
文摘   2024-09-27 17:34   北京  


世界银行前经济学家、肯尼亚政府顾问姆旺吉·瓦奇拉 (Mwangi Wachira) 日前接受中国日报中国观察智库的专访。他表示,“一带一路”合作有力帮助了非洲解决发展瓶颈问题,成为新时代中非合作的标杆。所谓“债务陷阱”,不过是西方恶意抹黑中国的说法。他赞赏中国不干涉别国内政的政策,指出非洲应借鉴中国经验,走“非洲式现代化”道路。



Looking back at BRI over the years, the first thing that strikes you is that the projects, especially the infrastructure projects, are, to put it mildly, iconic. Whether this is by choice or by design, I do not know, but they have become emblematic of China's cooperation with Africa. They have gone to the heart of development issues in most countries, and it is hard to understand what Africa has achieved over the last 20 years without talking about BRI. Some of the projects which have been implemented under BRI have become the flagships of development in various countries. The BRI is absolutely critical. 


With respect to the (Mombasa–Nairobi) Standard Gauge Railway, I was on there to take part in the final evaluation of the standard gauge railway. So, I know a little bit about it. It has been a bottleneck. Their inability to move goods from the port in Mombasa to Nairobi and to the other neighboring countries, has been a bottleneck for the development for the subregion for a long, long time. We have known that for a long time. We simply did not have the resources put together to fix the railroad, the one which existed there was built in the 1890s. It was no longer functional. Today, goods can land in Mombasa and in four days be inland in Naivasha and in six days be in Kampala in Uganda. That process used to take almost two months. We can do it now in less than two weeks.


Goods can arrive in Mombasa, and in two weeks they are in the hands of the consumer, not in Kenya, but in the neighboring country. That the saving in terms of time is the substance of development. It's going to the heart of the matter. We did not have that inland shipping capacity in Kenya until the SGR was constructed. So the gratitude is not just from Kenya, but the entire the people who would benefit at the subregion, people in the entire community. 




The fact of the matter is, much of the debt that Africa owes is not owed to China. It is indeed owed to Western institutions. They are still the holders of the largest debt. In terms of trapping us in debts, if anything, it's the West which has trapped the Africans in debt. But in all the discussions about debt traps, the one thing that people forget is this: It is the Africans themselves who take the initiative to go look for these debts. If there were any traps inherent in taking these debts, we would know about them. When the debts are negotiated, the people at the table are Africans and Asians, and we commit ourselves to paying the debts, knowing very well their full implications. We are not led into the debts blindly. Indeed, we initiate the projects for which debt is provided. How can you be entrapped in something which you yourself initiated?


For me, the primary difference between Western aid and Chinese aid for our African development is that China's aid is more foundational. It addresses the root causes of our predicament in terms of the quality of our lives. Take for instance, infrastructure, the need for roads, ports, railroads has existed for many years. Yet. it took China to come to Africa to start working on some of the infrastructure projects. We had requested help with them for many years. Yet, it was China. After opening up in 1978, it is China which came and took up that challenge. That is very important. The needs for the infrastructure existed for many years, but nobody responded. China came and responded, bravo! 


Take the example of infrastructure for communication and telecommunications. China has been working in Africa since the 1990s, only since the 1990s, yet 70 percent of the telecommunications infrastructure has been built by China. Just think of that, 70 percent of the whole continent in such a short time.




One of the main differences between China’s approach and other people’s approach to dealing in Africa is that, you promise not to interfere with my internal affairs. The value of working with China is that it leaves us free to determine our own idea of modernization. We will define that by us, for ourselves. Don't define it for me and tell me this is what you should be. So that's something that many policymakers in Africa value about the relationships with China.


Your President (Xi Jinping) has a favorite term, “modernization with Chinese characteristics”. In that word, or in that phrase means something to all of you. There is such a thing as “modernization African style”. We will achieve that much more easily working with China than working with other,because they already determined what modernization is for us, and they're going to push it down your throat whether you like it or you don’t. The difference is very clear. 


出品人:朱宝霞 邢志刚

监制:姚英 柯荣谊

制片:宋平 李晓亮

记者:张钊 栾瑞英 唐文若

审核:吴硕 林虹 侯丽娜

视频拍摄:吴晔彤 李威尔

实习生:谢钰琦 周易数







中国观察 (China Watch Institute) 是中国日报旗下的传播型智库,汇聚全球中国问题研究的意见领袖、政商精英和学界翘楚,建设全球中国议题“朋友圈”;集纳海内外“最强大脑”的权威观点,建成内容具有聚合性、权威性和工具性,传播效果具有穿透性的高端平台和中国议题最权威的风向标。









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