG Mingjie, LIAO Shumin. Simulation of spatiotemporal variation of groundwater in lower reaches of the Tarim River under intermittent water transportation conditions[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):25-30, 77.


5. 吴志勇,范思琦,何海,.湖南省农业干旱灾害风险区划研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):31-39.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.005

WU Zhiyong, FAN Siqi, HE Hai, et al. Study on risk regionalization of agricultural drought disaster in Hunan Province[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):31-39.

6. 杨肖丽,马慧君,吴凡,.基于CMIP6的全球及干旱带干旱时空演变[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):40-49.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.006

YANG Xiaoli, MA Huijun, WU Fan, et al. Spatiotemporal evolution of global and arid zone drought based on CMIP6[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):40-49.

7. 粟晓玲,梁晓萱,吴海江,.表征生态状况的综合干旱指数构建及干旱风险分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):50-58, 100. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.007

SU Xiaoling, LIANG Xiaoxuan, WU Haijiang, et al. Construction of comprehensive drought index representing ecological condition and drought risk analysis[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):50-58, 100.

8. 冯凯,李彦彬,许桂平,.西北地区农业干旱对气象干旱的时空多角度响应[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):59-69.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.008

FENG Kai, LI Yanbin, XU Guiping, et al. Spaitotemporal and multi-angle response of agricultural drought to meteorological drought in Northwest China[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):59-69.

9. 姜雨彤,郝增超,冯思芳,.长江与黄河流域复合高温干旱事件时空演变特征[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):70-77.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.009

JIANG Yutong, HAO Zengchao, FENG Sifang, et al. Spatiotemporal evolution characteristics in compound hot-dry events in Yangtze River and Yellow River basins[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):70-77.


10. 王小杰,夏军强,李启杰,.长江中下游各省市洪涝灾情时空变化及影响因素[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):78-86.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.010

WANG Xiaojie, XIA Junqiang, LI Qijie, et al. Spatiotemporal variation of flood distribution and influencing factors in provinces in middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):78-86.

11. 叶陈雷,徐宗学,雷晓辉,.基于SWMMInfoWorks ICM的城市街区洪涝模拟与分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2): 87-94. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.011

YE Chenlei, XU Zongxue, LEI Xiaohui, et al. Flood simulation and risk analysis on urban block scale based on SWMM and InfoWorks ICM[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):87-94.

12. 徐奎,潘昊,宾零陵,.基于强化学习的海南岛山洪灾害易发性评估[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):95-100.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.012

XU Kui, PAN Hao, BIN Lingling, et al. Evaluation of mountain torrent disaster vulnerability in Hainan Island based on reinforcement learning[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):95-100.


13. 白涛,徐燕,孙宪阁,.官厅水库多目标调度规律与方案研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):101-108, 124.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.013

BAI Tao, XU Yan, SUN Xian'ge, et al. Study on multi-objective ecological operation of Guanting Reservoir[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):101-108, 124.

14. 李泽君,赵璧奎,黄本胜,.基于图论的韩江流域水库群生态调度[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):109-117.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.014

LI Zejun, ZHAO Bikui, HUANG Bensheng, et al. Multi-reservoir ecological operation based on graph theory in the Hanjiang River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):109-117.

15. 瞿思敏,杨庆一,郑何声园,.系统微分响应参数率定方法在建阳流域SWAT模型中的应用[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):118-124. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.015

QU Simin, YANG Qingyi, ZHENG Heshengyuan, et al. Application of system differential response parameter calibration method in SWAT model of Jianyang Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):118-124.

16. 康艳,程潇,陈沛如,.基于集成学习模型的非平稳月径流预报[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):125-135, 179.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.016

KANG Yan, CHENG Xiao, CHEN Peiru, et al. Non-stationary monthly runoff forecast based on ensemble learning model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):125-135, 179.

17. 孙周亮,刘艳丽,张建云,.中长期径流预报研究进展与展望[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):136-144, 223.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.017

SUN Zhouliang, LIU Yanli, ZHANG Jianyun, et al. Research progress and prospect of mid-long term runoff prediction[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):136-144, 223.

18. 何涯舟,张珂,晁丽君,.基于多源遥感土壤湿度与模型数据同化的流域径流模拟[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):145-151, 189. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.018

HE Yazhou, ZHANG Ke, CHAO Lijun, et al. Watershed runoff simulation based on multi-source remotely sensed soil moisture and data assimilation[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):145-151, 189.

19. 胡彩虹,刘成帅,李想,.郑州市雨岛效应多方法集成评估及量化研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):152-159.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.019

HU Caihong, LIU Chengshai, LI Xiang, et al. Multi-method integrated evaluation and quantitative study of rain island effect in Zhengzhou City[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):152-159.

20. 宋子奕,鲁程鹏,吴成城,.20092019年河西走廊地下水位时空分布及演变趋势[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):160-167. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.020

SONG Ziyi, LU Chengpeng, WU Chengcheng, et al. Spatiotemporal distribution and evolution trend of groundwater level in Hexi Corridor from 2009 to 2019[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):160-167.

21. 王蔚,董增川,崔璨,.基于洪水资源化的洪泽湖后汛期蓄水策略[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):168-179.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.021

WANG Wei, DONG Zengchuan, CUI Can, et al. Water storage strategy in post-flood period for Hongze Lake based on flood utilization[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):168-179.

22. 周婷,汪炎,邹俊,.基于PCASVM的遥感影像水体提取方法及验证[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):180-189.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.022

ZHOU Ting, WANG Yan, ZOU Jun, et al. PCA and SVM-based algorithm of water area extraction from remote sensing images and its verification[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):180-189.

23. 李一阳,王红瑞,杨默远,.基于多重检验EKC的中国用水与产业发展关系分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):190-198.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.023

LI Yiyang, WANG Hongrui, YANG Moyuan, et al. Analysis of relationship between water consumption and industrial development in China based on multiple testing Kuznets curve[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):190-198.

24. 韩煜娜,左德鹏,王国庆,.变化环境下青藏高原陆地水储量演变格局及归因[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):199-207, 214. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.024

HAN Yu'na, ZUO Depeng, WANG Guoqing, et al. Evolution pattern and attribution analysis of terrestrial water storage in Tibetan Plateau under changing environment[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):199-207, 214.

25. 宋亮亮,张劲松,杜建波,.基于云模型的水利工程运行安全韧性评价[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):208-214.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.025

SONG Liangliang, ZHANG Jinsong, DU Jianbo, et al. Assessment of operation safety resilience of water conservancy projects based on cloud model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):208-214.


26. 何伟军,孟旭,孔阳,.时空异质性视角下长江经济带水环境承载力评估及其驱动因子探究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):215-223. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.026

HE Weijun, MENG Xu, KONG Yang, et al. Evaluation of water environmental carrying capacity of Yangtze River Economic Belt and its driving factors exploration from perspective of spatial-temporal heterogeneity[J]. Water Resources Protection, 2023,39(2):215-223.

27. 王礼权,刘钰,张毅敏,.长荡湖、滆湖、竺山湾藻类功能群结构组成与环境因子的关系[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):224-232. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.027

WANG Liquan, LIU Yu, ZHANG Yimin, et al. Relationship between structural composition of algal functional groups and environmental factors in Changdang Lake, Ge Lake and Zhushan Bay[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):224-232.

28. 门宝辉,李晨,尹世洋.基于偏联系数的大兴区地下水水质时空动态演变趋势分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):233-243. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.028

MEN Baohui, LI Chen, YIN Shiyang. Analysis of spatiotemporal dynamic evolution trend of groundwater quality in Daxing District based on partial connection number[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):233-243.


29. 侯俊,刘佳林,潘正国,.改性植物单宁絮凝剂对污水中抗生素抗性基因的去除效果[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):244-251, 258. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.029

HOU Jun, LIU Jialin, PAN Zhengguo, et al. Removal effect of modified plant tannin flocculant on antibiotic resistance genes in sewage[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):244-251, 258.

30. 谢三桃,朱慧娈,唐晓先,.巢湖流域山水林田湖草生态保护和修复[J].水资源保护,2023,39(2):252-258.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.02.030

XIE Santao, ZHU Huiluan, TANG Xiaoxian, et al. Ecological protection and restoration of mountain-river-forest-farmland-lake-grassland system in the Chaohu Lake Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(2):252-258.



1. 郭旭宁,李云玲,唱彤,.“荆楚安澜”现代水网建设思路与实施路径[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):1-7.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.001

GUO Xuning, LI Yunling, CHANG Tong, et al. Construction thought and implementation pathway of “Jingchu'anlan ” modern water network[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):1-7.

2. 苑希民,王小姣,田福昌,.旱涝交替下驮英灌区年内水资源优化调控研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):8-15.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.002

YUAN Ximin, WANG Xiaojiao, TIAN Fuchang, et al. Study of optimal regulation and control of water resources in Tuoying irrigation area under alternate drought and flood[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):8-15.

3. 陈文龙,罗欢,吴琼,.基于“先泥后水”模式的重污染河道底泥碳氮硫同步去除技术研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):16-23, 42. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.003

CHEN Wenlong, LUO Huan, WU Qiong, et al. A synchronous removal technology of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur pollutants from sediment in heavily polluted rivers based on “treating sediment before water” model[J]. Water Resources Protection, 2023,39(3):16-23, 42.

4. 方卫华,徐孟启.基于PINNs的圣维南方程组数据同化方法[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):24-31, 64.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.004

FANG Weihua, XU Mengqi. Data assimilation method of Saint-Venant equations based on PINNs[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):24-31, 64.

5. 栾清华,高昊悦,刘红亮,.基于GWAS模型的武安市水资源优化配置[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):32-42.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.005

LUAN Qinghua, GAO Haoyue, LIU Hongliang, et al. Optimal allocation of water resources in Wu'an City based on GWAS model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):32-42.

6. 李家科,晁森豪,段小龙.溶解性有机质对低影响开发设施运行影响的研究进展[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):43-54.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.006

LI Jiake, CHAO Senhao, DUAN Xiaolong. Influence of dissolved organic matter on operation of low impact development facilities[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):43-54.


7. 吴志勇,张静杰,程丹丹,.考虑地表-土壤-作物水分联合亏缺的综合旱情指数研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):55-64.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.007

WU Zhiyong, ZHANG Jingjie, CHENG Dandan, et al. Study of comprehensive drought index based on water deficits of surface, soil, and crop[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):55-64.

8. 刘轩,粟晓玲,刘雨翰,.西北地区生态干旱脆弱性评估[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):65-73.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.008

LIU Xuan, SU Xiaoling, LIU Yuhan, et al. Vulnerability assessment of ecological drought in Northwest China[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):65-73.


9. 蒋卫威,鱼京善,徐淑高.梅溪流域城镇化进程对山前平原区洪涝过程的影响[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):74-81, 100.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.009

JIANG Weiwei, YU Jingshan, XU Shugao. Impact of urbanization in the Meixi River Basin on flood process in piedmont plain area[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):74-81, 100.

10. 雷向东,王兆礼,曾照洋,.基于ANUGASWMM耦合模型的车陂涌流域内涝模拟分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):82-90. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.010

LEI Xiangdong, WANG Zhaoli, ZENG Zhaoyang, et al. Simulation analysis on Chenbei watershed waterlogging based on ANUGA and SWMM coupling model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):82-90.

11. 潘鑫鑫,侯精明,陈光照,.基于K近邻和水动力模型的城市内涝快速预报[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):91-100.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.011

PAN Xinxin, HOU Jingming, CHEN Guangzhao, et al. Rapid forecasting of urban waterlogging based on <i>K</i>-nearest neighbor and hydrodynamic model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):91-100.

12. 赖成光,廖耀星,王兆礼.不同暴雨情景下的城市内涝响应特征分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):101-108, 133.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.012

LAI Chengguang, LIAO Yaoxing, WANG Zhaoli. Analysis of urban waterlogging response characteristics under different rainstorm rainfall scenarios[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):101-108, 133.

13. 廖如婷,徐宗学,叶陈雷,.基于SWMMInfoWorks ICM模型的大红门排水区暴雨内涝模拟[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):109-117. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.013

LIAO Ruting, XU Zongxue, YE Chenlei, et al. Simulation of rainstorm waterlogging in Dahongmen Drainage Area based on SWMM and InfoWorks ICM models[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):109-117.

14. 高玮志,高华勇,王兆礼,.基于机器学习的太湖流域多层次防洪调度方案综合评价[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):118-125, 236. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.014

GAO Weizhi, GAO Huayong, WANG Zhaoli, et al. Comprehensive evaluation of multi-level flood control operation schemes in the Taihu Lake Basin based on machine learning[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):118-125, 236.


15. 窦明,张森,王艳艳,.基于区间规划的沙颍河流域排污权交易方案优选[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):126-133.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.015

DOU Ming, ZHANG Sen, WANG Yanyan, et al. Optimization of emission right trading schemes in the Shaying River Basin based on interval planning[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):126-133.

16. 陈述,汪钟铃,颜克胜,.湖北省水资源压力与经济发展脱钩的时空演化[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):134-141.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.016

CHEN Shu, WANG Zhongling, YAN Kesheng, et al. Spatio temporal evolution of decoupling between water resources stress and economic development in Hubei Province[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):134-141.

17. 赵振,陈惠娟,段隆臣.巴音河冲洪积扇前缘地下水位上升灾害特征及影响因素[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):142-147.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.017

ZHAO Zhen, CHEN Huijuan, DUAN Longchen. Disaster characteristics and influencing factors of groundwater level rise in front edge of the Bayin River alluvial fan[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):142-147.

18. 何凡,路培艺,尹婧,.中国水资源空间均衡评价与空间关联性分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):148-155.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.018

HE Fan, LU Peiyi, YIN Jing, et al. Spatial equilibrium evaluation and spatial correlation analysis of water resources in China[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):148-155.

19. 姜海萍,徐林,闭小棉,.大藤峡水利枢纽库区水资源保护规划布局与策略研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):156-161, 221. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.019

JIANG Haiping, XU Lin, BI Xiaomian, et al. Overall layout and strategy study of water resources protection planning in reservoir area of Datengxia Gorge Water Conservancy Project[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):156-161, 221.

20. 付晓花,董增川,韩锐,.复杂河网地区气候-水文-水动力耦合模型模拟[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):162-169.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.020

FU Xiaohua, DONG Zengchuan, HAN Rui, et al. Simulation of climate-hydrologic-hydrodynamic coupling model in complex river network area[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):162-169.

21. 褚江东,粟晓玲,吴海江,.20022021年中国陆地水储量及其组分变化分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):170-178.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.021

CHU Jiangdong, SU Xiaoling, WU Haijiang, et al. Analysis of terrestrial water storage and its component changes in China from 2002 to 2021[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):170-178.

22. 宋松,吴志峰,程利分,.基于SDGs的广东省水资源可持续性评价[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):179-187.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.022

SONG Song, WU Zhifeng, CHENG Lifen, et al. Water resources sustainability evaluation in Guangdong Province based on SDGs[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):179-187.

23. 田烨,谭伟丽,王国庆,.LSTM变体模型在径流预测中的性能及其可解释性[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):188-194.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.023

TIAN Ye, TAN Weili, WANG Guoqing, et al. Performance of variant LSTM models in runoff prediction and their interpretability[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):188-194.

24. 商守卫,王磊之,王银堂,.19602019年成都地区极端降水时空演变特征分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):195-204.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.024

SHANG Shouwei, WANG Leizhi, WANG Yintang, et al. Analysis of spatial and temporal evolution characteristics of extreme precipitation in Chengdu area from 1960 to 2019[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):195-204.

25. 栾广学,侯精明,王添,.基于复杂高密度管网结构优化技术的银川城区排水过程高效模拟方法[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):205-212. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.025

LUAN Guangxue, HOU Jingming, WANG Tian, et al. Efficient simulation method of Yinchuan urban drainage process based on structure optimization technology of complex high-density pipe network[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023, 39(3):205-212.

26. 钟子悦,余明辉,陈小齐,.珠江三角洲河网地形和径流条件变化对潮动力格局的影响[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):213-221. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.026

ZHONG Ziyue, YU Minghui, CHEN Xiaoqi, et al. Effects of changes in river network topography and runoff on tidal dynamic pattern in Pearl River Delta[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):213-221.

27. 范敏韬,谢宇莹,佘贞燕,.基于pair-copula结构的珠江三角洲河网区水位空间依赖性分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):222-228. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.027

FAN Mintao, XIE Yuying, SHE Zhenyan, et al. Analysis of spatial dependence of water level in river network area of Pearl River Delta based on pair-copula construction[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):222-228.

28. 李俊奇,张兴宇,林聪,.河泥与海泥陶粒填料生物滞留设施径流控制试验[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):229-236.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.028

LI Junqi, ZHANG Xingyu, LIN Cong, et al. Experiment on runoff control of bioretention facilities using river mud and sea mud ceramsite as fillers[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):229-236.

29. 谢鹏,宫永伟,仇志铭,.多孔纤维棉在绿色屋顶中的适配性试验研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):237-245.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.029

XIE Peng, GONG Yongwei, QIU Zhiming, et al. Experimental study on suitability of porous fiber cotton in green roofs[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):237-245.


30. 宋晓娜,经小川,张峰.水生态文明建设质量的时空演化评估[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):246-252.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.030

SONG Xiaona, JING Xiaochuan, ZHANG Feng. Evaluation on spatiotemporal evolution of water ecological civilization construction quality[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):246-252.

31. 阿膺兰,胡鹏,曾庆慧,.基于底栖动物响应特征的洮儿河生态流量目标适应性分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(3):253-260. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.03.031

A Yinglan, HU Peng, ZENG Qinghui, et al. Adaptability analysis of ecological flow based on response characteristics of benthos in the Taoer River[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(3):253-260.



1. 方国华,赵文萃,李鑫,.南水北调东线工程江苏段水资源调配研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):1-8.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.001

FANG Guohua, ZHAO Wencui, LI Xin, et al. Study on water resources dispatching and allocation in Jiangsu Section of Eastern Route Project of South-to-North Water Diversion Project[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):1-8.

2. 粟晓玲,刘雨翰,姜田亮,.西北地区陆地生态系统未来生态需水量预估[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):9-18, 78.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.002

SU Xiaoling, LIU Yuhan, JIANG Tianliang, et al. Prediction of future ecological water demand of terrestrial ecosystem in Northwest China[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):9-18, 78.

3. 石朋,陆美霞,吴洪石,.不同优化算法在新安江模型参数率定中的效果评估[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):19-25, 41.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.003

SHI Peng, LU Meixia, WU Hongshi, et al. Evaluation of different optimization algorithms in parameter calibration of Xin'anjiang model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):19-25, 41.

4. 王寿兵,隗琪,陈浩,.水体高pH值对滇池生态修复的潜在影响[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):26-31.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.004

WANG Shoubing, WEI Qi, CHEN Hao, et al. Potential influence of high pH value on ecological restoration of Dianchi Lake[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):26-31.


5. 薛联青,肖颖,刘远洪,.黄河流域植被水分利用效率对干旱的时空累积响应[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):32-41.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.005

XUE Lianqing, XIAO Ying, LIU Yuanhong, et al. Spatiotemporal accumulation response of vegetation water use efficiency to drought in the Yellow River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):32-41.

6. 邢贞相,李根,付强,.寒区农业流域综合干旱指数构建及其适用性分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):42-51, 78.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.006

XING Zhenxiang, LI Gen, FU Qiang, et al. Construction of an optimized comprehensive drought index for agricultural watersheds in cold regions and its applicability analysis[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):42-51, 78.

7. 程玉佳,张珂,晁丽君.青藏高原复合干热事件及其对植被的影响[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):52-58.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.007

CHENG Yujia, ZHANG Ke, CHAO Lijun. Compound dry-hot events on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and their effects on vegetation[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):52-58.

8. 关不了,姜珊,赵勇,.海河流域干旱时空演变及其与气候因子的关系[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):59-68.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.008

GUAN Buliao, JIANG Shan, ZHAO Yong, et al. Spatial and temporal evolution of drought and its relationship with climate factors in the Haihe River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):59-68.


9. 王宗志,王宇,王坤,.滨海地下水库建设与利用方式对含水层水盐运移规律的影响[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):69-78. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.009

WANG Zongzhi, WANG Yu, WANG Kun, et al. Influences of coastal underground reservoir construction and utilization on saltwater and freshwater transport law in aquifers[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):69-78.

10. 徐丽丽,束龙仓,李伟,.20002020年中国地下水开采时空演变特征[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):79-85, 93.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.010

XU Lili, SHU Longcang, LI Wei, et al. Spatial and temporal evolution characteristics of groundwater mining in China from 2000 to 2020[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):79-85, 93.


11. 李俊奇,张希,李惠民.北京某片区海绵城市建设和运行中的碳排放核算研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):86-93.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.011

LI Junqi, ZHANG Xi, LI Huimin. Study on carbon emission accounting in construction and operation of a sponge city in Beijing[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):86-93.

12. 纪义虎,左其亭,马军霞.基于TapioLMDI模型的沁河流域碳排放与水资源利用脱钩关系分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):94-101. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.012

JI Yihu, ZUO Qiting, MA Junxia. Analysis of decoupling relationship between carbon emissions and water resources utilization in the Qinhe River Basin based on Tapio and LMDI models[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):94-101.


13. 孙克,张信为,聂坚,.中国省域水资源利用绩效评价及空间分异和驱动因素分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):102-110, 186. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.013

SUN Ke, ZHANG Xinwei, NIE Jian, et al. Evaluation of provincial water resources utilization performance in China and its spatial differentiation and driving factor analysis[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):102-110, 186.

14. 王若禹,赵志轩,黄昌硕,.“四水四定”水资源管控理论研究进展[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):111-117.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.014

WANG Ruoyu, ZHAO Zhixuan, HUANG Changshuo, et al. Research progress on water resources management theory of “basing four aspects on water resources”[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):111-117.

15. 周亮广,金菊良,周玉良,.基于集对分析的江淮丘陵区农业水土资源匹配分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):118-125, 186. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.015

ZHOU Liangguang, JIN Juliang, ZHOU Yuliang, et al. Matching of agricultural water and soil resources in Jianghuai Hilly Area based on set pair analysis[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):118-125, 186.

16. 王海云,匡耀求,郑少兰,.粤港澳大湾区20102020年湿地时空变化及驱动因素分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):126-134. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.016

WANG Haiyun, KUANG Yaoqiu, ZHENG Shaolan, et al. Spatial-temporal changes of wetlands and its driving factors in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area from 2010 to 2020[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):126-134.

17. 万欣,卞文婕,魏然,.海绵城市水系统耦合协调发展及动态响应研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):135-142.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.017

WAN Xin, BIAN Wenjie, WEI Ran, et al. Study on coupling coordination development and dynamic response of water system of sponge cities[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):135-142.

18. 崔璨,董增川,罗赟,.基于水文水动力模型的洪泽湖汛末蓄水策略智能优化设计[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):143-151. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.018

CUI Can, DONG Zengchuan, LUO Yun, et al. Intelligent optimization design of water storage strategy for post-flood period of Hongze Lake based on hydrological-hydrodynamic model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):143-151.

19. 韦瑞深,严子奇,周祖昊,.基于宽浅式破坏原则的水库旱限水位优化方法[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):152-158, 166.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.019

WEI Ruishen, YAN Ziqi, ZHOU Zuhao, et al. Optimal method of reservoir drought-limited water level based on principle of wide and shallow damage[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):152-158, 166.

20. 李炳锋,张珂,鞠艳,.金沙江流域实际蒸散发GRACE重力卫星遥感重构不确定性分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):159-166. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.020

LI Bingfeng, ZHANG Ke, JU Yan, et al. Uncertainty analysis of actual evapotranspiration reconstructed with GRACE gravity satellite data in the Jinsha River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):159-166.

21. 杜飞,胡庆芳,王银堂,.MSWEP对江苏省太湖流域日降水量和极值降水量的表征能力解析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):167-175. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.021

DU Fei, HU Qingfang, WANG Yintang, et al. Validation of MSWEP daily and extreme precipitation of the Taihu Lake Basin in Jiangsu Province[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):167-175.

22. 舒心怡,徐宗学,叶陈雷,.晋城市片区洪涝过程响应分析与马路行洪模拟[J].水资源保护,2023,39(4):176-186.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.04.022

SHU Xinyi, XU Zongxue, YE Chenlei, et al. Flooding/waterlogging process response analysis and road flooding simulation in urban area of Jincheng City[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(4):176-186.



1. 张万顺,邓浪浪,彭虹,.柳堰集水库渔光互补工程对水环境影响的数值模拟研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):1-8.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.001

ZHANG Wanshun, DENG Langlang, PENG Hong, et al. Study on numerical simulation of impact of fishery-light complementary project on water environment in Liuyanji Reservoir[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):1-8.

2. 李发文,陶仁杰.变化环境下子牙河流域水文过程影响要素分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):9-17.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.002

LI Fawen, TAO Renjie. Analysis of factors influencing hydrological processes in the Ziya River Basin under changing environment[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):9-17.

3. 刘达,黄本胜,赵璧奎,.飞来峡水库洪水资源化利用与风险分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):18-24, 108.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.003

LIU Da, HUANG Bensheng, ZHAO Bikui, et al. Flood resource utilization and risk analysis of Feilaixia Reservoir[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):18-24, 108.

4. 杜晓丽,杨明哲,尹子杰,.全堵塞周期内透水砖路面的下渗-产流模型研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):25-31, 98.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.004

DU Xiaoli, YANG Mingzhe, YIN Zijie, et al. Study on infiltration-runoff model of permeable brick pavement during full clogging cycle[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):25-31, 98.


5. 宾零陵,蒋睿文,曹永强,.京津冀水资源生态足迹动态变化与预测[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):32-38, 57.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.005

BIN Lingling, JIANG Ruiwen, CAO Yongqiang, et al. Dynamic change and prediction of ecological footprint of water resources in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):32-38, 57.

6. 李溦,姜珊,赵勇,.京津冀水-能源-粮食耦合系统安全评价[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):39-48.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.006

LI Wei, JIANG Shan, ZHAO Yong, et al. Safety evaluation of water-energy-food coupling system in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):39-48.

7. 李玲慧,何国华,赵勇,.京津冀水-食物系统风险评估[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):49-57.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.007

LI Linghui, HE Guohua, ZHAO Yong, et al. Risk assessment of water-food system in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):49-57.


8. 张伟,庄子孟,孙慧超,.我国城市内涝风险图编制关键问题及研究展望[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):58-68.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.008

ZHANG Wei, ZHUANG Zimeng, SUN Huichao, et al. Key issues and study prospect of urban waterlogging risk map in China[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):58-68.

9. 黄国如,李梅萍.基于微观交通仿真的城市内涝对道路交通的影响评估研究进展[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):69-78.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.009

HUANG Guoru, LI Meiping. Research progress on impact assessment of urban waterlogging on road traffic based on micro traffic simulation[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):69-78.

10. 刘成帅,韩臻悦,李想,.基于BIC-KMeansSWMM的城市雨洪快速模拟方法[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):79-87. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.010

LIU Chengshuai, HAN Zhenyue, LI Xiang, et al. Urban rainstorm flood rapid simulation method based on BIC-KMeans and SWMM[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):79-87.

11. 王小杰,夏军强,李启杰,.长江中下游地区洪灾损失率函数构建及洪涝灾害损失评估[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):88-98. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.011

WANG Xiaojie, XIA Junqiang, LI Qijie, et al. Construction of flood loss rate function and flood loss assessment in middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):88-98.


12. 冯平,白粟,张婷,.径流变异对滹沱河流域水库生态调度的影响[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):99-108.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.012

FENG Ping, BAI Su, ZHANG Ting, et al. Impacts of runoff change on ecological operation of reservoirs in the Hutuo River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):99-108.

13. 王钦,王银堂,胡庆芳,.考虑河道内生态需水与径流情势的水库群优化调度[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):109-117.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.013

WANG Qin, WANG Yintang, HU Qingfang, et al. Optimization of reservoir group operation considering instream ecological water demand and flow regime[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):109-117.

14. 闻昕,黄抒艺,谭乔凤,.江苏省南水北调多工程多目标联合优化调度方法[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):118-124, 134. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.014

WEN Xin, HUANG Shuyi, TAN Qiaofeng, et al. A multi-objective joint optimal operation method for the South-to-North Water Diversion Project in Jiangsu Province[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):118-124, 134.


15. 王维,刘佳,李传哲,.高分辨率融合降水驱动下的WRF/WRF-Hydro耦合模拟研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5): 125-134. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.015

WANG Wei, LIU Jia, LI Chuanzhe, et al. Study on coupled WRF/WRF-Hydro system driven by high resolution merging precipitation[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):125-134.

16. 王秀杰,乔鸿飞,曾勇红,.基于TVF-EMDGRALightGBM的日径流预测组合模型[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):135-142, 151. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.016

WANG Xiujie, QIAO Hongfei, ZENG Yonghong, et al. TVF-EMD, GRA, and LightGBM combined daily runoff prediction model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):135-142, 151.

17. 杨少康,刘冀,张特,.汉江上游气象水文干旱特征变量响应概率研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):143-151.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.017

YANG Shaokang, LIU Ji, ZHANG Te, et al. Study on meteorological-hydrological drought characteristic variable response probability in upper reaches of the Hanjiang River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):143-151.

18. 崔毅,唐慧彥,金菊良,.基于动态差异度系数的区域水资源承载力评价与诊断[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):152-160, 177. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.018

CUI Yi, TANG Huiyan, JIN Juliang, et al. Evaluation and diagnosis of regional water resources carrying capacity based on dynamic difference degree coefficient[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):152-160, 177.

19. 吴丹,刘孟瑶.基于知识图谱的流域初始水权分配方法研究进展[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):161-169, 185.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.019

WU Dan, LIU Mengyao. Research progress of initial water rights allocation methods in river basin based on knowledge map[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):161-169, 185.


20. 常留红,章富君,王瀚锐,.梯形透空丁坝局部冲淤演变对底栖动物群落的影响[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):170-177. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.020

CHANG Liuhong, ZHANG Fujun, WANG Hanrui, et al. Impact of local erosion and sedimentation evolution of trapezoidal hollow spur dike on benthic animal communities[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):170-177.

21. 刘胜琪,夏军强,周美蓉,.考虑淹水胁迫条件下的汉口江滩芦苇生长动态模拟[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):178-185. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.021

LIU Shengqi, XIA Junqiang, ZHOU Meirong, et al. Dynamic simulation of Phragmites australis growth in Hankou floodplain considering flooding stress[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):178-185.

22. 侯俊,尹雪雪,杨梓俊,.改性生物质吸附剂对水中磷酸盐的去除和回收研究进展[J].水资源保护,2023,39(5):186-194. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.05.022

HOU Jun, YIN Xuexue, YANG Zijun, et al. Research progress of removal and recovery of phosphate in water by modified biomass adsorbents[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(5):186-194.



1. 王庆明,赵勇,王浩,.自然和社会水循环的能量驱动机制及其综合评价[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):1-7, 15.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.001

WANG Qingming, ZHAO Yong, WANG Hao, et al. Energy driving mechanism of natural and social hydrology cycle and its comprehensive evaluation[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):1-7, 15.

2. 苑希民,黄玉啟,田福昌,.基于LSTM-GM神经网络模型的风暴潮增水预报方法[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):8-15.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.002

YUAN Ximin, HUANG Yuqi, TIAN Fuchang, et al. Research on forecasting method of storm surge based on LSTM-GM neural network model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):8-15.

3. 朱伟,吕艺,薛宗璞,.2020年太湖流域洪水及太湖总磷变化趋势分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):16-22.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.003

ZHU Wei, LYU Yi, XUE Zongpu, et al. Analysis of Taihu Lake Basin flood in 2020 and total phosphorus change trend in Taihu Lake[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):16-22.

4. 闻昕,秦济森,谭乔凤,.基于余留期效益函数的水光互补随机优化调度方法[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):23-31, 62.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.004

WEN Xin, QIN Jisen, TAN Qiaofeng, et al. Research on stochastic optimal operation of hydro-photovoltaic complementary based on utility function of carryover stage[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):23-31, 62.


5. 朱雨,邵薇薇,杨志勇.海绵设施全生命周期碳排放核算方法研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):32-38.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.005

ZHU Yu, SHAO Weiwei, YANG Zhiyong. Carbon emission accounting for whole life cycle of sponge facilities[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):32-38.

6. 董莉榕,刘家宏,梅超,.大兴国际机场海绵城市建设模式碳减排效果分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):39-45.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.006

DONG Lirong, LIU Jiahong, MEI Chao, et al. Analysis of carbon emission reduction effect of sponge city construction model at Daxing International Airport[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):39-45.


7. 郝增超,张璇,郝芳华,.2022年夏季长江流域复合高温干旱事件的影响及应对[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):46-52.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.007

HAO Zengchao, ZHANG Xuan, HAO Fanghua, et al. Impacts and coping strategies of compound hot extremes and droughts during summer of 2022 in the Yangtze River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):46-52.

8. 张丹,梁瀚续,何小聪,.基于CMIP6的金沙江流域径流及水文干旱预估[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):53-62.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.008

ZHANG Dan, LIANG Hanxu, HE Xiaocong, et al. Estimation of runoff and hydrological drought in the Jinsha River Basin based on CMIP6[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):53-62.

9. 赵璧奎,邱静,李宁宁,.基于系统动力学的城市社会经济干旱模拟与对策研究[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):63-69, 129. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.009

ZHAO Bikui, QIU Jing, LI Ningning, et al. Urban socio-economic drought simulation and countermeasure study based on system dynamics[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):63-69, 129.


10. 王晟,张珂,晁丽君,.基于集合模拟的汉江上游洪水与滑坡灾害风险评估[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):70-76.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.010

WANG Sheng, ZHANG Ke, CHAO Lijun, et al. Assessment of flood and landslide hazard risk based on ensemble simulation over upstream of the Han River[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):70-76.

11. 吴洪石,石朋,瞿思敏,.水文相似性研究进展[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):77-86, 94.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.011

WU Hongshi, SHI Peng, QU Simin, et al. Research progress on hydrologic similarity[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023, 39(6):77-86, 94.

12. 董怡,邹磊,夏军,.武汉市人水系统耦合协调发展及障碍因素识别[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):87-94.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.012

DONG Yi, ZOU Lei, XIA Jun, et al. Coupling and coordinated development of human-water system in Wuhan City and identification of obstacle factors[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):87-94.

13. 朱凯莉,赖成光,王兆礼,.城市化背景下长三角核心城市群汛期降水时空演变特征分析[J].水资源保护,2023, 39(6):95-103, 185. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.013

ZHU Kaili, LAI Chengguang, WANG Zhaoli, et al. Temporal and spatial evolution characteristics analysis of flood season precipitation in core city group of the Yangtze River delta under background of urbanization[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):95-103, 185.

14. 徐嘉远,邹磊,夏军,.TVGM-LSTM耦合模型及其径流模拟效果分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):104-110.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.014

XU Jiayuan, ZOU Lei, XIA Jun, et al. TVGM-LSTM coupling model and its runoff simulation effect analysis[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):104-110.

15. 吕乐婷,乔皓,郑德凤,.太子河流域景观格局时空演变及其对水源涵养的影响[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):111-120, 159. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.015

LYU Leting, QIAO Hao, ZHENG Defeng, et al. Spatial-temporal evolution of landscape pattern in the Taizi River Basin and its impact on water conservation[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):111-120, 159.

16. 赵子萌,曹永强,常志冬,.黄河沿线9省区水土资源生态承载力耦合协调分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):121-129.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.016

ZHAO Zimeng, CAO Yongqiang, CHANG Zhidong, et al. Coupling coordination analysis of ecological carrying capacity of water and land resources in nine provinces along the Yellow River[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):121-129.

17. 杨荣雪,王丰,王红瑞,.国土空间规划体系下的城市水资源空间均衡评价模型及应用[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6): 130-136, 144. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.017

YANG Rongxue, WANG Feng, WANG Hongrui, et al. Spatial equilibrium evaluation model of urban water resources and its application under territorial spatial planning system[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):130-136, 144.

18. 施国良,薛航.基于XGBoost算法的跨境河流水资源争端影响因素分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):137-144.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.018

SHI Guoliang, XUE Hang. XGBoost-based analysis of factors affecting water resources disputes in transboundary rivers [J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):137-144.

19. 张佳磊,李彦学,刘德富,.张家口市各区县用水结构时空演变及其驱动因素分析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):145-151, 177. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.019

ZHANG Jialei, LI Yanxue, LIU Defu, et al. Analysis on evolution and driving factors of water consumption structure of districts and counties in Zhangjiakou City[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):145-151, 177.


20. 黄晓敏,傅肖尉,赵志超,.基于分区水质监测的污水管网收集效能评估[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):152-159.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.020

HUANG Xiaomin, FU Xiaowei, ZHAO Zhichao, et al. Evaluation of collection efficiency of sewer network based on water quality zoning monitoring[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):152-159.

21. 茅昌平,肖衡,王帅,.三峡库区表层沉积物有机碳、氮同位素特征及对有机质来源的指示[J].水资源保护,2023,39 (6):160-168, 194. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.021

MAO Changping, XIAO Heng, WANG Shuai, et al. Characteristics of organic carbon and nitrogen isotopes in surface sediment of Three Gorges Reservoir region and their implications for sources of organic matter[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):160-168, 194.

22. 孙昊,陈求稳,丁珏,.基于EFDC模型的太湖微塑料迁移规律及污染概率分布模拟[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6): 169-177. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.022

SUN Hao, CHEN Qiuwen, DING Jue, et al. Simulation of microplastic migration regularity and pollution probability distribution in Taihu Lake based on EFDC model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):169-177.

23. 徐海波,吴金华,任小龙,.基于固定式ADCP的陈东港污染物通量计算[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):178-185.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.023

XU Haibo, WU Jinhua, REN Xiaolong, et al. Calculation of pollutant influx of the Chendong River based on fixed ADCP[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):178-185.

24. 王辉,马巍,杨智,.基于数字滤波和LOADEST模型的思茅河基流氮磷输出通量估算[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6): 186-194. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.024

WANG Hui, MA Wei, YANG Zhi, et al. Estimation of base flow nitrogen and phosphorus output flux in the Simao River based on digital filtering and LOADEST model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):186-194.

25. 陈晖,黄广灵,谭超,.东江咸潮上溯特征及盐度输运机理浅析[J].水资源保护,2023,39(6):195-203.

DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2023.06.025

CHEN Hui, HUANG Guangling, TAN Chao, et al. Analysis of saltwater intrusion characteristics and salinity transport mechanism in the Dongjiang River[J]. Water Resources Protection,2023,39(6):195-203.



1. 夏军,贾海峰,张翔,.长江中下游城市内涝与雨季污染协同治理对策[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):1-5, 15. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.001

XIA Jun, JIA Haifeng, ZHANG Xiang,et al. Coordination strategies for urban waterlogging and rainy season pollution control in middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):1-5, 15.

2. 张金良,罗秋实,王冰洁,.城市极端暴雨洪涝灾害成因及对策研究进展[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):6-15. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.002

ZHANG Jinliang, LUO Qiushi, WANG Bingjie,et al. Research progress on causes and countermeasures for extreme rainstorm-induced urban flood disasters[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):6-15.

3. 王红瑞,刘艺欣,张力,.“双碳”目标下流域生态城市绿色发展与高质量发展实施路径[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):16-24. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.003

WANG Hongrui, LIU Yixin, ZHANG Li,et al. Implementation path of green development and high-quality development of watershed eco-cities under carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):16-24.

4. 季永兴,李路,高晨晨.咸潮影响下长江口水源地优化布局及白茆沙水库建设可行性分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):25-32, 43. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.004

JI Yongxing, LI Lu, GAO Chenchen. Optimization of water source distribution and feasibility analysis of Baimaosha Reservoir construction under influences of saltwater intrusion in the Yangtze River Estuary[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):25-32, 43.

5. 李俊奇,王泓洁,李惠民.基于内容分析法的城镇雨水系统碳排放核算研究进展[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):33-43. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.005

LI Junqi, WANG Hongjie, LI Huimin. Research progress of carbon emission accounting for urban stormwater systems based on content analysis method[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):33-43.


6. 杨肖丽,罗定,叶周兵,.基于SPI-RRV指数中国气象干旱及其风险时空演变特征研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):44-51. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.006

YANG Xiaoli, LUO Ding, YE Zhoubing,et al. Study on spatio-temporal evolution characteristics of meteorological drought and its risk in China based on SPI-RRV index[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):44-51.

7. 李琼芳,方凯悦,韩幸烨,.基于多维Copula函数的澜沧江湄公河流域气象干旱特征分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):52-59. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.007

LI Qiongfang, FANG Kaiyue, HAN Xingye,et al. Analysis of meteorological drought characteristics in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin based on multi-dimensional Copula function[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):52-59.

8. 郑帅,翁白莎,严登华,.基于水循环全过程的旱涝级联效应研究框架[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):60-70. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.008

ZHENG Shuai, WENG Baisha, YAN Denghua,et al. Research framework of drought-food cascade effect based on water cycle processes[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):60-70.

9. 崔豪,江善虎,任立良,.基于四元驱动的非平稳水文干旱评估方法[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):71-78. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.009

CUI Hao, JIANG Shanhu, REN Liliang,et al. A non-stationary hydrological drought assessment method based on four-source driven[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):71-78.


10. 王坤,王宗志,白莹,.沿海中小河流域地表地下水库联合调控洪水资源利用研究:.方法与模型[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):79-85, 126. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.010

WANG Kun, WANG Zongzhi, BAI Ying,et al. Research on joint regulation and utilization of flood resources by surface-underground reservoirs in coastal small and medium-sized river basins :. methods and models[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):79-85, 126.

11. 梅超,石虹远,李瑞栋,.基于数值试验的降雨径流过程对不透水面空间分布的响应分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):86-92. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.011

MEI Chao, SHI Hongyuan, LI Ruidong,et al. Response analysis of rainfall runoff process to spatial distribution of impervious area based on numerical experiments[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):86-92.

12. 刘源,纪昌明,马皓宇,.基于集合Kalman滤波的中长期径流预报[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):93-99. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.012

LIU Yuan, JI Changming, MA Haoyu,et al. Medium and long-term runoff forecast based on ensemble Kalman filter[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):93-99.

13. 张迪,王煜,郑小康,.大沽河流域海水入侵数值模拟及其全局敏感性分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):100-107. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.013

ZHANG Di, WANG Yu, ZHENG Xiaokang,et al. Numerical simulation of seawater intrusion in the Dagu River Basin and its global sensitivity analysis[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):100-107.

14. 程麒铭,尹超,陈垚,.基于多目标进化算法和SWMMLID设施空间布局优化研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):108-116. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.014

CHENG Qiming, YIN Chao, CHEN Yao,et al. Spatial layout optimization of LID facilities based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithm and SWMM[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):108-116.

15. 史书汇,王晓云,李发文.淮河流域皖西大别山区地形因子与水系结构关联性分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):117-126. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.015

SHI Shuhui, WANG Xiaoyun, LI Fawen. Analysis of correlation between watershed topographic factors and river system structure in Dabie Mountains in western Anhui Province of the Huaihe River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):117-126.


16. 谢三桃,朱慧娈,叶勇,.环巢湖地区沙河流域污染负荷总量控制及削减措施[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):127-134, 141. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.016

XIE Santao, ZHU Huiluan, YE Yong,et al. Total pollution load control and reduction measures in the Shahe River Basin around Chaohu Lake[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):127-134, 141.

17. 张丰搏,胡鹏,闫龙,.南水北调西线工程上线水源区大型底栖动物群落结构及环境驱动因子[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):135-141. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.017

ZHANG Fengbo, HU Peng, YAN Long,et al. Structure of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages and environmental driving factors in water source area of upper line of South-to-North Water Diversion Project(West Route)[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):135-141.

18. 黄冬菁,李一平,崔广柏,.基于水文水力生境分析的河道基本生态流量计算方法[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):142-148, 156. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.018

HUANG Dongjing, LI Yiping, CUI Guangbo,et al. Calculation method of basic instream ecological flow based on hydrological-hydraulic-habitat analysis[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):142-148, 156.

19. 张昱,朱伟,冯甘雨,.秋冬季温度降低对微囊藻衰亡和沉降的作用机制[J].水资源保护,2024,40(1):149-156. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.01.019

ZHANG Yu, ZHU Wei, FENG Ganyu,et al. Mechanism of temperature reduction in autumn and winter on decline and sedimentation of Microcystis[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(1):149-156.



1. 王国庆,张建云.环境变化的径流效应研究进展及黄河水源涵养区研究展望[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):1-8. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.001

WANG Guoqing, ZHANG Jianyun. Research progress on runoff effects of environmental changes and prospects for research on the Yellow River water source conservation area [J].Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):1-8.

2. 韩宇平,马伏枥,贾冬冬,.基于BP-DEMATEL的山西省冬小麦水足迹影响因素识别[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):9-15. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.002

HAN Yuping, MA Fuli, JIA Dongdong,et al. Identification of influencing factors on water footprint of winter wheat in Shanxi Province based on BP-DEMATEL[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):9-15.

3. 陈文龙,吴琼,李一平.城市河流低水位运行生态修复机制与实践效果[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):16-22. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.003

CHEN Wenlong, WU Qiong, LI Yiping. Ecological restoration mechanism and practical effects of low water level operation in urban rivers[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):16-22.

4. 褚俊英,李孟泽,周祖昊,.水资源保护利用“四水四定”的创新管理模式[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):23-27, 71. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.004

CHU Junying, LI Mengze, ZHOU Zuhao,et al. Innovative management pattern of four water-based principlesin water resources protection and utilization[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):23-27, 71.


5. 刘成帅,许营营,孙悦,.产流模式空间分布对城市雨洪过程模拟的影响[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):28-34, 116. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.005

LIU Chengshuai, XU Yingying, SUN Yue,et al. Effect of spatial distribution of runoff generation patterns on urban storm flood process simulation[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):28-34, 116.

6. 张晨钰,王伟,黄莉,.高度城镇化背景下深圳市易涝点驱动因子分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):35-45. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.006

ZHANG Chenyu, WANG Wei, HUANG Li,et al. Analysis of driving factors for waterlogging points in Shenzhen City under high urbanization background[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):35-45.

7. 王如锴,练继建,苑希民,.基于PSO-SVM的鹤盛溪流域山洪风险评价[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):46-54. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.007

WANG Rukai, LIAN Jijian, YUAN Ximin,et al. Risk assessment of torrential floods in the Heshengxi Watershed based on PSO-SVM[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):46-54.


8. 王坤,王宗志,王敏慎,.沿海中小河流域地表地下水库联合调控洪水资源利用研究:.实例应用[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):55-63. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.008

WANG Kun, WANG Zongzhi, WANG Minshen,et al. Research on floodwater resources utilization by conjunctive regulation of surface and underground reservoirs in coastal small- and medium-sized river basins:. case study[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):55-63.

9. 刘波,张璐然,王文鹏,.我国城市工业用水效率与经济发展水平的秩匹配度原理及特征解析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):64-71. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.009

LIU Bo, ZHANG Luran, WANG Wenpeng,et al. Principle and characteristic analysis of rank matching degree between urban industrial water use efficiency and economic development level in China[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):64-71.

10. 蒋国栋,左其亭,赵晨光,.中国水资源行为二氧化碳排放当量及空间非均衡性[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):72-80. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.010

JIANG Guodong, ZUO Qiting, ZHAO Chenguang,et al. Carbon dioxide emission equivalent and spatial disequilibrium of water resource behaviors in China[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):72-80.

11. 范敏韬,佘贞燕,余龙飞,.珠江三角洲河网区极端水位事件风险传递规律[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):81-89. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.011

FAN Mintao, SHE Zhenyan, YU Longfei,et al. Risk transfer law of extreme water level events in river network area of the Pearl River Delta[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):81-89.

12. 陈启慧,纪璐,李琼芳,.伊犁河三角洲水资源条件变化对景观格局演变的影响[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):90-99. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.012

CHEN Qihui, JI Lu, LI Qiongfang,et al. Influence of water resources condition changes on landscape pattern evolution in the Ili River Delta[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):90-99.

13. 丁紫玉,方国华,毛莺池,.考虑发电与弃水风险的梯级水电站水库风险调度模型[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):100-106, 149. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.013

DING Ziyu, FANG Guohua, MAO Yingchi,et al. Risk dispatching model of cascade hydropower station reservoirs considering power generation and water abandonment risks[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):100-106, 149.


14. 王华,李思琼,曾一川,.长江流域微塑料生态风险综合评估[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):107-116. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.014

WANG Hua, LI Siqiong, ZENG Yichuan,et al. Comprehensive assessment of microplastics ecological risk in the Yangtze River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):107-116.

15. 陈亚松,闫玉亭,朱雅婷,.重庆主城区降雨径流污染特征及其社会影响因素分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):117-125, 133. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.015

CHEN Yasong, YAN Yuting, ZHU Yating,et al. Characteristics of rainfall-induced runoff pollution and its social influencing factors in main urban area of Chongqing City[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):117-125, 133.

16. 吴琼,陈文龙,陈军.基于低水位运行的城市河流污染底泥中微生物群落特征及影响因素[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):126-133. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.016

WU Qiong, CHEN Wenlong, CHEN Jun. Characteristics and influencing factors of microbial communities in polluted sediment of urban rivers under low water level operation[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):126-133.

17. 何振芳,牟婷婷,郭庆春,.19792019年大汶河流域湿地时空演变与分异研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):134-140. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.017

HE Zhenfang, MOU Tingting, GUO Qingchun,et al. Spatial-temporal evolution and differentiation study of wetlands in the Dawen River Basin from 1979 to 2019[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):134-140.

18. 陈永喆,崔艳红,张才金,.变化环境下黄河流域内蒙古段植被与水文要素的时空协同演变[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):141-149. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.018

CHEN Yongzhe, CUI Yanhong, ZHANG Caijin,et al. Spatio-temporal co-evolution of vegetation and hydrological elements under a changing environment in the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):141-149.

19. 程宇,马明睿,钟毅,.基于EFDC模型的靖江河道多码头开发段溢油事故综合污染风险分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(2):150-156. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.02.019

CHENG Yu, MA Mingrui, ZHONG Yi,et al. Comprehensive pollution risk analysis of oil spill accidents in Jingjiang multi-wharf development section based on EFDC model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(2):150-156.



1. 左其亭,全志淼,吴青松,.经济社会与生态用水平衡计算规则与方法[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):1-10. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.001

ZUO Qiting, QUAN Zhimiao, WU Qingsong,et al. Calculation rules and methods for water use balance between economic society and ecology[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):1-10.

2. 孙才志,安志英.基于生态系统服务流的东北地区水安全格局[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):11-19, 27. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.002

SUN Caizhi, AN Zhiying. Water security pattern in Northeast China based on ecosystem service flow[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):11-19, 27.

3. 陈述,陈琼,任康,.考虑新能源消纳的黄河上游水电站群生态优化调度研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):20-27. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.003

CHEN Shu, CHEN Qiong, REN Kang,et al. Ecological optimal scheduling of hydropower stations on the upper Yellow River considering renewable energy accommodation[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):20-27.

4. 张珂,戴钰,刘林鑫,.考虑植被根系深度动态变化的VIC径流模拟模型[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):28-34, 51. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.004

ZHANG Ke, DAI Yu, LIU Linxin,et al. VIC model for runoff simulation considering dynamic changes of vegetation root depth[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):28-34, 51.


5. 冯平,任明雪,李建柱.基于蒸散发干旱指数的子牙河流域干旱时空变化特征分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):35-43, 70. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.005

FENG Ping, REN Mingxue, LI Jianzhu. Analysis of spatiotemporal variation characteristics of droughts in the Ziya River Basin based on evapotranspiration-related drought indexes[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):35-43, 70.

6. 薛联青,王文壮,刘远洪,.黄河流域植被总初级生产力对持续性干旱水分亏缺的响应[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):44-51. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.006

XUE Lianqing, WANG Wenzhuang, LIU Yuanhong,et al. Response of gross primary productivity of vegetation to persistent drought-induced water deficit in the Yellow River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):44-51.

7. 吴杰峰,王国庆,陈晓宏,.两类阈值法识别的东江流域水文干旱形成与演化过程差异[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):52-60. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.007

WU Jiefeng, WANG Guoqing, CHEN Xiaohong,et al. Differences in hydrological drought formation and evolution processes identified by two threshold methods in the Dongjiang River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):52-60.

8. 董蓉蓉,粟晓玲,屈艳萍,.2022年长江流域不同类型干旱时空响应关系[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):61-70. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.008

DONG Rongrong, SU Xiaoling, QU Yanping,et al. Spatiotemporal response relationships between different types of droughts in the Yangtze River Basin in 2022[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):61-70.


9. 魏豪杉,王红瑞,郏鹏鑫,.基于水资源空间均衡的“四水四定”调控模型构建[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):71-77. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.009

WEI Haoshan, WANG Hongrui, JIA Pengxin,et al. Construction of defining city, land, population,and industry based on waterregulation and control model based on spatial equilibrium of water resources[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):71-77.

10. 赵勇,董义阳,翟家齐,.考虑生态耗水的干旱区绿洲灌溉用水效率评价指标与方法[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):78-89. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.010

ZHAO Yong, DONG Yiyang, ZHAI Jiaqi,et al. A new evaluation indicator and method for oasis irrigation water use efficiency in arid regions considering ecological water consumption[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):78-89.

11. 李建林,贺奇,王树威,.径流序列相空间重构的水文学含义及应用[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):90-97, 148. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.011

LI Jianlin, HE Qi, WANG Shuwei,et al. Hydrological meaning and application of phase space reconstruction of runoff series[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):90-97, 148.

12. 卢兴超,徐宗学,李永坤,.基于SWMMLISFLOOD-FP耦合模型的城市街区内涝模拟研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):98-105, 124. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.012

LU Xingchao, XU Zongxue, LI Yongkun,et al. Research on urban block waterlogging simulation based on coupling model of SWMM and LISFLOOD-FP[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):98-105, 124.

13. 鞠琴,吴金雨,王兴平,.机器学习算法在降水和气温多模式集成中的应用[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):106-115. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.013

JU Qin, WU Jinyu, WANG Xingping,et al. Application of machine learning algorithms in multimodal integration of precipitation and temperature[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):106-115.

14. 刘洋,李江,陈诚,.基于模糊隶属度分布函数的博斯腾湖景观适宜水位确定[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):116-124. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.014

LIU Yang, LI Jiang, CHEN Cheng,et al. Identification of landscape suitable water levels in Bosten Lake based on fuzzy membership degree distribution function [J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):116-124.

15. 宋蕾玥,张珂,晁丽君,.基于随机森林模型的长江流域分区多源融合降水模拟方法研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):125-132. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.015

SONG Leiyue, ZHANG Ke, CHAO Lijun,et al. Research on zoning multi-source fusion precipitation simulation method of the Yangtze River Basin based on random forest model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):125-132.

16. 杜晓丽,崔瀚武,郑泽东,.沥青道路粗糙度对径流颗粒物冲刷输出特性的影响[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):133-139, 148. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.016

DU Xiaoli, CUI Hanwu, ZHENG Zedong,et al. Influence of asphalt road roughness on scour output characteristics of runoff particles[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):133-139, 148.


17. 杨雨潇,李家科.基于HYPE模型的汉江安康断面以上流域非点源污染模拟[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):140-148. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.017

YANG Yuxiao, LI Jiake. Simulation of non-point source pollution in watershed above Ankang Section of the Han River based on HYPE model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):140-148.

18. 燕文明,李皋翔,陈红,.锁磷剂与增氧剂联用去除沉积物中砷的效果与机制[J].水资源保护,2024,40(3):149-156. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.10046933.2024.03.018

YAN Wenming, LI Gaoxiang, CHEN Hong,et al. Effect and mechanism of removing As from sediment by combination of LMB and oxygenating agent[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(3):149-156.



1. 薛联青,章郁涵,刘远洪.干旱区与湿润区旱涝急转演变特征对比研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):1-8. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.001

XUE Lianqing, ZHANG Yuhan, LIU Yuanhong. Comparative study on change characteristics of drought-flood abrupt alternation in arid and humid zones[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):1-8.

2. 张珂,吴星宇,吴南,.基于高分一号遥感影像的水体提取方法对比分析与改进[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):9-16. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.002

ZHANG Ke, WU Xingyu, WU Nan,et al. Comparative analysis and improvement of water body extraction methods based on GF-1 remote sensing images[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):9-16.

3. 李继清,谢宇韬,孙凤玲.基于Vine Copula的梯级水库短期发电调度风险估计[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):17-26, 47. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.003

LI Jiqing, XIE Yutao, SUN Fengling. Risk estimation of short-term power generation operation of cascade reservoirs based on Vine Copula[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):17-26, 47.

4. 徐腾,王以鹏,叶逾,.地下水超采管控体系及水量水位双控体系研究进展[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):27-35, 81. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.004

XU Teng, WANG Yipeng, YE Yu,et al. Research progress on groundwater overexploitation control system and dual control system of water quantity and water level[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):27-35, 81.


5. 卢兴超,徐宗学,李永坤,.基于多智能体模型的城市洪涝灾害动态风险评估[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):36-47. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.005

LU Xingchao, XU Zongxue, LI Yongkun,et al. Assessment on dynamic risk of urban flooding and waterlogging disaster based on multi-agent models[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):36-47.

6. 刘明阳,王群英,徐向舟,.考虑内涝周期的郑州市内涝韧性评估[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):48-55, 91. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.006

LIU Mingyang, WANG Qunying, XU Xiangzhou,et al. Assessment of waterlogging resilience in Zhengzhou City considering waterlogging cycle[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):48-55, 91.

7. 袁竹,高亮,张文生,.风暴潮与极端暴雨叠加作用下九龙半岛内涝防控方法[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):56-64. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.007

YUAN Zhu, GAO Liang, ZHANG Wensheng,et al. Waterlogging prevention and control methods in Kowloon Peninsula under superimposed effect of storm surge and extreme rainstorm[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):56-64.


8. 吴丹,潘朱玲.京津冀科技创新水平对水资源利用效率的影响效应及贡献[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):65-72, 108. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.008

WU Dan, PAN Zhuling. Impact and contribution of technology innovation level on water use efficiency in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):65-72, 108.

9. 陆中桂,康哲,李巍,.水量-水质-生态需水综合视角下黄河流域水稀缺评估[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):73-81. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.009

LU Zhonggui, KANG Zhe, LI Wei,et al. Water scarcity assessment in the Yellow River Basin from comprehensive perspective of water quantity-water quality-ecology water demand[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):73-81.

10. 王海彬,刘家宏,刘希胜,.基于ANUSPLIN插值法的青海湖流域数字流域模型研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):82-91. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.010

WANG Haibin, LIU Jiahong, LIU Xisheng,et al. Study on digital watershed model of the Qinghai Lake Basin based on ANUSPLIN interpolation method[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):82-91.

11. 徐华亭,吴志勇,陈瑞方,.基于再分析降水资料的青藏高原典型流域径流模拟分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):92-98, 147. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.011

XU Huating, WU Zhiyong, CHEN Ruifang,et al. Runoff simulation analysis of typical watershed in Tibetan Plateau based on reanalysis precipitation data[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):92-98, 147.

12. 董怡,邹磊,夏军,.基于文本计量和知识图谱的武汉市水政策演进研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):99-108. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.012

DONG Yi, ZOU Lei, XIA Jun,et al. Study on water policy evolution of Wuhan City based on text measurement and knowledge graph[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):99-108.


13. 张文龙,王新梓,潘沈阳,.不同底质条件下苦草根部细菌群落的组装模式[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):109-117. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.013

ZHANG Wenlong, WANG Xinzi, PAN Shenyang,et al. Assembly patterns of bacterial community in roots of Vallisneria natans under different substrate conditions[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):109-117.

14. 王鹏全,李润杰.基于水文学法和SWAT模型的北川河流域生态需水量分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):118-127. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.014

WANG Pengquan, LI Runjie. Ecological water demand analysis based on hydrological methods and SWAT model in the Beichuan River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):118-127.

15. 陈雪,徐富刚,李琴,.基于水情变化的河流生态流量阈值及多时间尺度保障率计算[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):128-136, 156. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.015

CHEN Xue, XU Fugang, LI Qin,et al. River ecological flow threshold and multi-time scale guarantee rate calculation based on hydrological regime changes[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):128-136, 156.

16. 王玉莲,杨泽凡,闫龙,.基于多方法综合比较的南水北调西线工程水源区生态需水研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):137-147. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.016

WANG Yulian, YANG Zefan, YAN Long,et al. Research on ecological water demand in water source area of west route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project based on multi-method comprehensive comparison[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):137-147.

17. 黄进,王伟,田野,.南水北调中线工程水源区环境规制对经济高质量发展的影响[J].水资源保护,2024,40(4):148-156. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.04.017

HUANG Jin, WANG Wei, TIAN Ye,et al. Impact of environmental regulations on high-quality economic development in water source area of middle route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(4):148-156.



1. 易雨君,丁航,叶敬旴.基于生态完整性的水生态健康评价研究综述[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):1-10. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.001

YI Yujun, DING Hang, YE Jingxu. Review of water ecological health assessment based on ecological integrity[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):1-10.

2. 杨涛,沈玉芳,陈渝青,.基于指数雨胞雨衰模型的微波链路雨强反演方法[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):11-17. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.002

YANG Tao, SHEN Yufang, CHEN Yuqing,et al. A microwave link rain intensity inversion method based on exponential rain cell rain attenuation model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):11-17.


3. 郑博福,肖德利,万炜,.长江流域干旱评估指标、时空特征及成因研究进展[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):18-28. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.003

ZHENG Bofu, XIAO Deli, WAN Wei,et al. Research progress on assessment indicators, spatio-temporal characteristics and causes of drought in the Yangtze River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):18-28.

4. 何海,白博宇,刘杨合,.基于流域储水量精细化模拟的干旱指数构建及应用[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):29-38. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.004

HE Hai, BAI Boyu, LIU Yanghe,et al. Construction of drought index based on high-resolution simulation of watershed water storage and its application[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):29-38.

5. 王磊,曾思栋,阳林翰,.基于CMIP6的气候变化下汉江流域气象干旱特征研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):39-45, 61. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.005

WANG Lei, ZENG Sidong, YANG Linhan,et al .CMIP6-based meteorological drought characteristic study under climate change in the Hanjiang River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):39-45, 61.


6. 李国一,邵薇薇,刘家宏,.基于TELEMAC-2D模型的济南市洪涝模拟及淹没分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):46-52. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.006

LI Guoyi, SHAO Weiwei, LIU Jiahong,et al. Flood simulation and inundation analysis in Jinan City based on TELEMAC-2D model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):46-52.

7. 周举,陈黎明,胡腾飞,.洪潮影响下潭江流域安全行洪阈值研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):53-61. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.007

ZHOU Ju, CHEN Liming, HU Tengfei,et al. Research on safety threshold of flood discharge in the Tanjiang River Basin under impact of floods and tides[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):53-61.


8. 刘欢,甘永德,杨钦,.基于水网视角的水资源与关联要素适配性评价[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):62-68, 103. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.008

LIU Huan, GAN Yongde, YANG Qin,et al. Adaptability evaluation of water resources and associated elements based on perspective of water network[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):62-68, 103.

9. 张启凡,胡铁松,戴凌全,.考虑生态流量的梯级水库主从博弈优化调度研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):69-77, 121. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.009

ZHANG Qifan, HU Tiesong, DAI Lingquan,et al. Research on leader-follower game optimal operation of cascade reservoirs considering ecological flow[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):69-77, 121.

10. 魏豪杉,王红瑞,郏鹏鑫,.基于水资源空间均衡的“四水四定”调控模型的应用[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):78-85, 130. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.010

WEI Haoshan, WANG Hongrui, JIA Pengxin,et al. Application of water resources spatial equilibrium-based defining city, land, population, and industry based on waterregulation and control model[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):78-85, 130.

11. 贾玉博,杨宏伟,粟晓玲,.基于水代谢和水循环理论的石羊河流域水资源承载力评价[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):86-94, 157. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.011

JIA Yubo, YANG Hongwei, SU Xiaoling,et al. Water resources carrying capacity evaluation in the Shiyang River Basin based on theories of water metabolism and water cycle[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):86-94, 157.

12. 刘俊杰,高峰,刘翠善,.基于集对分析的清流河流域蓝绿水分类分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):95-103. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.012

LIU Junjie, GAO Feng, LIU Cuishan,et al. Classification analysis of blue and green water based on set pair analysis in the Qingliu River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):95-103.

13. 林中源,胡晓张,邹华志,.磨刀门咸潮上溯对河口拦门沙地形变化的响应研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):104-111. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.013

LIN Zhongyuan, HU Xiaozhang, ZOU Huazhi,et al. Study on response of saltwater intrusion to topographic changes of mouth bar in Modaomen Estuary[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):104-111.

14. 王芊予,粟晓玲,褚江东,.基于GRACE数据重建的黄河流域实际蒸散发及其时空演变特征分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):112-121. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.014

WANG Qianyu, SU Xiaoling, CHU Jiangdong,et al. Analysis of actual evapotranspiration and its spatio-temporal evolution characteristics in the Yellow River Basin based on GRACE data reconstruction[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):112-121.


15. 陆帅帅,周念清,蔡奕,.洞庭湖湿地潜流带地下水中氮磷迁移转化过程及驱动机制分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):122-130. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.015

LU Shuaishuai, ZHOU Nianqing, CAI Yi,et al. Analysis of nitrogen and phosphorus migration and transformation and driving mechanism in hyporheic zone groundwater of Dongting Lake wetland[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):122-130.

16. 刘卓然,金中天,姜佳玉,.基于荧光指纹的土门西沟小流域农业面源溯源研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):131-140, 157. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.016

LIU Zhuoran, JIN Zhongtian, JIANG Jiayu,et al. Research on agricultural non-point source traceability of Tumenxigou small watershed based on fluorescence fingerprint[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):131-140, 157.

17. 常留红,薛雄,郭洋,.基于SWMM的污水管网外来水量入渗反演识别研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):141-147. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.017

CHANG Liuhong, XUE Xiong, GUO Yang,et al. Study on identification and inversion of external water leakage in sewage pipeline network based on SWMM[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):141-147.

18. 董跃,喻纪猛,隋明锐,.电化学强化水污染治理中羧甲基纤维素应用的研究进展[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):148-157. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.018

DONG Yue, YU Jimeng, SUI Mingrui,et al. Research progress of application of carboxymethyl cellulose in electrochemical strengthening water pollution treatment [J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):148-157.

19. 郑玉慧,李小慧,白曜宇,.香格里拉地区温泉水化学特征及成因分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(5):158-164. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.05.019

ZHENG Yuhui, LI Xiaohui, BAI Yaoyu,et al. Hydrochemical characteristics and genesis analysis of hot springs in Shangrila Region[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(5):158-164.



1. 左其亭,刘佳政,蒋国栋,.中国水资源行为二氧化碳排放与经济增长二维脱钩分析[J].水资源护,2024,40(6):1-9. DOI: 10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.001

ZUO Qiting, LIU Jiazheng, JIANG Guodong,et al. Two-dimensional decoupling analysis of water resource behavior carbon dioxide emission and economic growth in China[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):1-9.

2. 李继清,黄可,陈思雨,.基于GAMS的水库群调度及风险补偿研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):10-19, 47.


LI Jiqing, HUANG Ke, CHEN Siyu,et al. Research on reservoir group scheduling and risk compensation based on GAMS[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):10-19, 47.

3. 方国华,王海政,吴承君,.考虑弃水风险的梯级水库中长期多目标优化调度研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):20-27, 68. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.003

FANG Guohua, WANG Haizheng, WU Chengjun,et al. Study on mid- and long-term multi-objective optimal operation of cascade reservoirs considering water abandonment risk[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):20-27, 68.


4. 王垚,史海匀.粤港澳大湾区极端降雨的时空变化及其驱动因素探究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):28-37, 77. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.004

WANG Yao, SHI Haiyun. Exploring spatiotemporal variations and driving factors of extreme precipitation in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):28-37, 77.

5. 赵铜铁钢,吴迪熠,杨振华,.粤港澳大湾区滨海自然与人工湿地演变及驱动因素分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):38-47. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.005

ZHAO Tongtiegang, WU Diyi, YANG Zhenhua,et al. Evolution of coastal natural and constructed wetlands and its driving factor analysis in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):38-47.

6. 洪思扬,程涛,王佳友,.贸易视角下广东省水能源粮食流通与资源间压力互馈研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):48-57. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.006

HONG Siyang, CHENG Tao, WANG Jiayou,et al. Research on water-energy-food circulation and interaction pressure between resources in Guangdong Province from perspective of trade[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):48-57.


7. 陈军飞,张玉琦,嵇娟,.长三角城市群洪涝韧性时空演化及影响因素[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):58-68. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.007

CHEN Junfei, ZHANG Yuqi, JI Juan,et al. Spatiotemporal evolution and influencing factors of flood resilience in Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):58-68.

8. 袁寄望,陈文龙,赵铜铁钢,.面向计算时效的高密度城市暴雨洪涝管网降维模拟技术[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):69-77. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.008

YUAN Jiwang, CHEN Wenlong, ZHAO Tongtiegang,et al. Dimension reduction simulation technology of pipeline network in rainstorm floods of high-density city for computational timeliness[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):69-77.

9. 李晓英,姜紫萍,樊红霞,.基于非对称乘积Copula函数的城市雨洪遭遇风险分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):78-84. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.009

LI Xiaoying, JIANG Ziping, FAN Hongxia,et al. Risk analysis of urban rain-flood encounter based on asymmetric product Copula function[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):78-84.

10. 邹家祥,段存存,陈彬,.气候变化下基于经济损失量化的北京市内涝韧性评估[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):85-94. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.010

ZOU Jiaxiang, DUAN Cuncun, CHEN Bin,et al. Assessment of waterlogging resilience in Beijing based on quantification of economic losses under climate change[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):85-94.

11. 董柏良,夏军强,王小杰,.地表径流与地下管流耦合的城市暴雨洪涝动力学模型[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):95-103, 172. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.011

DONG Boliang, XIA Junqiang, WANG Xiaojie,et al. Urban rainstorm flood dynamic model coupled with surface runoff and sewer flow[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):95-103, 172.

12. 李红艳,郝景开,刘大为,.基于元启发式算法优化的新乡市洪水风险评价[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):104-112, 164. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.012

LI Hongyan, HAO Jingkai, LIU Dawei,et al. Flood risk assessment in Xinxiang City based on meta-heuristic algorithm optimization[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):104-112, 164.


13. 景晓栋,田贵良.面向未来的水利新质生产力:内涵解读、研究框架与关键路径[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):113-120. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.013

JING Xiaodong, TIAN Guiliang. Future oriented new quality productivity of water conservancy:connotation interpretation, research framework and key path[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):113-120.

14. 石岩,杨世鹏,陈薇伟,.中国水利新质生产力发展水平及时空演化和驱动因素分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):121-126, 138. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.014

SHI Yan, YANG Shipeng, CHEN Weiwei,et al. Evaluation of development level of new quality productivity of water conservancy in China and analysis of its spatial and temporal evolution and driving factors[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):121-126, 138.


15. 刘静,宣柯炀,余钟波,.中国耗水结构综合分析及其驱动力研究[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):127-138. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.015

LIU Jing, XUAN Keyang, YU Zhongbo,et al. Comprehensive analysis of water consumption structure in China and study on its driving forces[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):127-138.

16. 谭乔凤,施颖,闻昕,.大渡河流域汛期涨水阶段径流相似性预报[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):139-147. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.016

TAN Qiaofeng, SHI Ying, WEN Xin,et al. Runoff similarity forecast during water rise stage of flood season in the Dadu River Basin[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):139-147.

17. 雷庆文,闫磊,巫晨煜,.基于MK-SVM和时序特征分析的月径流预报模型[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):148-154. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.017

LEI Qingwen, YAN Lei, WU Chenyu,et al. Monthly runoff prediction model based on MK-SVM and time series feature analysis[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):148-154.

18. 刘莉,梁霄,WANG Quanjun,.基于深度学习的改进ERRIS径流预报实时校正模型[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):155-164. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.018

LIU Li, LIANG Xiao, WANG Quanjun,et al. Improved ERRIS model for real-time correction of streamflow forecast based on deep learning[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):155-164.

19. 王宣宣,刘欢,胡鹏,.基于水量平衡原理和Budyko假设的强人类活动干扰下西辽河流域径流衰减归因分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):165-172. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.019

WANG Xuanxuan, LIU Huan, HU Peng,et al. Attribution analysis of runoff attenuation in the Xiliao River Basin under significant human interference based on water balance principle and Budyko hypothesis[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):165-172.

20. 黄一凡,张翔,邓梁堃,.基于机器学习的汉江流域径流模拟与时滞变化分析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):173-180. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.020

HUANG Yifan, ZHANG Xiang, DENG Liangkun,et al. Runoff simulation and time-lag change analysis in the Han River Basin based on machine learning[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):173-180.

21. 侯佳明,曾庆慧,胡鹏,.基于改进阻隔系数法的全国主要河流纵向连通性评价[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):181-187, 197. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.021

HOU Jiaming, ZENG Qinghui, HU Peng,et al. Assessment of longitudinal connectivity of major rivers across China based on enhanced barrier coefficient method[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):181-187, 197.

22. 贾丹妮,武连洲,粟晓玲,.跨流域调水工程“用户枢纽”群联合优化调配[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):188-197. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.022

JIA Danni, WU Lianzhou, SU Xiaoling,et al. Joint optimization and allocation model of user-hubgroup in inter-basin water transfer project[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):188-197.


23. 陈丽娜,张文硕,徐俊增,.基于SWAT模型的南方水稻灌区全生育期面源污染特征及控制模拟[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):198-205. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.023

CHEN Lina, ZHANG Wenshuo, XU Junzeng,et al. Simulation of non-point source pollution characteristics and control effect in southern paddy irrigation district based on SWAT model during paddy growth period[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):198-205.

24. 张毅敏,桂浩翔,陈婷,.浦阳江中下游氮分布特征及来源解析[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):206-214. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.024

ZHANG Yimin, GUI Haoxiang, CHEN Ting,et al. Distribution patterns and source analysis of nitrogen in middle and lower reaches of the Puyang River[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):206-214.

25. 孟钰,魏剑林,管新建,.流域水生态环境补偿研究进展[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):215-223, 250. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.025

MENG Yu, WEI Jianlin, GUAN Xinjian,et al. Research progress in watershed water ecological environment compensation[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):215-223, 250.

26. 余晓萍,郝玉洁,郑西来,.填海条件下地下水氮素污染的动力学特征[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):224-232. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.026

YU Xiaoping, HAO Yujie, ZHENG Xilai,et al. Dynamic characteristics of nitrogen contamination in groundwater under land reclamation[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):224-232.

27. 李沁园,陈默,张思九,.水电开发对河流生态系统生产总值的影响[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):233-241. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.027

LI Qinyuan, CHEN Mo, ZHANG Sijiu,et al. Impact of hydropower development on gross river ecosystem product[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):233-241.

28. 邱英英,郑西来,刘乐成,.干湿交替频率影响下非饱和带有机氮转化的生物学机制[J].水资源保护,2024,40(6):242-250. DOI:10.3880/j.issn.1004-6933.2024.06.028

QIU Yingying, ZHENG Xilai, LIU Lecheng,et al. Biological mechanism of dry-wet alternation frequency affecting organic nitrogen transformation in vadose zone[J]. Water Resources Protection,2024,40(6):242-250.








