得益于人工智能领域大模型技术的发展,金融科技领域正在发生一场巨大的技术变革。以语言大模型、多模态大模型为代表的大规模神经网络基础模型,具备高层次语义理解、信息分析能力,有望重塑金融机构处理信息、管理风险和与客户互动的方式,并为涵盖风险评估、投资决策、量化交易、客服投顾到合规监管的传统金融全生命周期服务流程提供更智能化的解决方案。为了汇集金融大模型(包括语言大模型、多模态大模型、时间序列大模型等)理论及应用领域的最新研究成果,弥合学术研究与实际应用之间的差距,推动金融大模型在实际业务中的创新应用,中国工程院院刊《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》(FITEE)邀请加拿大皇家科学院/加拿大工程院院士杨强教授和清华深圳国际研究生院李秀教授担任共同主编,筹备“金融大模型理论及应用”专题。专题将围绕(但不限于)以下主题征稿:- 金融大模型在环境、社会与公司治理(ESG)投资中的应用
郭健教授,粤港澳大湾区数字经济研究院(IDEA)执行院长来稿请用英文撰写;可接受Word或LaTeX格式投稿。如用Word,建议采用通栏、1.5倍行距、10.5 pt字号、新罗马字体;如用LaTex,请使用模板:https://www.fitee.zjujournals.com/en/about/7144/(LaTex template for FITEE)。
在线投稿:https://www.editorialmanager.com/zusc/(请选择文章类型:S.I. - FLM)。
严江鹏,yanjiangpeng@efunds.com.cn刘硕凌,liushuoling@efunds.com.cnXiaojun Zeng, x.zeng@manchester.ac.uk编辑部:jzus_zzy@zju.edu.cn,+86-571-88273162
and Applications of Financial Large Models(Submission
by May 1, 2025)With the development of
large model technologies in the field of artificial intelligence, a significant
technological transformation is taking place in the Fintech sector. Large-scale
neural network foundation models, such as language language models and large
multimodal models, possess high-level semantic understanding and information
analysis capabilities, which are expected to reshape the way financial
institutions process information, manage risks, and interact with customers.
These models also offer more intelligent solutions for the entire lifecycle of
traditional financial services, including risk assessment, investment
decision-making, quantitative trading, customer advisory, and compliance
oversight.To gather the latest
research findings in the theory and application of financial large models
(including large language models, large multimodal models, large time-series
models, etc.), bridge the gap between academic research and practical
applications, and promote innovative applications of large financial models in
real-world business, Frontiers of
Information Technology & Electronic Engineering (FITEE) is launching a special issue titled "Theory and
Applications of Financial Large Models," co-edited by Prof. Qiang Yang, a
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the Canadian Academy of Engineering
from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Prof. Xiu Li from
Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School. The special issue will solicit
papers on (but not limited to) the following topics:- Research on training and evaluation of financial large models
- Generation of intelligent portfolio management strategies driven by
financial large models
- Research on intelligent quantitative trading algorithms based on
financial large models
- Innovative solutions in the area of robo-advisory using financial
large models
- Explainability of financial large models and their applications in
financial compliance and risk control
- Theoretical and algorithmic studies on security and privacy for
financial large models
- Application of financial large models in financial data mining
- Solutions for financial anomaly and crime detection incorporating
financial large models
- Applications of financial large models in Environmental, Social, and
Governance (ESG) investing
Prof. Qiang Yang, WeBank, China, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada/Canadian
Academy of EngineeringProf. Xiu Li, Tsinghua Shenzhen
International Graduate School, China Executive
Lead Editors:
Dr. Shuoling Liu, Manager of Innovation Research Center, E Fund Management Co.,
Ltd., ChinaProf. Xiaojun Zeng, University of
Manchester, UK Editors (in alphabetical order by last name):
Prof. Bo An, Nanyang Technological
University, SingaporeMs. Liyuan Chen, E Fund Management Co.,
Ltd., ChinaProf. Jian Guo, Digital Economy Institute
of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (IDEA), ChinaDr. Jianzong Wang, Deputy Chief Engineer of Ping An Technology Co.,
Ltd., ChinaMr. Miao Zheng, Chief Technology Officer for the Financial Sector, Alibaba Cloud Computing
Co., Ltd., China All
submitted manuscripts must be written in English and must not be under
consideration elsewhere for publication. Guidelines for authors are available
at https://www.fitee.zjujournals.com/en/aboutus/8550/. Either Word or LaTeX
format is acceptable. When Word is used, the layout of the text should be in single
column, 1.5 lines spacing, 10.5 pt font size, and Times New Roman font. A
template is available at https://www.fitee.zjujournals.com/en/about/7144/.
Manuscripts should be submitted via https://www.editorialmanager.com/zusc/
under the article type “S.I. -
FLM”. Manuscript submission by May 1, 2025Acceptance notification by Aug. 1, 2025Pushed online in Sept.-Oct., 2025FITEE is a peer-reviewed journal launched by the Chinese Academy of
Engineering (CAE) and Zhejiang University, and co-published by Springer &
Zhejiang University Press. It is SCI-E indexed, with an IF of 2.7 (2023 JCR). FITEE aims to publish the latest
implementation of applications, principles, and algorithms in the broad area of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering. All articles will undergo international
peer review and crosscheck processes before they are accepted to ensure high
quality.For inquiries regarding this special issue,
you may contact:Dr. Jiangpeng Yan,
yanjiangpeng@efunds.com.cnDr. Shuoling Liu, liushuoling@efunds.com.cnProf. Xiaojun Zeng, x.zeng@manchester.ac.ukEditorial Office, Ziyang Zhai (managing
editor), jzus_zzy@zju.edu.cn, +86-571-88273162
1. 潘云鹤院士 | 论视觉知识
5. 段宝岩院士 | FITEE后5G与6G天线系统技术演进与创新专题导读
6. 张平院士、彭木根教授等 | FITEE智简无线网络理论与技术专题导读
7. 邬江兴院士团队 | 6G网络内生安全新范式探讨
8. 浙大杨易、庄越挺等 | 大数据人工智能下的多重知识表达:框架、应用及案例研究
9. 国防科大苏金树、赵宝康等 | 大规模高效网络计算中的网络技术发展趋势
10. 中科院自动化所叶佩军、王飞跃等 | 平行认知:面向人机交互与管理的混合智能
11. 中科院王飞跃、武大张俊等 | 人机互信的知识自动化与混合增强智能:复杂系统认知管控机制及其应用
12. 西南大学刘志明、国防科大王戟 | 人机物融合系统:概念、挑战与研究机遇
13. 西北工大胡劲文等 | 基于多传感器融合的智能车在野外环境中的障碍物检测研究
15. 国防科大王浩楠、李东升等 | 深度强化学习综述
16. 电子科大牛中乾、张波等 | 亚毫米和太赫兹波段3-dB分支波导定向耦合器的机械可靠性研究
17. 东南大学卢剑权等 | 多智能体系统的二分异步脉冲跟踪一致性
18. 国防科大达凯、西北工大李天成等 | 基于随机有限集的多传感器多目标跟踪研究进展
19. 兰州理工大学谢盈、马军等 | 神经元之间的相位同步和能量平衡
20. 伊利诺伊大学张凯清等 | 带有网络智能体的去中心化多智能体强化学习进展
21. Branislav REHÁK等 | 具有异构时延的多智能体系统的领导-跟随同步
22. 华中科大肖人彬等 | 面向复杂优化调度的角色分工萤火虫算法
23. 东南大学温广辉等 | 智能电网中分布式经济调度研究进展:综述
24. 浙大步明轩、皮孝东等 | 基于半导体纳米晶体的神经突触器件
25. 北大喻俊志等 | 基于改进YOLOv4的水下垃圾清理机器人视觉检测算法
26. 复旦大学周杰、张军平等 | ChatGPT:潜力、前景和局限
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering(简称FITEE,中文名《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》,ISSN 2095-9184,CN 33-1389/TP)是信息电子类综合性英文学术月刊,SCI-E、EI收录,最新影响因子2.7,位于JCR Q2分区。前身为2010年创办的《浙江大学学报英文版C辑:计算机与电子》,2015年更为现名,现为中国工程院院刊信息与电子工程领域分刊。覆盖计算机、信息与通信、控制、电子、光学等领域。文章类型包括研究论文、综述、个人视点、评述等。现任主编为中国工程院院士潘云鹤、费爱国。实行国际同行评审制,初次转达意见一般在2~3个月内。文章一经录用将快速在线。
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