12 月 | 越南拍鸟踩线活动招募(价格优惠)

文摘   2024-09-09 05:00   斐济  



D 1  中午胡志明机场接机后前往新富,车程150公里,新富周边拍鸟,住新富

目标鸟种: 斑腹八色鸫、蓝背八色鸫、眼斑孔雀雉(特有种)、橙颈山鹧鸪(特有种)、戴氏火背鹇

D 2  一整天在新富拍鸟,晚上夜观,住新富

目标鸟种:斑腹八色鸫、蓝背八色鸫、三趾翠鸟、 绿脚树鹧鸪、橙颈山鹧鸪(特有种) 、灰脸纹胸鹛、阿氏雅鹛、 暗色阔嘴鸟、黑红阔嘴鸟、横斑翠鸟 、橙胸咬鹃

晚上夜观目标鸟种:林雕鸮、 领角鸮 、鹰鸮

D 3  早上在新富拍鸟,之后前往吉仙,拍摄竹啄木鸟、绿孔雀。住吉仙

D 4 早上在吉仙拍鸟,之后前往大叻拍鸟,目标:大叻短翅莺(特有种)灰冠南洋鹛(特有种)、 中南拟啄木鸟、,越南金翅雀(特有种) 等等。住大叻

D 5-6  两个整天在大叻高原(海拔不超过 2000 米)拍鸟,目标鸟种:纹枕噪鹛(特有种)、 橙胸噪鹛(特有种)、短尾钩嘴鹛 白脸噪鹛、黑冠噪鹛,  灰腹地莺, 蓝八色鸫, 栗头八色鸫、 白尾蓝地鸲 、白喉短翅鸫、 红喉山鹧鸪、  厚嘴啄花鸟、黄臀啄花鸟、灰冠南洋鹛(特有种) 、黑顶雀鹛(特有种)、越南姬鹛(特有种) 

晚上夜观寻找:林雕鸮、领鸺鹠、 红角鸮、长尾夜鹰、黑顶蟆口鸱。住大叻

D 7  早上在大叻拍鸟,之后前往夷灵拍鸟,目标鸟种:黑头鸦雀(特有种)、印支绿鹊/黄胸绿鹊、红臀拟啄木鸟、中南拟啄木鸟等等。住夷灵

D 8  早上在夷灵拍鸟查漏补缺,之后前往胡志明机场送机,车程 5.5 小时。行程结束。


 新富&吉仙地区:绿脚树鹧鸪、橙颈山鹧鸪*、眼斑孔雀雉、戴氏火背鹇、绿孔雀、蓝背八色鸫、斑腹八色鸫、棕头幽鹛、棕胸雅鹛、阿氏雅鹛、小红头树鹛、海南蓝仙鹟、印支蓝仙鹟、灰脸纹胸鹛、横斑翠鸟、黑红阔嘴鸟、带斑阔嘴鸟、条耳鹎、纹喉鹎、竹啄木鸟、金背三趾啄木鸟、花腹绿啄木鸟、斑头绿拟啄木鸟、黑冠啄木鸟、三趾翠鸟、紫颊直嘴太阳鸟、中南寿带、冠斑犀鸟、和平鸟、金冠树八哥、盘尾树鹊、灰鹃鵙、短尾鹦鹉、绯胸鹦鹉、橙胸绿鸠 、栗鸮、鹰鸮、毛腿耳夜鹰、星喉蟆口鸱、林雕鸮、 鹰鸮等

大叻高原:栗头八色鸫、白喉鹩鹛、白脸噪鹛、纹枕噪鹛*、白喉短翅鸫、灰腹地莺、灰头钩嘴鹛、短尾钩嘴鹛、大仙鹟、白尾蓝地鸲、棕胸蓝姬鹟、越南姬鹛*、越南鵙鹛* 、中南拟啄木鸟、斑喉拟啄木鸟、黑胸太阳鸟、蓝喉太阳鸟、朱鹂、印支绿鹊/黄胸绿鹊、黑冠噪鹛*、黑头奇鹛、黑头鸦雀*、黑顶雀鹛*、山雀鹛、红头长尾山雀、蓝翅希鹛、星头啄木鸟、白斑尾柳莺、长尾山椒鸟、大叻短翅莺*、灰冠南洋鹛*等

夷灵:蓝八色鸫、蓝背八色鸫、黑头鸦雀*、银胸丝冠鸟、白腹凤鹛、白喉褐冠鹎、灰头钩嘴鹛、印支绿鹊/黄胸绿鹊、白喉矶鸫、红臀拟啄木鸟*、灰短脚鹎、越南姬鹛*、越南金翅雀*、和平鸟、白眉地鸫 、橙头地鸫、短尾鹪鹛、越南山鹪莺*等。




越南行程日期:2024.12.29 - 2025.1.5(8天 7晚)

人数:4-8 人


4 人成团价:13500/人

6 人成团价:12500/人

8 人成团价:11500/人

单房差(7 晚):1100/人


1. 全程旅游车费用

2. 全程三餐、矿泉水,水果和野外补充能量所需零食

3. 舒适客栈/度假酒店标间住宿

4. 领队、当地鸟导及司机食宿劳务费用

5. 全程门票、鸟塘费用

6. 旅游保险





1. 支付 3000 元定金,即视为报名成功。

2. 出团前35天补齐余款。


1. 定金收取后将为您保留位置,如您退出,定金不退,但您可将名额转让给朋友。

2. 出团前35天内退出活动,费用不退,但您可将名额转让给朋友。

3. 若活动未成行,退还定金。


1. 越南 11 月至次年 4 月为旱季,此行程温度在 12-35 度,建议携带户外冲锋衣、抓绒、羽绒服、帽子,衣服尽量多层次穿着,能根据气温及时增减衣服。

2. 山区紫外线强烈,请携带SPF50+及以上的防晒霜和遮阳帽、太阳镜等防晒用品,以免晒伤。

3. 请适当携带个人备用药物防风和保暖,防治感冒、腹泻、过敏等。

4. 步行难度:观鸟部分主要由主路步行和乘车结合,大部分时候步行难度不大,在马路上观鸟时车会全程跟着,随时可以上车休息。但有时也会进入林间徒步爬山,建议穿专业徒步鞋方便在野外行走。

5. 拍摄难度:森林鸟类拍摄难度较大。

6. 摄影器材:观鸟过程中会长时间徒步,要根据个人体力和拍摄要求携带拍摄器材。建议携带 300mm及以上镜头,或者 100-400mm等变焦镜头。


Summer Wong 王文娟





Summer/王文娟 带团照片

观鸟客户对 Summer/王文娟的评价



Hi Summer,

I trust it will find you well.

Even if as a local Chinese birder, especially after several short visits, I know it is never an easy trip to birding in Sichuan. Long distance travel, dense jungle and unfamiliar species have kept me from making up my mind to start a real birding trip to Sichuan, until I know you were not busy this year. Frankly, I am still impressed with the whole fantastic trip, which I believe the best trip I ever took before. It exceeded all my expectations in any way. Not only we got almost 100% targets, plus much more bonus species, but you did a fabulous job of organizing the logistics especially including varied delicious dinners and snacks. Your sharp eyes and prefect knowledge of sounds always led us to find birds/mammals successfully (You even found a Red-Panda without scopes, how did you do that!), moreover your dedication of tireless effort to search the targets eventually made all of those happened!

Anyway, thanks again for all the success and fun in the great two weeks. Certainly hope to visit with you again in near future, in China or outside China. And hope you and your business going well.

Keep safe and health.



Vinc Ong — China — Sichuan birding tour,  9-23 May 2020

Dear Summer,

My tour with you was really unforgettable!

Not only did we manage to see almost all major targets, plus some bonus species, we also had amazing views on most of them. You’re an amazing birder, with very sharp eyes. The itinerary was not 100% fixed so because of the flexibility we were able to see more than planned. You really went above and beyond to show me all the species I wanted to see, even the common ones, I guess not many people ask for the Brown-breasted Bulbul. or all the buntings, but this makes us bunting experts now.

Not only the birding was amazing, but also just travelling with you. We had a lot of fun together and I had a great time.

The food was also very good; the spicier, the better.  I think the colli flower dish at Wuyuan and the spicy breakfast near Emeifeng were some of my favourites.

Thanks again for everything…

All the best wishes!

Wouter Van Gasse — Belgium —  eastern China winter tour,  26 Nov – 11 Dec 2019 

Hi Summer,

We all arrived safe and  back in Belgium!

Many thanks once again for the perfect organization of our birding trip. As you know we thoroughly enjoyed every single day!

We were all amazed by your talent and capabilities to combine a seamless management of logistics, a tireless effort to search for every single bird species, your total care for our well-being (not in the least by ensuring we had splendid and varied gastronomic dinners) and your great sense of humour.   

Now it tastes for more adventures in China. Especially as you made the trip so enjoyable!

See you on our next trip!


Peter Boesman — Belgium — Qinghai, Xinjiang, Tibet birding tour,  4-25 July 2019

Hi Summer,

Great to hear you’re well and kicking. Many thanks for the many photos. Good fun.

We totally agree that it was a fantastic tour with you. We are already looking forward to a future trip… a mammal trip in autumn or a Yunnan trip or a northeast China spring trip… We’ll see.

Take good care. We’ll keep in touch.

Big hug,

Kathleen & Mark

Hi Summer,

we’ve tried to send you a whatsapp message, but it doesn’t look as if it works that way.

Anyway, we wanted to thank you for a terrific tour through Qinghai, Xinjiang and Tibet. You did a fabulous job , found all the birds and solved all the logistical problems easily. Added to that, you made the trip a real gastronomical delight. We’ll have a look at my missing birds and mammals and see where in China we would be able to do a nice clean up trip with you in the future.

Enjoy your time off. Take good care of yourself.

All the very best,

Kathleen & Mark Van Beirs — Belgium — Qinghai, Xinjiang, Tibet birding tour,  4-25 July 2019


Yes, I enjoyed birding with you very much too, although I admit it took me some time to adjust to the different environment.

I put the book in the post today so hopefully it will reach you before you head off to Qinghai.

I’ve also written the first part of a blog about  the Sichuan trip on my website. I’ve put a link to your own website in the blog.

Best wishes

David Diskin — from UK but he lives in HK and is an experienced birding guide in HK —  Sichuan birding tour,  1-15 June 2019

Hi Summer,

You probably thought I had forgotten all about you. 

I have sent the rest of your money today so it should be in your account very soon. I hope that all is going well with you and your business is going well.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoyed the part of my holiday that I spent with you learning a great appreciation of China as well as meeting so many birds with you. Thank you so much for making it all so successful.

Thank you once more for a fantastic experience in Sichuan and Yunnan with the BEST Chinese bird tour and the most knowledgable tour leader!

Best regards to you,

Cynthia Jones – Australia —  Sichuan & Lijiang, north Yunnan birding tour,  25 April-13 May 2019

王文斌 Wang Wenbin

职业观鸟观兽领队,仅 2023 年就累计在国内带团观鸟拍鸟超过 200 天,熟悉四川、青海、西藏、内蒙古、海南以及马来西亚鸟类及兽类,因观鸟寻兽的敏锐天赋及高效率常被客人称赞。



领队:王文娟(Summer Wong)


