Groom dies 5 days after "flash marriage"

企业   2024-10-14 08:11   菲律宾  

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A 31-year-old man named Xiao Fei from Hubei Province tragically took his own life just five days after getting married in a "flash marriage" arranged by a matchmaking service spanning multiple provinces. This incident has sparked heated discussions online, with netizens expressing shock and anger over the circumstances leading to his death.

On September 6, Xiao Fei traveled more than 1,300 kilometers from his home in Hubei to Yunnan Province, with the help of two matchmaking agencies from Guizhou and Yunnan. He married a woman he had met only 14 hours earlier. After bringing his new bride home, the relationship quickly soured. Just four days after the wedding, Xiao Fei's wife demanded to leave, which reportedly plunged him into despair.

Xiao Fei's family described a whirlwind process leading up to the marriage. His father had hired a matchmaker from their hometown to help find Xiao Fei a wife. The family traveled to Guizhou, where Xiao Fei was introduced to several women, none of whom he found suitable. Eventually, a woman from Yunnan was brought in, and after a brief meeting, the two were married. Xiao Fei’s family agreed to pay a bride price of 278,000 yuan (approximately $38,000), much of which was borrowed.

Tensions arose almost immediately after the marriage. Xiao Fei’s new wife, three years his senior, made numerous demands, including the completion of a house renovation and the purchase of additional gold jewelry. She also refused to introduce Xiao Fei to her family until after the marriage, and even then, the meeting was brief and awkward.

By the time they returned to Hubei, Xiao Fei’s wife isolated herself in their room, refusing to interact with the family or perform basic tasks such as bathing or changing clothes. She repeatedly asked to return to Yunnan and suggested they divorce temporarily, stating that she had no feelings for Xiao Fei and that his family was too poor. On September 11, just five days after their marriage, Xiao Fei disappeared after dinner. He was found hours later in a field near his home, having ingested pesticide.

It later came to light that Xiao Fei’s wife had a complicated past. She had divorced just 10 days before marrying Xiao Fei and had a history of drug use and theft. Local police, however, did not find evidence of a marriage scam, as the couple had legally registered their marriage.

Netizens have been vocal in their reactions, with many expressing sympathy for Xiao Fei and his family. One user commented, "It’s heartbreaking how this young man was taken advantage of. His family will never recover from this." Another remarked, "These matchmaking agencies should be held accountable. This is exploitation, pure and simple."

Some netizens also pointed out the broader societal issue of men in rural areas struggling to find wives, often resorting to expensive matchmaking services that leave them financially and emotionally devastated. "This is a wake-up call for the government to regulate these agencies and protect vulnerable individuals," wrote one user.

Although Xiao Fei’s family managed to recover most of the money paid for the marriage, they are left grappling with the devastating loss. His parents, both in their 60s, now face an uncertain future, burdened with the emotional toll of losing their son and the financial strain of unpaid debts.

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