
文摘   2024-10-17 19:00   中国香港  


From Tradition to Innovation: The fourth Hong Kong Young Scholars Research Forum on History and Literature


As a continuation of “Traditional Structure and Exegesis: The Third Hong Kong Young Scholars Research Forum on History and Literature”, the Fourth Forum is given a new theme “From Tradition to Innovation”. We invite young scholars from Hong Kong higher education institutions or young Hong Kong scholars studying/teaching in the Greater Bay Area to contribute their exegesis of classical and modern texts to this forum. We eagerly anticipate reuniting with all of you at Hong Kong Chu Hai College.

日期:2025年2月22日(週六)  Date: 22 Feb 2025 (Saturday)

地點:香港珠海學院                        Venue: Hong Kong Chu Hai College


Our target: young scholars from local higher education institutions or those studying for research degrees in Hong Kong.

參加辦法:請掃QR code填寫投稿表格,主辦單位將根據題目與摘要錄取。

To register, please scan the QR code and complete the form provided.

Acceptance is based on various factors including the quality of titles and abstracts.

15/11/2024 截止报名

13/12/2024 名单公布

03/02/2025 论文提交

如有任何問題,歡迎聯絡:For enquiries, please email:

許建業博士    Dr. Hui Kin Yip             kyhui@hksyu.edu  

張歡歡博士    Dr. Zhang Huanhuan   huzhang@hkmu.edu.hk

沈思聰博士 Dr.Shen Sicong   scarlettshen@hkbu.edu.hk

常慧琳博士    Dr. Chang Huilin          hlchang@chuhai.edu.hk
