「镜映计划」是「照镜子Miroir Project」2022年推出的展览栏目,照镜子通过和空间合作来扶持艺术家进行线下展览。我们欢迎空间合作,具体合作邀约请发送邮件至我们的工作邮箱:miroirproject@163.com。
Outland Publishing Fair x 照镜子Miroir Project
朱伊茗 / 陈文怡 / 姚惠子 / 刘昱荃 / 沈葛予婧 / 彭越洋
2024/9/28-2024/9/29 11:00AM-18:00PM 免票入场
伦敦 White City Warehouse,W12 7RH
八月份,照镜子 Miroir Project 在上海与 19 位艺术家共同完成了一场摄影盒子快闪之后,我们在九月位移至伦敦,有缘与Outland Publishing Fair合作延续这场名为 “阿萨吉 奥利之盒” 的摄影快闪展览。展览名称灵感来源于意大利心理学家罗⻉托·阿萨吉奥利(Roberto Assagioli)对艺术创作的观点。阿萨吉奥利认为艺术创作是一种能积 极推动自我发展的精神生活,愈合内心冲突,帮助人们走出“灵魂的黑夜”。本次展现场将陈列六个分别存放创作者的艺术创作的黑色档案盒:其中存放着创作者 们的文字独白、图像作品或工作草稿。照镜子 Miroir Project 试图通过收集创作者们基于私人经验所完成的创作,在每一个象征着私人体验的、半开放的黑色盒子中,呈现一场关于坦诚的自我对话。
选自《Summoning》系列 ©️ 朱伊茗 Yiming Zhu
Yiming Zhu(朱伊茗) is a Chinese artist who works and lives in London. She graduated from Photography at the Royal College of Art (UK). Her practice combines installation and moving images based on photography. Her work stems from reality and focuses on the relationship between consciousness and human behavior. How to express life experiences metaphorically is the focus of her work. Through fictional memory elements, subconscious metaphors, and imagination to form internal and external transformations. Audiences are invited into the visual narrative she constructed. Recently, her work has been featured at: Photometria International Photography Festiva (2024), GUP FRESH EYES talent(2023), Rotlicht Photograhy Festival (2023), PhMuseum Days International Photo Festival(2023), Tate Morden(2023).
选自《Sisyphus》系列 ©️ 姚惠子Huizi Yao
姚惠子出生于中国甘肃,2016年毕业于上海理工大学和汉堡应用科学大学。 她于2017年至2023年在卡塞尔艺术大学完成了视觉传达硕士学位,并在维也纳应用艺术大学交换了两个学期。 惠子主要从事摄影和摄像,她的作品以浓烈的色彩和幽默荒诞的⻛格为特 点。她的短片曾在维也纳Zeitimpuls电影节、当代动画艺术档案展和Harz Movienale上放映,摄影作品则发表在Frizz、Jenny、Matratze和Knize等杂志上,并在弗里德利希美术馆、卡塞尔文献展馆、画廊节和维也纳应用艺术节展出。
Geyujing Shen(沈葛予婧)was born in 1999 in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, China, she is currently doing a fully-funded PhD under the Sociology department at the University of Westminster, she graduated with an MA in Photography and Urban Cultures at Goldsmiths College, University of London. Her works focus on urban-rural migration, collective memory, intimacy, and identity; In her ongoing project Whether Every Tree's Birthday Falls In the Spring, she attempts to discuss the significance of belonging and community space for the Chinese female queers who live in London from personal memory. Jing has received the grant from Female Documentary Photography Foundation.
嘉宾:陈文怡 Manyi Chan
活动日期时间:9/28 16:00-17:00,免票入场
地点:伦敦 White City Warehouse,W12 7RH
活动日期时间:9/29 16:00-17:00,免票入场
地点:伦敦 White City Warehouse,W12 7RH
Outland Publishing Fair 是一个位于伦敦的艺术书展,致力于激活出版物跨地域、跨文化交流动的活性网络。首届 Outland Publishing Fair 将于2024年9月28–29日举行,呈现三十余组不同地区的参展出版单位艺术家及多达60件自出版作品,并伴随一系列工作坊、讲座、快闪展览、新书发布等公共活动。
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