并非25亿收购:谷歌与 C.AI 交易细节

科技   2024-08-03 11:02   广东  


今天早上,看到有说法,「Google 25 亿收了 Character AI(C.AI)」,但实际信息是这样:

  • Google 收购 Character.AI:谷歌 C.AI 支付许可费,聘请其创始成员 Noam, Daniel, 和研究团队的一些成员,大概 30 个人(C.AI 一共大概 30 个人),加入谷歌

  • 收购金额为 25 亿:之前的投资人,会按每股约 88 美元获得回购(即:总估值约 25 亿)


  • Google 将获得 C.AI 的大型语言模型技术的非独占许可(non-exclusive license),但 C.AI 将转而采用开源模型,如 Llama 3.1 

  • 对于员工的未授予的期权(Unvested employee options),在 2 年内解锁的部分( 26 年 7 月前的),之后会被以每股 88 美元的价格支付,会有一个基金进行保障支付;2 年以后的部分,目前不提供保障支付。

  • 这次和 Google 的交易,帮投资者收回了本金,而非完成高倍率回报

  • 类似的交易,类似微软-Inflection(Pi),亚马逊-Adept



Our Next Phase of Growth


Back in 2022, we founded Character.AI to bring personalized superintelligence to users around the world. Over the last two years, we have made great strides against this goal. We built progressively smarter models, launched immersive new features to speak with Characters, and rapidly grew to serve millions of users, becoming part of their daily lives. 
2022 年成立 Character.AI,旨在为全球用户提供个性化超级智能。过去两年,我们在实现这一目标方面取得了巨大进展。我们构建了越来越智能的模型,推出了与角色交谈的沉浸式新功能,并迅速发展,为数百万用户提供服务,已成为他们日常生活的一部分。

When Noam and Daniel started Character.AI, our goal of personalized superintelligence required a full stack approach. We had to pre-train models, post-train them to power the experiences that make Character.AI special, and build a product platform with the ability to reach users globally. Over the past two years, however, the landscape has shifted – many more pre-trained models are now available. Given these changes, we see an advantage in making greater use of third-party LLMs alongside our own. This allows us to devote even more resources to post-training and creating new product experiences for our growing user base.
当 Noam 和 Daniel 创立 Character.AI 时,我们个性化超智能的目标需要全方位的方法。我们必须预先训练模型,对其进行后续训练,以支持使 Character.AI 特别的体验,并构建一个能够全球覆盖用户的产品平台。然而,在过去的两年中,情况发生了变化 - 现在有更多的预先训练模型可用。考虑到这些变化,我们认为更多地利用第三方LLMs将会带来优势。这使我们能够将更多资源投入到后续训练和为不断增长的用户群体创建新产品体验中。

We’re excited to announce that we’ve entered into an agreement with Google that will allow us to accelerate our progress. As part of this agreement, Character.AI will provide Google with a non-exclusive license for its current LLM technology. This agreement will provide increased funding for Character.AI to continue growing and to focus on building personalized AI products for users around the world.
我们很高兴地宣布,我们已经与谷歌达成协议,这将加快我们的进展。作为协议的一部分,Character.AI 将向谷歌提供其当前LLM技术的非独占许可。该协议将为 Character.AI 提供更多资金,以继续增长并专注于为全球用户构建个性化的人工智能产品。

Noam, Daniel, and certain members of our research team will also join Google. Most of Character.AI’s talented team will remain and will continue to build the Character.AI product and serve our growing base of users. Dominic Perella, Character.AI’s General Counsel, has stepped into the role of interim CEO. Perella, previously a longtime Snap Inc. executive, has been part of Character’s core leadership team since mid-2023. These changes go into effect immediately. 
诺姆、丹尼尔以及我们研究团队的某些成员也将加入谷歌。Character.AI 的大部分才华横溢的团队将继续留下,继续打造 Character.AI 产品并为我们不断增长的用户群提供服务。Character.AI 的总法律顾问多米尼克·佩雷拉已经接任临时 CEO 一职。佩雷拉此前是 Snap Inc.的资深高管,自 2023 年中期以来一直是 Character 核心领导团队的一员。这些变化立即生效。

As we enter this next phase of growth, we will continue to invest in our post-training capabilities, with the flexibility to use our own or externally available LLMs. We are excited for the future of Character.AI, and are committed to serving our users through innovative new products.
随着我们迈入增长的下一个阶段,我们将继续投资于后续培训能力,灵活运用我们自有或外部可获得的LLMs。我们对 Character.AI 的未来充满期待,并致力于通过创新的新产品为用户提供服务。

We are incredibly grateful to Noam, Daniel, and team for bringing Character.AI to life. We look forward to building on top of their contributions in this next phase of growth for Character.AI.
我们非常感激诺姆、丹尼尔和团队让 Character.AI 成为现实。我们期待在 Character.AI 下一个增长阶段中继续借助他们的贡献。
