
文摘   2024-11-09 18:48   辽宁  





2024年11月1日至3日“气候变化的适应与可持续治理国际学术研讨会(International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Governance)”在大连理工大学凌水主校区顺利召开。



On 1-3 November 2024, the "International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptationand Sustainable Governance " was successfully held in Lingshui Main Campus of Dalian University of Technology. The conference brought together outstanding scholars from home and abroad, aiming to discuss in depth how to develop scientific governance, planning and design responses in the context of climate change. The conference also covered various sub-topics, such as the correlation mechanism between urban form and climate, urban resilience and disaster risk assessment, ecological safety and green space health, climate environment and building energy consumption, thermal environment and thermal comfort, energy consumption and climate adaptation. The conference was organised by the School of Architecture and Fine Art, Dalian University of Technology, with strong support from renowned universities and media.


Group photo of participants at the Dalian University of Technology Student Activity Centre

▲  参会部分成员会场前大合影

Group Photo of Some Attendees in Front of the Venue


Professor Cai Jun, Dean of the School of Architecture and Fine Art, Dalian University of Technology, delivered a speech on behalf of the school. More than 300 teachers and students from many universities at home and abroad attended the meeting.


Seminar Content


Opening Ceremony



During the opening ceremony, speeches were delivered by Cai Jun, Dean of the Architecture and Fine Art at Dalian University of Technology, Zuo Xiaoping, Secretary-General of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, and Zhang Deshun, Chairman of the symposium,Professor at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University. The ceremony was hosted by Guo Fei, Vice Dean of the School of Architecture and Fine Art, Dalian University of Technology.

▲  大连理工大学建筑与艺术学院院长蔡军致辞

Speech by Jun Cai, Dean of the School Architecture and Fine Art, Dalian University of Technology


Prof. Cai Jun, Dean of School of Architecture and Fine Art, Dalian University of Technology, delivered a speech on behalf of the school. On behalf of the School of Architecture and Fine Art of Dalian University of Technology, the dean firstly expressed his warm welcome to the experts, scholars and guests attending this conference! At the same time, he named the theme of this conference, that is, the challenges brought by climate change to mankind are realistic, serious and long-term. It requires the international community to think together, work together, and help each other. In this era of globalization, it is only through international cooperation and exchanges and the sharing of knowledge and technology that we can face this challenge together.

▲  中国风景园林学会秘书长左小平致辞

Speech by Xiaoping Zuo, Secretary General of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture


Zuo Xiaoping, Secretary General of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, delivered a speech. She pointed out that at present, climate change has become a serious challenge faced by all mankind. The global warming has triggered a series of ecological and environmental problems, posing an unprecedented threat to the survival and development of mankind. This international symposium provides us with a valuable opportunity to have in-depth exchanges and cooperation with experts and scholars from all over the world, and to share the successful experiences and innovative practices of various countries in coping with climate change. I believe that through today's discussion, we will jointly promote the role of landscape architecture discipline in global climate change governance to a new level!

▲  同济大学张德顺教授致辞

Speech by Prof. Deshun Zhang, Tongji University

大会主席同济大学张德顺教授代表研讨会组委会致辞, 将本次会议概括为四句话:“国际话题集言路,本土实践谋思路,韧性响应寻出路,持续发展增通路。”期待各位入会代表尽情绽放智慧的光芒,彰显科技和学术的力量,在气候变化和城市化进程日益加快的变化世界中,通过言路、思路、出路、通路来建立对气候和环境变化的抵御能力,服务于健康的城市生态系统与人类社会。

Prof. Zhang Deshun delivered a speech on behalf of the organizing committee, summarizing the conference in four sentences: “International topics gather words, local practice seeks ideas, resilience responds to find a way out, and sustainable development increases access.” It is expected that all the delegates will show their wisdom and the power of science, technology and academics to build ecosystem resilience to a changing world of climate change and urbanization, and to serve healthy urban surroundings and human societies through words, ideas, ways and pathways.

▲  现场参会情况

On-site participation




Keynote Speeches, Keynote Speeches Ⅱ, 

Split session report,

Round Table Discussions and Closing Ceremony


The conference lasted three days and successfully organized two keynote speeches, seven session speeches, an in-depth roundtable discussion and face-to-face exchanges with journals. During the conference, more than 40 renowned professors and industry experts from home and abroad, along with our Climate and Built Environment Laboratory, delivered many brilliant speeches centering on the theme of “Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Governance”, providing valuable insights and cutting-edge thinking on the research and development of “Climate Change Response Strategies”. 


Keynote Speech on the morning of 2 November

11月2日上午的主旨报告上半场由大连理工大学建筑与艺术学院郭飞教授主持,全国工程勘察设计大师王凯院长、华南理工大学孟庆林教授、清华大学林波荣教授、东南大学曹世杰教授、弗莱堡大学Matzarakis, A. P.教授、香港大学任超副教授,分别做题为《精准适配——基于生态友好的城镇可持续发展解决方案》《城市热环境调控》《气候变化背景下城镇化领域科技创新思考与探索》《气候变化与城市可持续发展》《气候变化时代的热管理——热健康行动计划》《让梦想成真!应对气候变化的气候设计》的主旨报告。

The first half of the keynote speech on the morning of 2 November was hosted by Professor Guo Fei of the School of Architecture and Fine Art,  Dalian University of Technology. Dean Wang Kai, a national engineering survey and design master, Professor Meng Qinglin of South China University of Technology, Professor Lin Borong of Tsinghua University, Professor Cao Shijie of Southeast University, Professor Matzarakis, A P. from the University of Freiburg, Associate Professor Ren Chao from the University of Hong Kong, gave keynote speeches entitled ‘Precise Adaptation – Eco-Friendly Solutions for Sustainable Urban Development’, ‘Urban Thermal Environment Regulation’, ‘Reflections and Exploration of Scientific and Technological Innovation in the Field of Urbanisation against the Background of Climate Change’, ‘Climate Change and Urban Sustainable Development’, ‘Heat Management in the Era of Climate Change – Heat Health Action Plans’ and ‘Make it Real! Climate Design for a Changing Climate’.

▲  主旨报告上半场——主持人郭飞教授

Professor Fei Guo, chair of the first half of Keynote Speech

▲  王凯院长

President Kai Wang

▲  孟庆林教授

Professor Qinglin Meng

▲  林波荣教授

Professor Borong Lin

▲  曹世杰教授

Professor Shijie Cao

▲  Matzarakis, A. P.教授

Professor Matzarakis, A. P.

▲  任超副教授

Associate Professor Chao Ren


The second half of the keynote speech on the morning of 2 November was hosted by Professor He Baojie from the School of Architecture and Fine Art at Chongqing University. Associate Professor Yuan Chao from the National University of Singapore, Professor Lau, Stephen S. Y. from the University of Hong Kong, Professor Yuan Yuan from Sun Yat-sen University, and Professor Tang Yan from Tsinghua University gave keynote speeches entitled ‘Urban Climate Simulation and Analysis of Urban Thermal Risk Mitigation and Adaptation’, “Adapting Climate Change and Extreme Weather in the Design of Building and Cities”, “Rethinking Urban Poverty in the Global South in the Context of Climate Change”, and “The Impact of Demolition and Greening Policies on the Urban Thermal Environment: A Case Study of Beijing”.

▲  主旨报告下半场——主持人何宝杰教授Professor Baojie He, chair of the second half of Keynote Speech


Associate Professor Chao Yuan

▲ 刘少瑜教授

Professor Lau, Stephen S. Y.

▲ 袁媛教授

Professor Yuan Yuan

▲  唐燕教授

Professor Yan Tang

11月2日下午主旨报告 1

Keynote Speech on the afternoon of 2 November Ⅰ


The first half of the keynote speech on the afternoon of the 2nd NovemberⅠwas delivered by Professor Wang Yupeng of the School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University. Professor Yu Yifan of Tongji University, Professor Leng Hong of Harbin Institute of Technology, Professor Zhao Jingyuan of Chang'an University, Professor Yang Jun of Northeastern University and Professor Tong Ziyu of Nanjing University gave their respective keynote speeches entitled ‘Age-friendly and healthy cities’, ‘Improving urban climate resilience from a planning perspective: Reflections based on cold city's thinking', “Research on the characteristics of temporal and spatial differentiation of the urban built-up area's thermal environment and countermeasures for regulation”, “Continuous Assessment of the Factors Driving the Urban Surface Thermal Environment in 1469 Cities Worldwide”, and “Research on the evolution of urban form based on local climate zoning and its effect on the surface thermal environment”.

▲  主旨报告1上半场——主持人王宇鹏教授

Professor Yupeng Wang, chair of the first half of Keynote Speech Ⅰ

▲  于一凡教授

Professor Yifan Yu

▲  冷红教授

Professor Hong Leng 

▲  赵敬源教授

Professor Jingyuan Zhao

▲  杨俊教授

Professor Jun Yang

▲  童滋雨教授

Professor Ziyu Tong


The second half of the keynote speech on the afternoon of the 2nd NovemberⅠwas hosted by Professor Fu Fan from the School of Architecture and Fine Art at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Donghua University researcher Liu Jianlin, Tsinghua University associate professor Liu Li, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology professor Luo Zhixing, Beijing University of Technology professor Zhang Weirong, and Southeast University professor Qian Hua gave keynote reports entitled ‘Progress and Reflections on Wind Field Flow Simulation in Pedestrian Areas of Low-Carbon Built Environments’, ‘The Meaning and Development of the Healthy Performance of Building Breathing’, ‘Development of a Carbon Emissions Calculation Platform for the Entire Building Design Process’, ‘Regulation of New Building Energy Systems for Carbon Neutrality’, and ‘Mechanisms of Respiratory Infectious Diseases and Engineering Control Methods’.

▲  主旨报告1下半场——主持人傅凡教授

Professor Fan Fu, chair of the second half of Keynote Speech Ⅰ

▲  刘建麟教授

Professor Jianlin Liu

▲  刘荔副教授

Associate Professor Li Liu

▲  罗智星教授

Professor Zhixing Luo

▲  张伟荣教授

Professor Weirong Zhang

▲  钱华教授

Professor Hua Qian


Keynote speech on the afternoon of 2 November Ⅱ


The first half of the keynote speech on the afternoon of the 2nd NovemberⅡwas hosted by Professor Hong Bo from the School of Landscape Architecture at Northwest A&F University. Professor Xu Shen from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Professor Han Guifeng from Chongqing University, Professor Hang Jian from Sun Yat-sen University, Professor Chen Hong from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Professor Li Qiong from South China University of Technology, gave keynote speeches entitled ‘Methods and Applications of Carbon Reduction in Multi-scale Architectural Design’, ‘Spatial Planning Responses and Challenges to the Urban Thermal Environment’, ‘Research on Urban Wind and Thermal Environment Based on Refined Observation and Multi-scale Simulation’, ‘Research on the Impact of Wuhan's Microclimate during the Expansion Process’, and ‘Research on Urban High Temperature Heat Wave Risk Assessment’.

▲  主旨报告2上半场——主持人洪波教授

Professor Bo Hong, chair of the first half of Keynote Speech Ⅱ

▲  徐燊教授

Professor Shen Xu

▲  韩贵锋教授

Professor Guifeng Han

▲  杭建教授

Professor Jian Hang

▲  陈宏教授

Professor Hong Chen

▲  李琼教授

Professor Qiong Li


The second half of the keynote speech on the afternoon of the 2nd November Ⅱ was hosted by Professor Feng Xianhui from the School of Architecture and Fine Art, South China University of Technology. Professor Chen Yixing from Hunan University, Professor Zhang Rongpeng from Hunan University, Professor Zhang Yingzi from Southwest Jiaotong University, and Associate Professor Lai Dayi from Shanghai Jiaotong University, gave keynote speeches entitled ‘Big Data Acquisition and Energy Consumption Simulation Analysis of Urban Building Clusters’, ‘Building Energy Consumption Simulation to Promote the Low-Carbon Sustainable Development of Buildings’, ‘Planning, Design and Practice of Green Villages in the Tibetan Plateau’, and ‘Research on Urban Thermal Environment in the Context of Climate Change: From a Human Perspective’.

▲  主旨报告2下半场——主持人冯娴慧教授

Professor Xianhui Feng, chair of the second half of Keynote Speech Ⅱ

▲  陈毅兴教授

Professor Yixing Chen

▲  张荣鹏教授

Professor Rongpeng Zhang

▲ 张樱子教授

Professor Yingzi Zhang

▲  赖达祎副教授

Associate Professor Dayi Lai


Roundtable discussion


In addition, on the evening of November 1, 2024, members of the organizing committee conducted an organizing committee meeting at the Hi Chance Dalian Science & Technology Center, during which the organizing committee discussed and made decisions on a number of important topics. The participants firstly determined the next host, which ensured the smooth arrangement of the next conference.  In order to enhance the academic quality of the conference, the participants also formulated the guidelines for the evaluation of the best papers, and clarified the composition of the evaluation panel and the evaluation procedure. These discussions and decisions laid a solid foundation for the continuous development and academic exchanges of the conference in the future.

▲  圆桌讨论

Round Table Discussion


Sub-session Report















▲  分会场现场报告

Sub-session on-site reports


Closing Ceremony


At the closing ceremony of the International Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Governance, Professor Guo Fei served as the host. He provided a comprehensive review of the symposium, summarizing the insightful speeches delivered by the guests, highlighting key research across various fields under the context of climate change, and offering a scientific outlook on sustainable development. Following this, Professor Guo invited Professor Zhang Deshun to announce the winners of the "Best Presentation Award" from the sub-forum held on November 3: Zhang Zhe and Jia Weiyi. He then invited Professor Cai Jun to reveal the recipients of the "Best Paper Award": Qi Zizhuo and Yu Bingqing, extending warm congratulations and encouragement to all four awardees. During the flag-handover ceremony, Professor Zhao Jingyuan introduced the next host institution, Chang'an University, and shared her anticipation for their upcoming efforts. Finally, Professor Guo declared the successful closing of the symposium.

▲  闭幕式

Closing ceremony

▲  交接仪式

Handover ceremony


Periodical face-to-face activities


In order to facilitate the majority of participants, the conference team especially invited the guest editors-in-chief of domestic and foreign journals to carry out face-to-face communication with the authors. Several editors, reviewers and scholars of well-known journals were invited to this event, aiming to provide the majority of teachers and students with the opportunity to have face-to-face exchange their ideas with academic journals and to strengthen the interaction and cooperation between academia and the publishing industry.

▲  期刊面对面现场

Journal face-to-face site


On the day of the event, editors from major renowned journals at home and abroad shared their practical experiences on paper submission, review process, academic writing skills and other aspects. In particular, scholars had a lively discussion on topics such as how to increase the impact of papers, improve the quality of academic writing, and cope with the submission requirements of different journals. Through this direct dialog, participants gained valuable academic resources and first-hand advice from editors on reviewing manuscripts.

▲  主持人与期刊编委讨论

Facilitator in discussion with journal editorial board members


Authors talk to journal editors


This journal face-to-face activity not only provides a platform for researchers to present their research results, but also provides young scholars who are new to the academic field with an opportunity to communicate face-to-face with senior editors, which enhances their understanding and confidence in academic publishing.



