学术报告丨Unlocking the Potential for Engineered Acoustic Structures

文摘   2023-04-11 16:58   陕西  



Unlocking the Potential for Engineered Acoustic Structures: From Enhanced Consumer Audio to Biomedical Particle Manipulation

应陕西省微纳传感与测试技术创新团队负责人韦学勇教授邀请,美国杜克大学Junfei Li老师将于4月14日上午10点作学术报告,欢迎大家观看!

会议时间:2023/04/14 10:00(GMT+08:00)

Zoom会议:889 4435 9825



Controlling acoustic waves is critical in many fields, including verbal communication, medical imaging, structural health monitoring, ocean exploration, and national security. Engineered acoustic structures, also known as acoustic metamaterials, are artificially designed structures that can control the behavior of sound waves by manipulating the effective material properties of the structure. In recent years, these structures have been proposed as a promising approach to wave control, but their power efficiency and frequency range have often been limiting factors for consumer audio applications. 
In this talk, I will present a series of my works on how to achieve 100% power efficiency in arbitrary wavefront control using engineered acoustic structures. When combined with optimization, I will show our recent success in efficiently controlling the acoustic radiation within an ultra-broad bandwidth from 1kHz to 10kHz. In addition to providing reliable and affordable solutions to audio applications, we have also extended the use of engineered structures to acoustic tweezers, a tool for precise particle manipulation in fluid environments. 
However, controlling sound propagation in fluid/microfluid environments has been challenging due to the limited achievable material properties as building blocks. In this talk, I will discuss my recent work on overcoming this challenge and achieving precise, customized particle manipulation using acoustic tweezers with engineered structures. Finally, I will outline my future research plan on using acoustic scaffolds for tissue engineering and imaging through skulls using ultrasound.



Research Scientist, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

Starting August 2023:

Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

Email: junfei.li@duke.edu; lijunfei0712@gmail.com

Junfei Li is an incoming Assistant Professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University. He is currently a Research Scientist at Duke University's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, where he received his Ph.D. in 2020, advised by Professor Steven Cummer. His research interest focuses on controlling acoustic waves, and general wave phenomena, with applications in healthcare, chemistry, robotics, and audio industry. 
He has published over 40 journal articles and holds one U.S. Patent. His current h-index is 25, with over 2200 citations. His first-author publications have received recognition, including being named among the Top 50 Nature Communications articles in physics published in 2018, APL's Top 50 read articles published in 2016, and 2016 Smart Materials and Structures (SMS) Highlights Collection. Junfei is the recipient of several awards, including the Outstanding Dissertation Award from Duke University, the FIP John Chambers Scholarship, the China National Scholarship, and the Young Investigator Award from the Acoustical Society of America.





Advanced Sensing Group