
文化   2024-10-09 10:37   浙江  

费利斯·比托(Felice Beato 1832-1909)是一位意大利裔英国摄影师。他是第一批在东亚拍照的人之一,也是第一批战地摄影师之一。从19世纪50年代开始,他在日本、中国、缅甸、印度、耶路撒冷、克里米亚和地中海等地旅行、生活并广泛摄影,其中包括克里米亚战争、1885年的苏丹殖民战争、1857年印度叛乱和1860第二次鸦片战争。

本公号之前发布费利斯·比托有关日本部分的照片 意大利摄影师在19世纪中期,日本之旅 ,今发布其他地区。

Buddhist Temple, 1858-1862.


Chutter Manzil Palace, with the King's Boat in the Shape of a Fish on the Gomti River, 1858.

Imperial Summer Palace before the Burning, Yuan Ming Yuan, 1860.

Interior of the Angle of Taku North Fort Immediately After Its Capture by Storm, 1860.

Interior of the Sikh Temple with Marble Mosaic, 1859.

North East Corner of the Wall of Peking, 1860.

Sacred Temple of Heaven, 1860.


Sikandrahbagh After Slaughter of the Rebels by the 93rd Highlanders of 4th Panjal Native Infantry, 1858.

The Damascus Gate, 1857.

The Emperor's Winter Palace, Peking, 1860.

The Grand Imperial Porcelain Palace, Yuen-Ming-Yuen, Peking, 1860.

The Taj Mahal from the East, 1859.

Tung Choon Pagoda, 1860.

A Gateway Leading into the Kaiserbagh Palace,1858

A Gateway Leading Into the Kaiserbagh,1858-1862

Ablution fountain in the courtyard of the New Mosque,c.1855

Akbar's Tomb at Secundra, near Agra,c.1859 

Akbar's Tomb at Secundra, near Agra,c.1859

Alambagh Palace,1858

Anting Gate of Pekin after the Surrender, 13th October, 1860

Anting Gate of Peking Occupied by the Allied Forces,negative1860,print 1861

Bailee Guard Gate, Taken from the Inside, Showing the Clock Tower,1858-62

Banks' House,1858-1862

Camp Roorkee,1869

Cashmere Gate. Front view,1858

Commissioners Yamun, Canton, China,April 1860

Copy of a Sketch of Colonel Crealock's Engagement in India,1858-1859

First view seen in Peking taken from Anting Gate,1860

Futtehpore Sikri,c.1866

Gateway and Central Pagoda of the 450 Tables of the Law,1887-1896

Group Portrait of the Royal Marine Battalion,1864

Felice Beato,Hurdwar,about 1881

Interior of 2nd Fort captured Marine Redout,1871

Interior of Furad Buksh, Lucknow,1858

Interior of the Tomb at the Depot near Peking,October 3-5, 1860

Jain Temple,1858

Kachin Women,about 1889

Lieutenant Colonel Braysyer. [sic] 14th Sikhs,1858-1859

Lower Ganges Canal, Kali Nadi aqueduct,about 1872

Marble Palace in the Fort, Agra,1859

Maung-Tin, Shwebo Woon's son who has been very successful against Dacoits,about 1885

Mosque in the Hussainabad Imambara,1858

Mosque Inside Asophoo Dowlah's Emambara, Now Used as a Hospital,1858

Mount Moriah and the Mosk of Omar,1857

Pagoda,about 1885

Panorama - Talien Whan Bay,July 21, 1860

Panorama of Lucknow, Taken from the Kaiserbagh Palace,1858-62


Pompey's Pillar,c.1881

Position Taken Up by the English and French with the Enclosure at the Temple of the Earth Preparing to Opening Fire on Pekin on 21st October 1860, Also Wall of Pekin and Antin Gate, (Gate of Peace,) Surrendered

Rear of the North Fort Showing the Retreat of the Chinese Army, August 21, 1860

Regulating Bridge, Ganges Canal, Hurdwar,about 1881

Royal Tank at Shwebo with Civil Group,about 1885

Sammy House Picquet,1858-1860

Seenmura Boorg Palace,1858

Shah Najaf, Lucknow,1858

Shan Beauty,ca.1889

Shops and Street, Chinese City of Peking,1860

Shrine - Alai Darwaza, Kootub,1858

Study of Natives in India,ca.1860

The Churchyard and Residency in the Distance,1858-1862

The First Korean Junk Bringing Despatches onboard the U.S.S. Colorado, Immediately on Her Casting Anchor,May 30, 1871

The Great Pagoda in the Imperial Winter Palace, Peking,1860

The Hindoo Temple near Kootub, Delhi,1858-60

The Hosainabad Imambara, and The Tomb of Muhammad Ali Shah,1858-1862

The Incomparable Pagoda from Mandalay Hill,about 1890

The Island of Boisee,1871

The Island of Boisee. The anchorage of the US Asiatic Fleet.1871

The Khurshid Munzil or 32nd Mess House,1858

The Mine in the Chattar Manzil, Exploded by the Enemy at the First Attack of General Henry Havelock,1858-1862

The Musabagh, Lucknow,March 1858

The Residency, Taken from the Redan Battery,1858-1862

The Road by which General Henry Havelock Entered in the Residency, Lucknow,1858

The Tomb of General Sir Henry Havelock in the Alumbagh,1858-1862

Thibetan Monument in the Lama Temple, Peking,1860

Two Sepoys of the 31st Native Infantry, Who Were Hanged at Lucknow, 1857

View of shore with ships on horizon and five figures standing on beach,1871

View of the Gardens and Buddhist Temple of Peking,October 29, 1860

View of the Summer Palace, Yuen-Ming-Yuen, showing the Pagoda before the Burning,October 1860

Weir, Agra Canal,before 1875









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