Bill Lang 分享与见面会
Event Topic 活动主题
Going Global The Harvard Way: Unlocking Entrepreneur Opportunities and Building Effective Global Professional Relationships
Event Time 活动时间
December 13th, 2024, 18:00-20:00
*Registration starts at 17:30 (17:30 开始签到)
Event Location 活动地点
Exchange Twin towers, 2nd Floor, 12B Jianguo Men Wai Avenue, Beijing IKANG EVERGREEN MEDICAL INTERNATIONAL
北京朝阳区建国门外大街乙12号双子座大厦2层 爱康君安健疗国际
Event Agenda 活动流程
18:00-19:00 Speech by Bill Lang (Bill 演讲)
19:00-19:15 Break (休息)
19:15-20:15 Round Table Discussion (圆桌会议)
* This event will be held in English.
Guest Introduction 嘉宾介绍
Dr. Greg Li holds a Master's in Medical Science from Harvard University and PhD in Orthopedic Surgery from Peking University. He leads as Co-Chair of Harvard Alumni Entrepreneur (China Chapter), committee member of Harvard Alumni Entrepreneur (Australia Chapter), and Co-Chair of Chinese Lifestyle Medicine. He also serves as the Head of Strategic Marketing at Johnson & Johnson Medical China. Currently, as a partner in a Hong Kong, Shanghai, Melbourne and New York-based healthcare investment company and CEO of the International Rehabilitation Institute Australia, he guides investments in Medtech, Biotech, AI and big data.
Event Registration 活动报名
Registration Deadline/报名截止时间:
December 13th, 2024, 18:00
2024年12月13日, 18:00
Event Cost/报名费用:
Free for certified alumni member of Harvard Club of Beijing
Participant numbers/报名人数:50人