07.26 周五:「 FinderShanghai」五周年派对 杭州站 @loopyClub

文摘   2024-07-16 19:12   中国香港  

July 26th / 七月 

Loopy Hangzhou 

Poster Designer:YIFEI


     ABOUT  FinderShanghai    

FinderShanghai 成立于2019年,是来自上海的多元主义艺术厂牌。



2024年07月26日,时隔一年上海多元文化厂牌FinderShanghai将迎来它的 五周年派对并且荣幸邀请到了中国各领域的 先锋实验艺术家与创作者参与其中:

· 上海 最活跃的先锋表演艺术家 首次登陆Loopy - 秦然

秦然是FinderShanghai 最优秀 的表演艺术家之一,今年他已经完成由FinderShanghai出品的他的个人专场舞剧。同时他的作品曾在 伦敦阿那亚戏剧节威尼斯双年展 等多个国际著名艺术节中获奖,也在 阿那亚戏剧节草莓音乐节 等进行呈现。本次将是秦然 首次登陆 Loopy,他将带来他最著名的作品与大家相见!

· 上海优秀电子Live音乐制作人 转型新曲 现场演绎 - 黑木HEIMU

黑木HEIMU 时隔一年首次登陆Loopy,本次他将演绎他 最新筹备仍未发布 的新专辑曲目。最新专辑他融合了更多的律动以及轻快的音色,风格转型,他尝试呈现出电子舞曲的另一种语境方式。

· 近一年未现身且与 郭采洁新组乐队的优秀音乐制作人- GUAN

杭州优秀的音乐制作人GUAN在今年进行了他的新计划,加入 郭采洁 新乐队 Mola Oddity 并一同完成了第一轮全国巡演。将近一年未现身Loopy的他,本次将特别带来他最新 的Remix,其中也将 特别演绎 在7月5日他最新发布的Mola Oddity 曲目的Remix!

· FinderShanghai新将 来自圣彼得堡的声音 - DJ Nikita K

Nikita K是FinderShanghai的新成员,擅长Techno融合Electronic/Deep的他将为舞池带来圣彼得堡的新理解。

· FinderShanghai 主理人 - VJ YIFEI / DJ FEIYI




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2024年07月25日  当日推文开奖







秦 然






Qinran, Avant-Garde Dance Artist, leader of the new generation of dance. Practitioner and pioneer of new Chinese aesthetics and pioneer culture. He pays attention to the symbiotic relationship between human and nature, leads the audience to think about the contemporaneity of traditional culture.

During his teaching in the Chicago Dance Company in the United States, he won the honor of Best Eight Dancers USA.

Aranya & Wuzhen Theater Festival nominated dance artist. VENICE Metaverse Artist. The First Dancer in Strawberry Music Festival

Artworks: CYBER 2077, REDEMPTION,Seven Arrays, Dream of Tang Dynasty, Ten Dreams of Sinan, etc.


作品 · 肢体舞蹈剧场




「 2022威尼斯双年展展METAVERSE入围作品 

「 2023英国阿那亚戏剧节入围作品 

「 2024阿那亚戏剧节入围作品 



黑木(HEI MU)常驻上海的电子音乐制作人。2021年三月发行个人专辑「 内在的火焰 The Fire From Within 」黑胶/数字版本.同年签约摩登天空.黑木创造的音乐是基于后朋克和工业风格,通过现场演奏模拟合成器和采样机重现这些风格本身的力量。

HEIMU is an electronic music producer based in Shanghai. The solo album "The Fire From Within" was released in vinyl/digital version in March 2021. In the same year, he signed with Modern Sky. The music created by Kuroki is based on 

post-punk and industrial styles, through live performance of analog synthesizers and samplers. Discover the power of these styles themselves.Desire to break out of the limitations of music and reach a broader realm. 


渴望跳出音乐的局限,从而登上一个更广阔的领域。黑木的风格游走在Techno,Industrial 和 Minimal Synth ,EBM 之间。活跃于各个电子音乐 Club,与多位艺术家和品牌进行过合作演出。


HEIMU's style wanders between Techno, Industrial and Minimal Synth, EBM. Active in various electronic music clubs, he has collaborated and performed with many artists and brands. 

Recent cooperative brands/performances: Strawberry Music Festival/Hong Kong CY Cyberpunk Festival, dazed magazine, R13.

post-punk and industrial styles, through live performance of analog synthesizers and samplers. Discover the power of these styles themselves.Desire to break out of the limitations of music and reach a broader realm. 





GUAN的创作载体不仅显于音乐,对多种工具、材料的批判性探索也时常作为创作出发点。演出形式横跨Audio-Visual、模块合成器Live、DJ,且常与趣味相同的艺术家、艺术组织进行合作,例如 LazyBackHome.ChilliChill、马丁戈雅生

意、BRDG等,且创立了杭州实验性俱乐部音乐厂牌FunctionLab。音乐作品主要发行于摩登天空、FunctionLab、美丽唱片、The Collection Artaud,已发行专辑3张及若干EP,其中专辑《DroneA》以独特的听感备受讨论。

除此之外,GUAN也以艺术家身份创作的影像、交互装置作品,以及软件开发,并参与Nike与áunn museum联合发起的MAXXED OUT project,在Alrmax Day及设计节等展览中亮相。GUAN的另一重身份是电子音乐制作教师,在Point Blank China任教至今。

GUAN, Guan Boyang, is an electronic music producer and digital media artist from Hangzhou. He hasestablished himself firmly in the Chinese music scene with his unique digital dystopian aesthetics. Graduatingfrom the China Academy of Art, he has developed his own distinctive approach to sound and other mediums,critically examining the relationship between humans and technology in the digital society.

GUAN's work is characterized by its eccentricity and is known for its fusion and versatility in musical genres.Through his imaginative 

exploration of future mutant organisms, he has created a "high-tech naturalism"sound system, where radical sonic experiments shape bizarre and organic landscapes.

GUAN's creative expression extends beyond music, often incorporating critical explorations of various toolsand materials as starting points for his work. His performances span across audio-visual showcases, modularsynthesizer live sets, and DJ performances. He frequently collaborates with like-minded artists and artorganizations such as LazyBackHome, ChillChill, Martin 

exploration of future mutant organisms, he has created a "high-tech naturalism"sound system, where radical sonic experiments shape bizarre and organic landscapes.

GUAN's creative expression extends beyond music, often incorporating critical explorations of various toolsand materials as starting points for his work. His performances span across audio-visual showcases, modularsynthesizer live sets, and DJ performances. He frequently collaborates with like-minded artists and artorganizations such as LazyBackHome, ChillChill, Martin 

exploration of future mutant organisms, he has created a "high-tech naturalism"sound system, where radical sonic experiments shape bizarre and organic landscapes.

GUAN's creative expression extends beyond music, often incorporating critical explorations of various toolsand materials as starting points for his work. His performances span across audio-visual showcases, modularsynthesizer live sets, and DJ performances. He frequently collaborates with like-minded artists and artorganizations such as LazyBackHome, ChillChill, Martin 

between Nike and the áunn museum, and hasshowcased his works during Airmax Day and design festivals. Another notable role of GUAN is his position asan electronic music production teacher at Point Blank China, where he has been teaching to this day.


GUAN 最近专辑

《The Immortal Tide》

The Immortal Tide 灵感来源于生物界中壮观的赤潮现象,隐地互联网中数字 工业制品的大量繁殖,同质化的快餐产品以及未来得及消费的过剩信息堆积成山。而在这一片“富营养化”的信息海域中诞生了更为原始的文化机体,不受控地繁殖、衍化,形成数字废墟下的一种诡异而引人窥探的奇我们现在正处于一个前人难以想象的历史节点,一场浩劫与狂欢并存的时代,快餐式的娱乐制品正蚕食着不多的信息空间,看似合理的荒谬充斥着网络世界。大数据窥探着人的一切,你是否怀疑过所有的蠢好、愤怒全都是被一台庞大的运算机器所引导的?“快乐而自由地活着”是每个人的愿望同样也是牢笼。“屏幕使用时间”和"粉丝活跃度”成为了你活着的证据,在这样一个高度娱乐化的时代,信息已失 去了它原本传递真相的使命。因此,有些人选择了逃离,选择按照自己的意愿和秩序之外在废土中建立新的部落。然而,你又如何知道这一切不是在为巨型机器提供更多的算力?

专辑The Immortal Tide延续了GUAN的“半叙事”式作品构架,相较于之前更浓烈的反乌托邦色彩费

穿其中。将IDM、Tec 等适宜的风格语言杂糅到一起,通过合成器调制和疯狂的果样 


Listen on Spotify:


MV made by LazyBackHome: https://youtu.be/-ZEgZfjCEdg 

Produced by GUAN

Featuring Artists: Yider, G94,Vataya Label:Moder


Release Date: 31st March 2022



FEIYI结合Tribal / Indie Dance / Electronic / Techno等多样的音乐并且进行不断的排列组合,试图将各种元素融合不同的舞曲丰富舞池的情绪与氛围。她的声音从上海的System到泰国的Decommune,再到越南的Arcan,并且仍然在探索无尽的可能。

FEIYI, founder of FinderShanghai. Having worked in the electronic music scene for many years, she has a unique understanding of underground culture. She tries to combine multiple fields and elements to create more possibilities for music scenes and expand multi-dimensional sensory exploration. Her SET is unique and rich. Adhering to pluralism, she tries to find a balance between reality and illusion in the current social system from the perspective of multi-perception, and explores the connection between music and perception.

FEIYI combines various music such as Tribal/Indie Dance/Electronic/Techno and constantly arranges and combines it, trying to integrate various elements into different dance music to enrich the mood and atmosphere of the dance floor. Her sound has gone from System in Shanghai to Decommune in Thailand to Arcan in Vietnam, and she is still exploring endless possibilities.


Nikita K.

Nikita K.来自于圣彼得堡。在成长过程中就对电子音乐产生了浓厚兴趣并开始研究。深信音乐有着无限的魔力,它可以让人们感受到生活中最美好的瞬间。独特的音乐品味让他总是在寻找那些能够触动灵魂的音乐元素,并将它们融合在他的DJ set中。

他的表演风格充满着艺术感和创新性,不仅擅长将Hypnotic techno与多种流派进行融合,更善于将不同的音乐元素巧妙地组合在一起,创造出独特的音乐氛围。


Nikita K. is from St. Petersburg. When I was growing up, I became interested in electronic music and began to study it. I firmly believe that music has infinite magic and can make people feel the best moments in life. With his unique musical taste, he is always looking for those musical elements that can touch the soul and integrate them into his DJ sets.

His performance style is full of artistry and innovation. He is not only good at fusing hypnotic techno with multiple genres, but is also good at skillfully combining

different musical elements to create a unique musical atmosphere.

His voice connects various scenes, from System in Shanghai to Loopy in Hangzhou, through Decommune in Bangkok, to Arcan in Vietnam. He tries to use his understanding to present a new rave scene.




FInderShanghai创办人 / 视觉艺术家。






VJ / Organizer of FinderShanghai / Visual Artist

Born and currently based in Shanghai, China, YIFEI’s work combines video media, live images and 3-D animation. A graduate of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, and 

student at Central University in Tokyo and Central Saint Martins in London, in 2019 YIFEI launched the cross-media and arts project “FinderShanghai”.

Finder Shanghai cooperates with emerging artists from various creative disciplines. Her works combine theater, performance,

sound, music, art installations, and poetry etc. Each project aims to explore the balance between reality and illusion in the current social system from a multi-perceptional perspective. She continues to experiment with new mediums and examining culture to present multi-sensory experimental experiences.


          LINE UP           


秦然 (Performance)

黑木HEIMU (Live)


DJ Nikita K.



        ABOUT  FinderShanghai     

FinderShanghai 成立于2019年,是来自上海的多元主义艺术厂牌。



FinderShanghai  Recap

FinderShanghai:一个致力于发掘多元文化的上海先锋实验厂牌,成立于2019年。Finder 是艺术家Yifei发起的新兴项目,通过融合行为表演、LIVE、DJ、VJ、装置等不同的媒介以及形式呈现新概念派对。

FinderShanghai 尝试进行对俱乐部文化一次破圈行为,侵犯不同领域的边界,聚集多元的能量在这里汇集。

FinderShanghai: A experimental art institution in Shanghai, intends to exploringmulticulturalism, established in 2019.

Finder is an emerging institution initiated by artist YIFEI, whichpresents a new concept project by integrating different media andforms such as visual art, performance, dance, drama, theater,music, sound, installation, poem and so on.

FinderShanghai attempts to break the circle of current culturalscene, violate the boundaries of different fields, and gatherdiverse energies to gather here.

日期 / 时间22:30, 7月26日, 周五  艺人: 秦然 / 黑木HEIMU / GUAN / FEIYI / Nikita K / YIFEI  票价60元早鸟票 / 80元预售票 / 100元现场票



3rd Floor, 77 Zhongshan South Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou

loopy Club