
文化   2024-09-21 00:05   江苏  


书名《Geology and Genesis of Major Copper Deposits and Districts of the World: A Tribute to Richard H. Sillitoe

SEG年出版,作者:Jeffrey W. Hedenquist, Michael Harris, and Francisco Camus等人,出版商:Special Publications of the Society of Economic Geologists


这本书是为了表彰Richard H.Sillitoe对了解世界主要铜矿床的贡献而撰写。



1 Copper Provinces Richard H. Sillitoe 1Major Deposits

2 Update of the Geologic Setting and Porphyry Sergio L. Rivera, Hugo Alcota, Cu-Mo Deposits of the Chuquicamata District, John Proffett, Jaime Díaz, Northern Chile Gabriel Leiva, and Manuel Vergara 19 

3 Geologic Overview of the Miguel Hervé, Richard H. Sillitoe, Chilong Wong, Escondida Porphyry Copper District, Patricio Fernández, Francisco Crignola, Northern Chile Marco Ipinza, and Felipe Urzúa 55 

4 Geologic Setting and Evolution of the José Perelló, Richard H. Sillitoe, Porphyry Copper-Molybdenum and Copper- Constantino Mpodozis, Gold Deposits at Los Pelambres, Central Chile Humberto Brockway, and Héctor Posso 79 

5 Protracted Magmatic-Hydrothermal History of the Río Blanco-Los Bronces District, Central Chile: Juan Carlos Toro, Javier Ortúzar, Development of World’s Greatest Known Jorge Zamorano, Paticio Cuadra, Concentration of Copper Juan Hermosilla, and Cristian Spröhnle 105 

6 Geology of the Bingham Canyon Porphyry John P. Porter, Kim Schroeder, Cu-Mo-Au Deposit, Utah and Gerry Austin 127 

7 Geology and Exploration Progress Carl Hehnke, Geoff Ballantyne, at the Resolution Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit, Hamish Martin, William Hart, Arizona Adam Schwarz, and Holly Stein 147 

8 Magmatic-Hydrothermal-Structural Evolution of the Giant Pebble Porphyry Cu-Au-Mo Deposit with Implications for Exploration in Southwest Alaska James R. Lang and Melissa J. Gregory 167 

9 Geologic Overview of the Oyu Tolgoi Porphyry Cu-Au-Mo Deposits, Mongolia David Crane and Imants Kavalieris 

10 Copper-Gold ± Molybdenum Deposits of the Clyde A. Leys, Mark Cloos, Ertsberg-Grasberg District, Papua, Indonesia Brian T.E. New, and George D. MacDonald 215 

11 Geology and Mineralogical Zonation of the Olympic Kathy Ehrig, Jocelyn McPhie, Dam Iron Oxide Cu-U-Au-Ag Deposit, South Australia and Vadim Kamenetsky 237 

12 Geology of the Tenke-Fungurume SedimentHosted Strata-Bound Copper-Cobalt District, Wolfram Schuh, Richard A. Leveille, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo Isabel Fay, and Robert North 269 

13 Dzhezkazgan and Associated Sandstone Copper Stephen E. Box, Boris Syusyura, Deposits of the Chu-Sarysu Basin, Reimar Seltmann, Robert A. Creaser, Central Kazakhstan Alla Dolgopolova, and Michael L. Zientek 303Premier Provinces

14 Cenozoic Tectonics and Porphyry Copper Systems of the Chilean Andes Constantino Mpodozis and Paula Cornejo 329 

15 The Southwestern North America Porphyry Copper Province Richard A. Leveille and Ralph J. Stegen 361 

16 Tectonomagmatic Settings, Architecture, Alexander Yakubchuk, Kirill Degtyarev, and Metallogeny of the Central Asian Valery Maslennikov, Andrew Wurst, Copper Province Alexander Stekhin, and Konstantin Lobanov 403 

17 The Iron Oxide Copper-Gold Roberto Perez Xavier, Lena Virgínia Soares Monteiro, Systems of the Carajás Carolina Penteado N. Moreto, André Luiz Silva Pestilho, Mineral Province, Brazil Gustavo Henrique Coelho de Melo, Marco Antônio Delinardo da Silva, Benevides Aires, Cleive Ribeiro, and Flávio Henrique Freitas e Silva 433 

18 An Overview of the European Gregor Borg, Adam Piestrzyn´ski, Kupferschiefer Deposits Gerhard H. Bachmann, Wilhelm Püttmann, Sabine Walther, and Marco Fiedler 455 

19 The Central African Copperbelt: Diverse Stratigraphic, Structural, and Murray W. Hitzman, David Broughton, Temporal Settings in the World’s Largest David Selley, Jon Woodhead, Sedimentary Copper District David Wood, and Stuart Bull 487

20 Copper-Rich Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE Deposits D. R. Burrows and C. M. Lesher 515 

21 Magmatic Controls on Porphyry Copper Genesis Andreas Audétat and Adam C. Simon 553 

22 Hydrothermal Controls on Metal Distribution Kalin Kouzmanov in Porphyry Cu (-Mo-Au) Systems and Gleb S. Pokrovski 573





Los Pelambres斑岩铜钼和Frontera铜金矿床的岩浆热液特征

西南矿床岩心特征,a一高度蚀变的石英二长闪长岩,具有扭曲和网状的A型斑岩脉。b碎裂状岩浆热液角砾岩,由黑云母蚀变辉石组成 玄武岩和石英脉碎片。c捕虏体石英二长闪长岩相,夹带石英脉和黑云母蚀变的辉石玄武岩围岩。d脉或溶洞中的假伟晶岩粗矿物;金云母晶体,被粗钠长石包围,箭头显示辉钼矿填充。

南纬33°至34°附近的示意图,显示了渐新世和中新世期间阿巴尼科弧内盆地的演化(SAM=南美洲,FTB=褶皱和逆冲带)。10 Ma时,变形锋向东迁移,由于俯冲纳斯卡板块变浅,山前科迪勒拉山脉隆起,主要斑岩铜矿床开始形成。







