
文摘   2024-07-19 05:59   比利时  























Her Excellency Secretary General Theodora Gentzis of the Belgium Foreign Ministry,
His Excellency Zhu Jing, Charge d'Affaires a.i. of the Chinese Mission to the European Union,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,

Good evening.

On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in Belgium and in my own name, I would like to welcome all of you to the Chinese Embassy.

I am very much honored as I have been entrusted by Chinese President Xi Jinping with the mission of serving as the 16th Chinese Ambassador to Belgium. I would like to first and foremost thank the Belgium federal government, Secretary-General Gentzis in particular, for supporting me in taking office and performing my duties over the past one month.

Since my arrival here, I have met many friends, old and new, in Belgium and from around the world. Some would say, “You come at an interesting time.” As a nomadic diplomat like many of our colleagues here, we always come at the right time.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, namely, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. These were the very principles promoted and endorsed by China and many other Asian and African countries more than 70 years ago when the world was still reeling from two world wars and a cold war unfolding. These principles had served as an important guide for international relations for nations worldwide who preferred to focus more on their own independence and development and world peace and progress rather than taking sides in any camp. They were true then, and they are even truer now. Seventy years on, we are once again facing severe hot conflicts here and there and cold confrontation in more places. And climate change, cyber and AI challenges and many others have indiscriminately confronted humanity as a whole. The last thing nations around the world would like to see would be greater division, confrontation, and even conflict. From the east to the west, the north to the south, more and more people would like to see nations as represented by us today to come together for solutions, not to go in separate ways for divisions.

The China-Belgium relationship has set a good example of how countries with different political, economic, historical and cultural backgrounds could come together and develop ties to the benefits of our two peoples. This year also marks the 10th anniversary of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit to Belgium. During that visit, he and the Belgian side uplifted the China Belgium relationship to an all-round partnership of friendly cooperation. In the heights of the cold war era, her Majesty late Dowager Queen Elisabeth of Belgium made a historic ice-breaking and could-be-controversial visit to China in 1961, paving the way for the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries ten years later. His Majesty King Albert II, His Majesty King Philippe and various Belgian Prime Ministers visited China many times. Many Chinese leaders including President Xi Jinping visited Belgium.

Belgium is an important trading partner of China in the EU. On average, over 100US$ million of goods are traded a day between our two countries. There are direct flights connecting our two countries every day. The Chinese government has given Belgian tourists and business people visa free treatment until the end of 2025 and the Belgian government has also promised to facilitate travels to Belgium by Chinese tourists and business people. Hundreds of Belgians, including young students, are going to China for their summer break, and many more Chinese are coming this way for sightseeing, business, education and transit. Giant pandas Xing Hui and Hao Hao and their three children born in Belgium have become a favorite family for Belgians and Chinese alike. New progress has also been made in food and agricultural trade and cooperation between our two countries.

Like all nations in the world, China and Belgium may not always see eye to eye with each other on each and every issue. On a lighter note, even a husband and a wife may have such issues from time to time. As the old saying goes, to err is human, to forgive is divine. I am always that human, and my beloved wife always my divine. Back to the serious topic. Differences are not something to be dreadful. They are simply a reflection of Mother Nature, human society, and the state of nations around the world. I dare to say that many here would agree with me in saying that diversity is a blessing and strength rather than a curse or weakness for humanity. Diversity should not be seen as an obstacle for communication, but a drive for even stronger communication and greater cooperation. Ten years ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Brugge, the name of which means bridge in Flemish. During Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo’s successful visit to China earlier this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping said again that China and Europe need to build more bridges. A sound and stable China-Belgium relationship will contribute to the development of our two countries to the benefits of our two peoples, contribute to a stable and sound China-EU relationship, and also offer more stability and certainty to a world of increasing instability and uncertainty.

In a world of greater volatility and violence, no wonder people are asking some basic yet very hard questions: where are we going? Where do we want to be? Many things have changed and many have not and will not. The Chinese and the Belgians, like many other nations in the world, cherish peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom. These are the common values underpinning our concerted efforts to build a community with a shared future for humankind. This could be an answer to the very basic questions people are asking.

Ladies and gentlemen,


We Chinese believe that it is always easier said than done. Nothing is easy, but easy jobs probably don’t need well trained and well tested professional diplomats like us here. I am humbled by the presence of so many distinguished friends and representatives today. I would like to thank you all for your contribution to China-Belgium relations and a better world for all nations. I will continue to count on your support and advice to promote the bilateral relationship in the interest of our two nations and world peace and development. I would like to also thank the Chinese community here as well for the very important historical role you have played in enhancing and enriching this historical relationship between China and Belgium in various areas.

No one is sure what’s the weather like today or tomorrow, but as long as we know who we are and where we want to go, rain or shine, we will be there working together for a better future we all deserve.

To conclude, I wish to propose a toast with a glass of Chinese yellow wine made of glutinous rice,

To the success of China and Belgium,

To the friendship between our two nations, 

To the health and success of all our distinguished guests today,



