Communication engineering and
NGD electronic function
Dr. Blaise Ravelo is a world pioneer on the negative group delay (NGD) research topic. He develops the NGD circuit theory for familiarizing the non-specialist engineers to this wonderful and fascinating topic. Despite its intriguing property enabling to propagate signals with time<0 through NGD circuit, he is leading research studies nowadays to make it as common research topic. According to the needs, Dr. Ravelo is leading research direction on the particular and industrial applications of NGD electronic function.
Dr. Blaise Ravelo is currently full professor at NUIST, Nanjing, China. He is, nowadays, distinguished among top 2% world’s life scientists since 2020 by Stanford University, US. He has Google scholar h-index(2024)=31 and i10-index(2024)=113.
With international partners, he is actively involved and contributes on several international research projects. He is member of IET Electronics Letters editorial board as associate editor. He supervised 11 PhD students. He is IEEE senior member. He organized several times workshop and special sessions in international conferences. He is (co) authors of more than 450 scientific research papers in new technologies published in int. conf. and more than 100 SCI journals.
He is lecturer on scientific research methodology, research project organization, circuit & system theory, Electromagnetism, RF microwave electronic engineering, communication engineering, signal/image processing and applied mathematics.
编辑 | 高玉波
审核 | 袁晴 王雅琴 章胜 蒋元春