有趣英语习语:快乐, 别老说Happy了!英语专8也不一定知道!

教育   教育   2024-10-14 23:03   浙江  
"Cloud nine" is an idiomatic expression that refers to a state of extreme happiness or euphoria. The origin of this phrase is uncertain, and multiple theories have been proposed to explain its etymology.
One theory suggests that the term "cloud nine" originated from the United States Weather Bureau, which used various cloud classifications in the 1950s. According to their cloud classification system, cloud number nine (C9) was the highest cumulonimbus cloud that reached significant altitude. This cloud was associated with thunderstorms and was seen as a metaphorical representation of being on top of the world or experiencing a natural high.
Another theory derives the phrase from the concept of the nine hierarchy levels in Buddhism. In Buddhism, the ninth level, often referred to as "cloud nine," was believed to be the highest level of consciousness, representing supreme enlightenment and blissful serenity. Therefore, being on cloud nine would indicate reaching a heightened spiritual or emotional state.
Additionally, some theories propose that "cloud nine" originates from older idioms such as "seventh heaven." In Christianity, the seventh heaven was thought to be the abode of God and the highest realm of paradise. Over time, the phrase evolved into "cloud nine" as a colorful variation of this expression.
Regardless of its precise origin, "cloud nine" has become widely used in English-speaking countries to describe profound joy or elation. People can feel like they are on cloud nine when they achieve a significant accomplishment, experience great success, or are overwhelmed with happiness.
Overall, while the exact source of "cloud nine" remains debated, its popularity and usage have solidified it as a well-known expression that captures the feeling of being on top of the world during moments of extreme delight.

"Cloud nine"是一个习语,指的是极度幸福或喜悦的状态。这个词组的起源尚不确定,有多种理论解释其词源。
有一种理论认为,“cloud nine”一词起源于美国的天气局,在1950年代使用了各种云层分类。根据他们的云层分类系统,第九层云(云层号C9)是最高的积雨云,达到较高的海拔高度。这种云层与雷暴有关,象征着处于世界之巅、感受自然境界的高度。
另一种理论起源于佛教中九层次的概念。在佛教中,第九层,通常称为“cloud nine”,被认为是最高意识层次,代表至高无上的启示和幸福宁静。因此,身处"cloud nine"意味着达到了提升的精神或情感状态。
此外,还有一些理论认为,"cloud nine"起源于早期的成语,如"seventh heaven"(第七天)。在基督教中,第七天天堂被认为是上帝的居所和最高的天堂领域。随着时间的推移,“cloud nine”变成了这个表达的多彩变体。
无论确切的起源如何,“cloud nine”在讲英语的国家已经广泛使用,用来形容深刻的喜悦或欢愉。当人们取得重大成就、获得巨大成功或感到非常幸福时,会感觉自己像站在云端之上,仿佛置身于第九层天堂。
总的来说,尽管“cloud nine”的确切来源仍有争议,但其受欢迎度和用法使其成为一个广为人知的表达,捕捉到极度喜悦时的世界之巅的感觉。
She was on cloud nine after receiving the job offer she had been dreaming of for years.
Winning the championship put the entire team on cloud nine. 
When her favorite band announced a concert in her city, she felt like she was on cloud nine. 
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