2.赴日留学:年费用(学费+生活费 年费用12万)
出现这种趋势的原因,研究将矛头直指日本的 “宽松教育”。在日本高速发展的1970年代,政府制定的课程指南深受美国科学教育理念的影响,理科课程在质量和数量上都很丰富,但也造成了学生的学业负担过重。于是,文部科学省(MEXT)在决定1981-1992学年课程指南时,在“宽松教育”的理念下减少小学和中学的科目内容 。
The Debate over Japan’s Academic Decline
May 9, 2012
Toward the end of the 1990s attention focused on falling academic level of Japan’s students. The debate touched off at that time led to the conclusion that the relaxed education standards called yutori kyōiku were to blame. Now that new standards are being implemented to roll back the yutori reforms, the time has come to look back at the course this debate has taken over the years.
到 1990 年代末,人们的注意力集中在日本学生的学术水平下降上。当时引发的辩论得出的结论是,被称为 yutori kyōiku 的宽松教育标准是罪魁祸首。现在,正在实施新标准来推翻 yutori 改革,现在是时候回顾一下这场辩论多年来的进程了。
The 1990s are known as Japan’s “lost decade.” Following the collapse of the bubble economy in the latter half of the 1980s and a succession of missteps by the financial authorities, Japan was left in a prolonged recession. The domino-like collapse of banks and brokerages created financial instability, and along with the bankruptcies came layoffs and the consolidation of the financial industry.
1990 年代被称为日本“失去的十年”。随着 1980 年代后半期泡沫经济的崩溃和金融当局的一系列失误,日本陷入了长期的衰退。银行和经纪公司像多米诺骨牌一样倒闭造成了金融不稳定,伴随着破产而来的是裁员和金融业的整合。
The number of full-time employees with benefits fell as temp staff rose. So-called “freeters” (furītā)—young people employed part-time, typically in a series of short-term noncorporate positions—rose to more than 4 million in 2001. The population of young people classified as NEET, or “not in education, employment, or training,” grew to 750,000 by 2000. With Japanese society already challenged by a low birthrate and aging population, and with the middle-aged concerned about their retirement, young people also found themselves faced with anxiety over the future.
随着临时工的增加,领取福利的全职员工人数下降。所谓的“自由者”(furītā)——从事兼职工作的年轻人,通常担任一系列短期的非公司职位——在 2001 年增加到 400 多万。到 2000 年,被归类为 NEET 或“未接受教育、就业或培训”的年轻人口增长到 750,000 人。日本社会已经受到低出生率和人口老龄化的挑战,中年人担心自己的退休生活,年轻人也发现自己面临着对未来的焦虑。
The bubble economy of the 1980s was the final flourish to the period that began with the growth boom starting in 1955 and matured with the steady growth that began toward the end of the 1970s. The expanding bubble saw excessive trust and pride in the Japanese system, with some describing “Japan as number one”; when it eventually popped, it marked the end to Japan’s long stretch of economic stability.
1980 年代的泡沫经济是这一时期的最后繁荣,该时期始于 1955 年开始的增长热潮,并随着 1970 年代末开始的稳定增长而成熟。不断扩大的泡沫让人们对日本制度产生了过度的信任和自豪感,一些人将“日本视为第一”;当它最终爆发时,它标志着日本长期经济稳定的结束。
With Japan under the protection of the United States during the Cold War, it was free to pursue economic growth while controlling defense costs. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc from the end of the 1980s through the early 1990s, the Cold War came to an end, ushering in an era of tumultuous change that coincided with the end of Japan’s spectacular growth. At that time worldwide economic restructuring and globalization took place, and debate over international competitiveness continued. The industrial structure in Japan shifted in the 1970s from manufacturing to services, and Japan experienced a rapid changes in its information society in the 1990s.
由于日本在冷战期间受到美国的保护,它可以自由地追求经济增长,同时控制国防成本。随着 1980 年代末至 1990 年代初苏联和东方集团的解体,冷战结束,迎来了一个动荡变革的时代,恰逢日本惊人增长的结束。当时,全球经济结构调整和全球化发生,关于国际竞争力的争论仍在继续。日本的产业结构在 1970 年代从制造业转向服务业,日本在 1990 年代经历了信息社会的快速变化。
This was the genesis of Japan’s lost decade. At the end of the 1990s, Japan was trying to digest the lessons of this era, and it launched a heated public discussion on the state of the nation’s education—the “academic decline” debate.
这就是日本失去的十年的根源。1990 年代末,日本试图消化这个时代的教训,并就该国的教育状况展开了一场激烈的公众讨论——“学术衰落”辩论。
The Lost Years and Less Competent Adults
Based on the above, we can now consider the roles of academic ability and yutori kyōiku in the context of the overall discussion of declining academic skills.
基于上述内容,我们现在可以在学术能力下降的整体讨论中考虑学术能力和 yutori kyōiku 的作用。
What is at issue now is not the academic decline of Japan’s children. It is a bigger, more fundamental change stemming not from yutori kyōiku but from broader shifts in the world and Japan as a whole. Yutori kyōiku was at best a response to these changes; as far as its intentions go, this approach was correct. But the problem was that results failed to follow.
现在的问题不是日本儿童的学业成绩下降。这是一个更大、更根本的变化,不是源于 yutori kyōiku,而是源于世界和整个日本的更广泛变化。Yutori kyōiku 充其量只是对这些变化的回应;就其意图而言,这种方法是正确的。但问题是结果没有随之而来。
The first reason for this was a failure to identify the correct relationship between the academic skills required to catch up to the West and those required after that process was complete—a recognition that the former were one essential component of the latter, and not something to be replaced by a different set of skills to succeed them.
Secondly, academic skills had to be translated into actual ability, and a much higher standard of ability was called for compared to the past. Strict discipline and training would be required to achieve this ability, which was something never verbalized by anyone. Furthermore, the talents called for in the new era were not simply enhancements to the talents of yesteryear; their mastery required changes in ways of thinking and, indeed, in ways of life.
The third factor was that there were extraordinarily few teachers, or adults in any field, who could offer effective guidance from the perspective of the life changes that were called for. The need for people with this ability was something everyone failed to predict.
In short, the problem is not that Japanese children have seen their academic ability plummet. It is that we adults have fallen short in the abilities needed to educate them. Our own lives are not up to par in this respect. The academic ability and ways of life that children display are nothing more than reflections of adults’ inadequacies.
The problem now facing Japan is one of identity. Having achieved affluence, it does not know where to go next. The type of ability required now is the ability to envision a new future and move toward it. The country now needs the capacity to create new values, new goals for society, and the organization and lifestyles required to achieve them—but unfortunately, these are abilities that Japanese adults do not have.
Ten years after the end of debate over the decline in Japanese education, Japanese society still lacks vision. The two decades from the start of the 1990s through today are known as Japan’s “lost years.” The March 11 Tōhoku earthquake and resulting nuclear disaster were physical and psychological shocks to a Japan long since set adrift. We as Japanese can only hope to transform the tragedy into a chance for renewal.
关于日本教育衰落的争论结束了十年,日本社会仍然缺乏远见。从 1990 年代初到今天的二十年被称为日本的“失落岁月”。3 月 11 日的东北地震和由此产生的核灾难,对早已漂泊不定的日本造成了身心上的冲击。作为日本人,我们只能希望将悲剧转化为重生的机会。(完)
这群为日本创造“工程师红利”的工程师们,很多都没能享受到时代的红利。1990年代日本房地产泡沫破裂,不少在这个节点买房且失业的工程师成为了时代的牺牲品。 我们从一些数据中看到了今天日本民众对工程师的态度:从1990年代末起,日本掀起了工科“劝退潮”,一些知名理工科大学,工科招生人数直接腰斩。日本文部科学省数据显示,日本工科大学生占比从1997年的19.5%,下降到2017年的14.9%;总人数从1990年的134万人降至2019年的79万人。2000年后,随着这群优秀的工程师逐渐退出,人才青黄不接,被韩国后来居上。