C-IDEA 设计奖获奖者意大利建筑设计师 Anna Rita Emili专访
安娜·丽塔·埃米利 / Anna Rita Emili
知名建筑设计师、教授,现任教于意大利著名综合性大学卡梅里诺大学建筑与设计学院。罗马"La Sapienza"建筑学院建筑设计ICAR 14 期刊特邀编辑。自2016年以来,她担任IAD Worldwide(国际设计协会)和Pro-Arch的成员,建筑杂志Archphoto.it编辑。
The house resembles a bunker made of reinforced ecological concrete treated with grafene (resistant to any action by water). We are speaking of a house with a courtyard with slits in each side of the volume to enable the water (in the event of a flood) to flow away without any problem towards the inner courtyard and transform it into a large aquarium. The cement volume has a few iron elements: an entrance walkway, blackout window panels, a roof platform and a jetty to provide mooring during a flood. The internal glass windows are treated to resist any violent water movement (double-glazed with a plastic laminate film in the centre). Near the slits, the glass windows transform into a series of bridge passageways, tiny tunnels, the size of a door, positioned so cannot block the water flowing towards the inner courtyard. The house has a large garage capable of housing a car and a boat. The latter can rise to the surface via a glass walled lift and be used, therefore, when the structure is totally flooded. The house features an underground tank to collect sea water. A highly technological system activates a process of membrane distillation system, which enables the complete desalination and purification of the water. The latter can be used for the daily water requirements of the inhabitants of the house. Lastly, the domestic space can be self-sufficient not only for its water. An inverter system also enables the energy of the sea water to be used to produce electricity.
Lined House, Wooden structure with sliding walls
Check House
Fractal Village
图片来源与设计师作品官网©️Altro Studio - Anna Rita Emili
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