C-IDEA 设计奖获奖者比利时设计师 Dirk Vrints - Jo Den Haerynck专访
比利时知名珠宝设计师,毕业于安特卫普皇家艺术学院,毕业后在意大利的创意艺术文化中心,佛罗伦萨的艺术研究所继续深造。她的早期作品曾在意大利“Milano 18 karate”展览上展出,并因其独特的当代设计方法而备受赞誉。Jo Den Haerynck将每一件设计都视为对优雅与美丽的全新、热情而深入的探索。她的珠宝作品提供了设计师、珠宝佩戴者和创意表达之间独特亲密关系的可能性,同时也能够将这种体验扩展给所有的观众。Jo Den Haerynck的创作灵感要求真实而独特。她精心制作的珠宝作品超越了对时尚装饰的追求,完美地诠释了整体性的概念。通过超越物质的物理极限,也就是超越直接可见的界限,她的作品将"形式"抽离,呈现出作品的本质。Jo Den Haerynck的艺术表现源于内心对清晰和直接思考的追求。她的灵感、设计和材料的选择都源自于对优雅和平衡的直观内在追求,塑造出了一种有纪律的艺术过程。这个过程最终展现出一件渴望与观众交流的珠宝作品。每一个细节都以其精确和完美的表现力彰显了整体艺术的美感,其作品的外在形式也被有意识地还原为作品真正的本质。
2022 C-IDEA设计奖获奖作品
G.s.One 时尚饰品设计
G.s.One -"Gemspoon"(宝石勺子),它是一款手工珠宝设计作品,改作品可以将精致的餐前开胃菜呈现为色彩缤纷的"宝石",增强品尝人们品尝菜肴体验感。适用于餐厅、招待会和各种聚会,包括在家里。
G.s.One stands for “Gemspoon”. It is a hand jewel/object designed to present masterchefs’ fine dining appetisers as colourful “gemstones”, increasing the intensity, duration and appreciation of tasting these culinary creations.To be used in restaurants, at receptions and at all kinds of parties, including at home.
Its ease of use: you slide the object between 2 fingers of your hand (palm facing up or down). It is one size fits all (adults & children). It offers the added convenience of managing simultaneously your drink and appetiser in the same hand. Holding your palm facing up, you can slide the object between your pink and ring fingers and simultaneously hold your glass between your forefinger and middle finger. So an elegant solution for balancing a drink and a bite in one hand and keeping your other hand free.
Before giving it to the individual guest, it can easily be presented on a table.Made of sterling silver in 3 designs, G.s.One, G.s.Two, and G.s.Three, for exclusive high-end use. The silver objects have been modelled in 3D-design, 3D- printed and cast according to the lost wax method and finished by hand in our studio. Next to the silver version, G.s.One is also available in a food-safe ABS plastic for large-scale and/or more casual use.
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