
2024-12-12 18:12   浙江  


BY ART MATTERS RESIDENCY 天目里美术馆驻留中心在2024年9月邀请了来自瑞士苏黎世的艺术家乌尔班·泽尔维格来到杭州进行驻地创作。驻留期间,艺术家将在此创作一系列新作,也将举办一系列面向公众的工作室开放与绘画工作坊活动。

In September 2024, BY ART MATTERS RESIDENCY welcomed artist Urban Zellweger from Zurich,Switzerland,to Hangzhou for a residency. During his stay, Zellweger will create a series of new works and host open studio sessions and drawing work-shops for the public.

图片由艺术家及yarestday studio拍摄。Photos by the artist and yarestday studio.

关于艺术家About the Artist


泽尔维格的作品将在北京的群展“其远,其近”中展出,展览将于10月18日开幕。他的作品曾在国际上多次展出,包括多个个人展览,展览地点包括巴塞尔的Weiss Falk、米兰的Istituto Svizzero、伦敦的Pilar Corrias、纽约的Shoot the Lobster、以及纽伦堡的Kunstverein等。

泽尔维格的作品还参与了多个群展,包括贝尔格莱德双年展、纽约的Eva Presenhuber、苏黎世的Luma Foundation、布鲁塞尔的CLEARING Gallery、东京的XYZ、科隆的Jan Kaps、罗马的Istituto Svizzero以及奥斯陆的Astrup Fearnley博物馆等。他拥有巴塞尔艺术大学的美术硕士学位。

Urban Zellweger(b.1991 in Zürich, Switzerland)lives and works in Zürich. In his paintings and drawings he creates whimsical worlds of scenes that might come out of a fever dream. While mundane events and biographical occurrences feed into Zellweger’s visual lexicon they can hardly be recognised as such. Normality is distorted with a surrealist wit and yet everything seems perfectly calm.

Zellweger’s work will be shown in the group exhibition “SO FAR SO CLOSE” in Beijing that will open on the 18th of October. His work has been shown internationally in numerous solo and group exhibitions. Solo exhibitions include Weiss Falk, Basel; Istituto Svizzero, Milano; Pilar Corrias, London; Shoot the Lobster, New York; Kunstverein Nürnberg, Nuremberg among others. 

Zellweger’s work has been featured in numerous group exhibitions, including Belgrade Biennial, Belgrade; Eva Presenhuber, New York; Luma Foundation, Zürich; CLEARING Gallery, Brussels; XYZ, Tokyo; Jan Kaps, Cologne; Istituto Svizzero, Rome and Astrup Fearnley Museum, Oslo. He holds a Master Degree in Fine Arts from the University of Arts in Basel.


Works during Residency

在BY ART MATTERS RESIDENCY 天目里美术馆驻留中心,乌尔班·泽尔维格正着手创作一系列新的绘画和素描,探索黑暗的家庭室内——主要是客厅。最初受到梵高《吃土豆的人》的室内、灯光和构图的启发,泽尔维格的作品开始遵循自己的逻辑。他探索并逐渐突破真实与超现实、逻辑与不合逻辑之间的界限,将熟悉空间的元素与想象中的元素融合在一起。时间和地点混合在一起,创造出既可识别又永恒的场景。而伦佐·皮亚诺设计的驻留工作室为这次探索提供了独特的背景,在空间和作品之间增加了有趣的对话。

At BY ART MATTERS RESIDENCY, Urban Zellweger has been working on a new series of paintings and drawings that explore dark, domestic interiors—primarily living rooms.Initially inspired by the interior, lighting,and composition of Van Gogh’s The Potato Eaters, Zellweger’s works began to follow their own logic.  He explores and gradually pushes the boundary between the real and the surreal,between logic and the illogical,blending elements of familiar spaces with imagined ones. Times and places are mixed,creating scenes that are both recognizable and timeless. The Renzo Piano-designed studio has provided a unique backdrop for this exploration,adding an intriguing dialogue between the space and the work.

图片由艺术家提供。Image courtsy the artist.


Upcoming Public Programs

图片由艺术家提供。Image courtesy the artist.


艺术家乌尔班·泽尔维格即将向公众开放他位于BY ART MATTERS RESIDENCY 天目里美术馆驻留中心的工作室。欢迎你来欣赏艺术家的一系列最新绘画作品,包括其幕后诞生的过程,以及近距离与艺术家交流。


时间及场次:2024.10.13(周日)15:00-15:45 / 16:00-16:45(共开放两场,任选其一即可)


地点:天目里17号楼 BY ART MATTERS RESIDENCY 天目里美术馆驻留中心 Studio 6


Open Studio

Urban Zellweger will soon open his studio to the public at BY ART MATTERS RESIDENCY. Visitors will have the opportunity to view his latest paintings, gain insight into his creative process, and engage directly with the artist.

Theme: Open Studio: Urban Zellweger

Date and Times: October 13, 2024 (Sun) 15:00-15:45 / 16:00-16:45 (Two sessions available)

Capacity: 15 people per session

Location: Studio 6, BY ART MATTERS RESIDENCY, 17# OōEli

Meeting Point: Entrance on the first floor of 17# OōEli (staff will guide attendees)







地点:天目里17号楼BY ART MATTERS RESIDENCY天目里美术馆驻留中心 负一层展厅


Drawing Together with the Artist: How Do We Think When We Draw?

The drawing workshop led by artist Urban Zellweger will start from a simple question: How do we think when we draw? Participants will explore how we begin to conceptualise a specific objects when we pick up a crayon, how thoughts are processed, and what characteristics emerge from individual approaches to drawing.

Unlike a formal painting lesson, this exercise will delve into the creative approach itself. Urban will share his methods and guide participants through this process of artistic conception, encouraging them to explore and experience the flow of thought within the body while engaging in dialogue through drawing. No prior drawing experience is necessary to join the workshop. 

Theme:Drawing Together with the Artist: How Do We Think When We Draw?

Date and Time: October 25, 2024 (Fri) 19:00-20:30

Capacity: 15 people

Location: Floor B1 Gallery, BY ART MATTERS RESIDENCY, 17# OōEli

Meeting Point: Entrance on the first floor of 17# OōEli (staff will guide attendees)


Language: English (with interpretation available if needed)

扫码预约免费入场Admission is complimentary with registration.

Attendee Guidelines1.Please visit the exhibition in an orderly manner;2.Do not touch the artworks or objects without prior permission;3.By attending, you agree to being photographed during the event, with portraits to be used by BY ART MATTERS;4.Scan the QR code and follow MuMu for more educational information.


Past Works by the Artist 

远眺,2024年,100 x 80cm,布面油画。图片由艺术家提供。Outlook, 2024, 100 x 80cm, oil on canvas. Image courtesy the artist.

好朋友(茜素飞蛾&巨蛾),2024年,150 x 105cm,,布面油画。图片由艺术家提供。BF (Alizarin skipper & ocre moth), 2024, 150 x 105cm, oil on canvas. Image courtesy the artist.

Eight Difffferent Ways 展览现场,Galerie Weiss Falk,巴塞尔,2023年。图片由Galerie Weiss Falk提供。Installation view, Eight Difffferent Ways, Galerie Weiss Falk, Basel, 2023. Image courtesy Galerie Weiss Falk.

Boards 展览现场,Museum Istitutto Svizzero,米兰,2019年。图片由Museum Istitutto Svizzero提供。Installation view, Boards, Museum Istitutto Svizzero, Milano, 2019. Image courtesy Museum Istitutto Svizzero.
原文来源:驻留开放+工作坊 | 和瑞士艺术家共绘超现实梦境
特别支持 Special Support
此次驻留项目由瑞士驻华大使馆特别支持。This residency program is specially supported by the Embassy of Switzerland in China.




BY ART MATTERS RESIDENCY 天目里美术馆驻留中心开放予世界各地的当代艺术创作者入驻,为他们提供生活、创作、展示、分享、交流的环境和机会,从而推动及支持本地及国际当代艺术发展。


BY ART MATTERS RESIDENCY 天目里美术馆驻留中心 offers residencies to contemporary artists and researchers from around the world and providing a dynamic space for living, working, exhibiting, and sharing, designed to encourage and support the growth of local and international contemporary art.

The residency programme aims to become an exchange platform among local, domestic, and international artists. To promote the union of “Live & Create”, the residency centre organises a series of sharing events, workshops, and open-studio activities, hoping to activate an enriching cultural atmosphere on-site and promote meaningful off-site cultural exchange. 

The Windows Apartment