International Women Day | #Inspire Inclusion

文摘   2024-03-08 13:00   瑞典  
Today is International Women's Day, a global observation of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Each year, this day serves as a powerful reminder of the progress made toward gender equality and highlights the work that still needs to be done.
This year's International Women's Day UN campaign themes - Investing in Women and Inspiring Inclusion - call for action to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and create environments where all women are valued and respected.
To celebrate this day, we have invited Nefab employees across our sites to discuss investment and inclusion for women in the packaging and logistics industry.
Here are their inspiring stories and insights!
Sales Manager, Nefab China, Joined Nefab in 2007

Mary thinks companies need to hire more women for better gender diversity in the workplace. She says: "Investing in women can support building more resilient economies and more equitable societies. It benefits not only the women themselves but also their families and communities".

From her perspective, Nefab provides female employees with equal opportunities: "I joined Nefab as a sales assistant, then I grew up to be a sales manager. I am appreciated to get sufficient training and fully empowered by Nefab."
Operator, Nefab Vietnam, Joined Nefab in 2018

For Lan Dam, “investing in women” means allowing women fair economic participation, so they can take ownership of their lives. About inclusion, she complements: "Companies should hire more female employees and get them involved in management level for better gender balance."

As a female employee, she feels that Nefab has great company policies in terms of respect, open communication, and career development. She says: "We are also proud to have a female manager in the top management and regional team, so we believe that our voice can be heard and that all female employees can have a chance for growth."


Group IT Operations Manager, Nefab Sweden, Joined Nefab in 2022

Maria thinks it is essential to begin with education. "Really, from the start, make sure girls get the same equal opportunities as boys to get an education", she says. She also highlights the importance of gender balance and the work environment within male-dominated industries: "It's about keeping it on the agenda and making it part of the business culture. Investing in women and fostering inclusion can also mean taking immediate action to address sexism at work".


Warehouse Coodinator, Nefab Guadalajara, Joined Nefab in 2014

Besides hiring more women, Liliana thinks that investing in women means "giving them equal opportunities in all the areas of the company so they have the same chance for growth as men have".

Regarding being a Nefab employee, Liliana comments: "Nefab has supported me in my job growth, medical support, the different benefits that we have as employees, and flexibility to attend to personal matters with my kids."

This year's campaign theme underscores the crucial role of inclusion in achieving gender equality. It calls for action to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and create environments where all women are valued and respected. Inspire Inclusion encourages everyone to recognize the unique perspectives and contributions of women from all walks of life, including those from marginalized communities.

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