Cloud Native
在大部分基于 Envoy 实现的网关里,都存在这样一个问题,当开启 http2 时,客户端访问会出现偶发的 404,并且可以从日志注意到这些 404 的请求,:authority 头里的域名和 SNI 里的域名不一致。
Cloud Native
为什么:authority 头和 SNI 不一致
域名 B 和域名 A 是解析到同一个 IP。 跟域名 A 建立通信时获取的证书的 Common Name 是 wildcard,且可以匹配到域名 B;或者 SAN 中存在域名 B。
为什么产生 404
在 Envoy 的网关里,常见的 SNI 和域名路由的映射方式是一对一的,这样匹配到 SNI A 时,只会出现 A 域名的路由配置,没有 B 域名的路由,所以产生了 404。
Cloud Native
方案一:使用相同证书的域名复用同一个 filter chain
如果当域名的证书发生了修改,需要重建 filter chain,就会影响 downstream 连接断开。 增加了控制面的复杂度,例如使用 Gateway API 时,不能基于 filter chain 和 Gateway 中 Listener 一对一映射。
方案二:基于 HTTP 421 状态码
"@type": "type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.lua.v3.Lua"
inlineCode: |
function envoy_on_request(request_handle)
local streamInfo = request_handle:streamInfo()
if streamInfo:requestedServerName() ~= "" then
if (string.sub(streamInfo:requestedServerName(), 1, 2) == "*." and not string.find(request_handle:headers():get(":authority"), string.sub(streamInfo:requestedServerName(), 2))) then
request_handle:respond({[":status"] = "421"}, "Misdirected Request")
if (string.sub(streamInfo:requestedServerName(), 1, 2) ~= "*." and streamInfo:requestedServerName() ~= request_handle:headers():get(":authority")) then
request_handle:respond({[":status"] = "421"}, "Misdirected Request")
失去了连接复用的特性,对于一些依赖 HTTP2 连接复用实现页面加载优化的场景,可能是不接受的。 HTTP 421 存在版本兼容问题,特别是在中国有很多基于低版本 chromium 构建的 Hybrid Android APP,存在对不同域名复用连接,但是又不支持基于 421 重新建连的问题,返回 421 会直接造成业务报错。
方案三:filter chains 共用路由配置
1. 基于 RDS
2. 基于 VHDS
3. 基于 SRDS
要支持 wildcard domain,支持前缀匹配。 不同的 port 下相同域名逻辑可能不同,例如 80 下可能是强制跳转。
下面是 Higress 对 ScopedRoutes 做的扩展在配置上的体现:
// [#next-free-field: 6]
message ScopedRoutes {
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type =
message HostValueExtractor {
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type =
// The maximum number of host superset recomputes. If not specified, defaults to 100.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_recompute_num = 1;
message LocalPortValueExtractor {
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type =
oneof type {
option (validate.required) = true;
// Specifies how a header field's value should be extracted.
HeaderValueExtractor header_value_extractor = 1;
// Extract the fragemnt value from the :authority header, and support recompute with the wildcard domains,
// i.e. ``www.example.com`` can be recomputed with ``*.example.com``, then ``*.com``, then ``*``.
HostValueExtractor host_value_extractor = 101;
// Extract the fragment value from local port of the connection.
LocalPortValueExtractor local_port_value_extractor = 102;
// The final(built) scope key consists of the ordered union of these fragments, which are compared in order with the
// fragments of a :ref:`ScopedRouteConfiguration<envoy_v3_api_msg_config.route.v3.ScopedRouteConfiguration>`.
// A missing fragment during comparison will make the key invalid, i.e., the computed key doesn't match any key.
repeated FragmentBuilder fragments = 1 [(validate.rules).repeated = {min_items: 1}];
Cloud Native
在所有 filter chains 共用路由配置的情况下,因为不同的 filter chain 可能有不同的认证策略,比如常见的需要认证客户端证书(mTLS)的情况,或者基于 IP 的 RBAC 等。
// [#protodoc-title: HTTP route components]
// * Routing :ref:`architecture overview <arch_overview_http_routing>`
// * HTTP :ref:`router filter <config_http_filters_router>`
// The top level element in the routing configuration is a virtual host. Each virtual host has
// a logical name as well as a set of domains that get routed to it based on the incoming request's
// host header. This allows a single listener to service multiple top level domain path trees. Once
// a virtual host is selected based on the domain, the routes are processed in order to see which
// upstream cluster to route to or whether to perform a redirect.
// [#next-free-field: 24]
message VirtualHost {
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = "envoy.api.v2.route.VirtualHost";
// If non-empty, a list of server names (such as SNI for the TLS protocol) is used to determine
// whether this request is allowed to access this VirutalHost. If not allowed, 421 Misdirected Request will be returned.
// The server name can be matched whith wildcard domains, i.e. ``www.example.com`` can be matched with
// ``www.example.com``, ``*.example.com`` and ``*.com``.
// Note that partial wildcards are not supported, and values like ``*w.example.com`` are invalid.
// This is useful when expose all virtual hosts to arbitrary HCM filters (such as using SRDS), and you want to make
// mTLS-protected routes invisible to requests with different SNIs.
// .. attention::
// See the :ref:`FAQ entry <faq_how_to_setup_sni>` on how to configure SNI for more
// information.
repeated string allow_server_names = 101;