宾大北京校友会 联合
The holiday season is upon us! To celebrate the spirit of Christmas
we warmly invite you to join the event proudly hosted by
the Penn Club of Beijing, Boston University, Chicago Booth,
Columbia Business School, Duke, Harvard, Johns Hopkins,
Michigan, NYU, MIT, UCLA, USC, Wharton, and more,
in total of US prestigious university alumni associations.
2024 Christmas & New Year Gala: Beyond Eternity
This festive gathering is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends
make new connections, and reminisce about cherished memories from our time on campus
Let’s raise a toast to the season of joy
enjoy delicious cuisine, and celebrate this magical time together
活动详情 Event Info
时间/Time:5:00-10:00 PM
InterContinental Hotel Beijing Sanlitun, 4 Floor Grand Ballroom
1 South SanLiTun, Chaoyang, Beijing
入场门票 Tickets
Early Bird: RMB 715/人 售罄
Regular Ticket: RMB 750/人
Final Call: RMB 899/人 (不保证现场有票)
Table: RMB 7000/桌(10人)
晚宴安排 Agenda
圣诞佳肴 Gala Menu
专业摄影 Live Photo Memories
圣诞伴手礼 Gala Gifts
幸运大抽奖 Lucky Raffle
音乐盛宴 Music Performance
投资论坛嘉宾 Forum Speakers
邓锋先生于2005年创立北极光创投,目前主导管理6支美元基金和4支人民币基金,管理资产逾三百亿人民币。邓锋先生长期聚焦早期、科技领域投资,致力于培育世界级的中国企业和企业家,在高科技,互联网,消费及健康医疗等领域已领导投资数百家企业。邓锋先生注重与企业家的交流和相互学习,与企业共同成长、合作共赢,主导了多个早期项目的深度孵化。邓锋先生在计算机、通讯和数据网络产业有超过15年的技术管理经验,以及近20年的风险投资经验。邓锋于1997年发起创立了网屏技术公司(NetScreen),该公司于2001年在纳斯达克成功上市,后于2004年被瞻博网络(Juniper Networks)以42亿美元收购。邓锋先生获得了清华大学电子工程学专业的学士和硕士学位,并先后获得南加州大学计算机工程专业工学硕士学位和宾西法尼亚大学沃顿商学院工商管理硕士学位。此外,他拥有多项计算机结构和IC设计方面的发明专利。
Feng Deng
Founding Managing Partner, NLVC
Feng Deng co-founded NLVC in 2005 with Managing Director Jeffrey D. Lee, and he currently serves as Managing Partner for the organization. He has more than 15 years of technical and managerial experience spanning the computing, communication, and data networking industries, in addition to his nearly two decades of investment leadership. Feng oversees upwards of $4.5 billion across 6 USD funds and 4 RMB funds. Throughout his career, he has focused on early-stage investments across the science and technology sectors, and he continues his commitment to cultivating world-class Chinese enterprises and supporting entrepreneurs in these sectors to this day. Prior to NLVC, Feng was a co-founder of NetScreen Technologies, which went public on the NASDAQ in 2001 and was acquired less than three years later by Juniper Networks in 2004 for $4.2 billion. Feng holds BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University, an MS degree in computer engineering from the University of Southern California, and an MBA from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He also holds numerous patents of invention in computer system architecture and IC design.
何平教授毕业于清华大学经管学院和美国宾夕法尼亚大学经济系,2008年加入清华大学经济管理学院,加入清华大学之前,何平教授于于2004年至2006年在伊利诺依大学芝加哥校区金融系担任助理教授,于2006年至2007年在雷曼兄弟公司固定收益部担任分析师。何平教授的主要研究方向包括:银行金融机构、货币政策、宏观金融、区块链金融等。何平教授的多篇研究成果发表在国内外知名学术期刊上,包括:Review of Financial Studies,Review of Economic Studies,International Economic Review,Journal of Monetary Economics,《金融研究》等。何平教授讲授课程包括金融机构、国际金融、公司财务理论、宏观经济金融分析、中国货币政策等。
Ping He
Associate Dean
Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management
Professor He received his PhD degree in Economics from University of Pennsylvania and Bachelor degree in Economics from Tsinghua University. Professor He joined Tsinghua SEM in 2008, and before he joined Tsinghua, he was an assistant professor of finance in the University of Illinois at Chicago from 2004 to 2006, and an associate at Lehman Brothers from 2006 to 2007. Professor He’s main research areas include Banks and Financial Institutions, Monetary Policy, Macro Finance and Block-Chain Finance, etc. Professor He has published many research papers in top academic journals such as Review of Financial Studies, Review of Economic Studies, International Economic Review, Journal of Monetary Economics, etc. Professor He has taught in: Financial Institutions, International Finance, Corporate Finance Theory, Macro Economic and Financial Analysis, etc.
何明伟 Max Harrington
Max Harrington
Education Policy Officer
the U.S. Embassy Beijing’s Public Affairs Section
Max Harrington is Education Policy Officer in the U.S. Embassy Beijing’s Public Affairs Section. From 2023-2024, Max served as Acting Deputy Chief in the Environment, Science, Technology, and Health (ESTH) Section. From 2020-2023, Max served in the Embassy’s Press Office as Deputy Strategic Content Coordinator (2020-2021), Assistant Press Officer (2021-2022), and Acting Deputy Spokesperson (2022-2023). Max has also served in Jakarta, Indonesia, where he was an Assistant Cultural Affairs Officer (2016-2018) as well as Toronto, Canada as a Consular Officer (2013-2015). He is from Davis, California and attended the University of California, San Diego as well as Georgetown University. Max has also lived in Thailand, Myanmar, Ghana, and India.
本科以最高荣誉毕业于清华大学, 获得双学士学位 ;后毕业于哈佛商学院, 获得MBA学位 ;其后毕业于清华大学五道口金融学院, 获金融EMBA学位。现任合一资本管理合伙人,“许亮教育观”IP主理人。此前曾担任加密科技企业永新视博之联合创始人、首席财务官, 并在摩根士丹利 、瑞士信贷协助下, 带领公司在纽约证券交易所成功上市(股票代码:STV) ;博纳影业集团首席财务官 、集团副总裁,并在摩根大通 、美林证券协助下, 带领公司在纳斯达克上市 (股票代码:BONA)
Liang (Mason) Xu
Managing Partner, Heyi Capital
Graduated from Tsinghua University with the highest honor, obtaining a dual bachelor's degree; later graduated from Harvard Business School with an MBA degree; and then Graduated from Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance with an EMBA degree. Currently, he is the Lead of the "Xu Liang on Education" Internet IP, and Managing Partner of Heyi Capital, a Venture Capital Fund. Previously, he served as the co-founder and CFO of the encryption technology company China Digital TV, and led the company to a successful listing on the New York Stock Exchange (stock code: STV) with the assistance of Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse; CFO and Group Vice President of Bona Film Group, and led the company to list on NASDAQ (stock code: BONA) with the assistance of JPMorgan Chase and Merrill Lynch.
礼品赞助方 Sponsors
Tickets not refundable
Gala venue at InterContinental Hotel Beijing Sanlitun 4F Grand Ballroom
往期圣诞晚宴回顾 Past Christmas Gala
2023年度圣诞晚宴——Love & Happiness
联合主办方 Hosts