◎ CPH:DOX 大奖《Bloody Beans》线上观影
2024-06-27 23:59
阿尔及利亚 法国|2013|80 min
导演: 纳里曼·马里
IMDb: tt2936296
一群阿尔及利亚儿童在海滩上嬉戏,但他们的日光浴和打闹很快变成了阿尔及利亚独立战争的重演,此番场景既像《蝇王》,又像《宪兵队》。孩子们在夜间的街道上游荡,既像一群野猫,又像一支革命游击队,他们“抓”了一名法国士兵,强迫他吃下一盘他们最讨厌的主食——豆类食物。影片于阿尔及利亚独立 50 周年前后拍摄而成,藉以孩子们富有想象力的游戏,探索殖民主义、民族斗争以及历史冲突对当代阿尔及利亚青年的持续影响等主题。影片荣获 2013 哥本哈根国际纪录片影展大奖。Through the transgressive and powerful imagination of children, the movie depicts the end of French Algeria.17 kids, relentless and insatiable in their gestures and screams, set everything on fire. They become grand heroes of an unwritten war; while the French Army fires at the OAS, the children loot the French Army: oil, chocolate, semolina, sugar, and even a war prisoner condemned to eat beans. But the war catches up with the beautiful adventure, and the beans are marred in blood.
线上观影链接 (免费; 北京时间 7 月 11 号上午 5 点过期)