
教育   2024-10-14 00:00   河南  

1. 浏览look through

2. 两者都不neither of

3. 三者都不none of

4. 两者都both of

5. 三者都all of

6. 远离keep away from

7. 照顾take care of=look after

8. 相处get on with

9. 提出想出come up with

10. 多久一次how often

11. 多久之后how soon

12. 多远how far

13. 一周一次once a week

14. 从事于work on

15. 解决,算出work out

16. 入睡fall asleep

17. 在电话中on the phone

18. 充满be full of=be filled with

19. 几个月后a few months later

20. 决定做某事decide to do

21. 一定不是某人can't be sb

22. there be(就近一致)

23. 期待某人做expect sb to do

24. 没注意take no notice of

25. 一个17岁的男孩a 17-year-old boy

26. 很长一段时间for a long time

27. 弄清,查明find out

28. ...一样the same as

29. 发生了什么what happened to

30. 检测,考试v/n  test

31. 属于belong to

32. 通过做by doing

33. ...的感觉the sense of

34. 停止做stop doing

35. 停止去做另一件stop to do

36. 尽力做某事try to do

37. 尝试着做try doing

38. 有做某事的能力have the ability to do

39. 在某些方面in some ways

40. 依靠,依赖depend on

41. 坚持做某事stick to doing

42. 继续做go on doing

43. 建立set up

44. 清除clear out

45. 放弃give up

46. 来自come from

47. 作为...而闻名be known as

48. 被用于be used to do

49. 等等and so on

50. 不同种different kinds of

51. 解决deal with

52. 而不是rather than

53. 捐赠give away

54. 分发give out

55. 有需要的人配people in need

56. 不再not anymore=no more

57. 扔掉throw away

58. 摔倒fall down

59. 等待wait for

60. 建立榜样set an example

61. 听说hear of

62. 收到某人的来信hear from

63. ...毕业graduate from

64. 第一次做某事the first time to do

65. 一半half of

66. 提供给某人某物provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb

 offer sb sth=offer sth to sb

67. 超过more than=over

68. 少于less than

69. 谈论talk about

70. ...开端at the beginning of

71. 全年all year round

72. 沿路along the way

73. 整个的the whole

74. ...覆盖be covered with

75. ...之一one of the+最高级  +可名复

76. ...的美the beauty of

77. ...震惊be shocked at

78. ...看作regard as

79. 爱上fall in love with

80. 一些珍贵的事something valuable=something of value

81. 改变想法change one's mind

82. 在某人的帮助下with the help of

83. 令某人喜悦的是to one's joy

84. 关闭turn off

85. 打开turn on

86. 调低音量,拒绝turn down

87. 调高音量turn up

88. 散步take a walk

89. 发现做某事很难find it hard to do sth

90. ...之中(三者)among


91. 擅长do well in=be good at

92. ...有好处be good for

93. ...友好be good to=be friendly to

94. 善于处理be good with

95. ...有影响have influence on=make a difference to

96. 允许做某事allow doing

97. 允许某人做某事allow sb to do

98. 被允许做某事be allowed to do

99. ...分享share with

100. 寻找search for

101. ...交流communicate with

102. 彼此,互相each other=one another

103. 能够be able to

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