◎ 洛迦诺“当代影人”金豹奖《夏日恋习曲》线上观影

文摘   2024-07-08 19:55   留尼汪  


L'estate di Giacomo (Summer of Giacomo)

意大利 法国 比利时|2011|78 min

导演: 亚历山德罗·科莫丁

Giacomo 是个俊美的聋哑少年,燥热夏天午后,他和青梅竹马女友来到湖边野餐,却在森林里迷了路,夏日恋情成了一趟冒险旅程,少年才有的愁滋味。忽然间,同一个湖边,光景却全然不同,他身边的女孩换了另一个人,剧情急转直下。导演用极简故事道出爱情的永恒难题,手持摄影在烈阳的自然光下精准捕捉美景。影片荣获洛迦诺电影节当代影人金豹奖,翌年入选戛纳电影节 ACID 单元。

After a long opening scene in which 19-year-old Giacomo plays a stormy drum solo while the camera focuses on his hearing aid, the hard-of-hearing boy sets off on a languid summer afternoon with his childhood girlfriend Stefi through the woods to a remote river. There the two swim and sunbathe, enjoy picnic sandwiches, chatter away mindlessly, listen to music and throw clay at each other in the water. During large parts of the minimalist, delicate, occasionally sultry Summer of Giacomo, the camera moves not a millimetre off Giacomo and Stefi – the viewer can almost count the spots on his back and the soft tears in her neck. The wonderful, nonprofessional actors Giacomo Zulian and Stefania Comodin apparently have no trouble holding the viewer’s attention and slowly the relationship between the two of them becomes clearer.



Alessandro Comodin

1982 年出生于意大利东北小镇,现居巴黎,影像题材多以故乡为主。先于博洛尼亚修习文学,后入比利时国立表演艺术及传播技术高等学院 (INSAS),其自言在帕索里尼的方言诗中发现电影。2011 年,长片首作《夏日恋习曲》即于洛迦诺电影节拿下“当代影人”金豹奖。2016 年,《好事将近》入选戛纳电影节。2022 年,新作《吉吉历险记》荣获洛迦诺电影节国际竞赛评审团特别奖。

线上观影链接 (免费; JULY 1 - JULY 31)

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