Hi Juungar|准格尔旗:矿区“花果山”迎丰收 结硕果

政务   2024-10-12 09:01   内蒙古  

准格尔旗:矿区“花果山”迎丰收 结硕果

Juungar's mine rehabilitation efforts bear fruit


Autumn is a season of reaping rewards, refreshing breezes and bountiful harvests. In the mining areas of Juungar Banner, the ecological restoration plantation has become home to vibrant red apples, luscious grapes and various other fruits. People are flocking to the area to enjoy the spirt of the harvest.


At the apple orchard in the reclamation area in Kinetic Coal's Dafanpu Coal Mine, lush apple trees sprawl across the landscape, their bright red apples are plump and juicy. Workers are busy picking, selecting, and packing the fruits.


Han Chuanshe, an agricultural technician from Northwest China's Shaanxi province who used to provide technical services in various regions throughout the country, started working at the mine last year. After nearly two years of cultivation, he has achieved a satisfactory harvest


"I feel that the fruits here are of better quality than the variety in Shaanxi. Today, over 20 people are picking apples. We start our work at 8 am, and everyone has picked several kilograms of apples already." Han said.


The abundant autumn rains this year seem to have had no negative effect on the taste and quality of the apples. They're both visually appealing and flavorful, and can not only be eaten directly, but also be used for brewing apple wine, enhancing the product's added value.


Xiao Cunhai, assistant general manager of Inner Mongolia Liangyun Agricultural and Livestock Development Co, said that the apple orchard emerged in 2019 from the subsidence area for mine rehabilitation, spanning 880 mu (58.7 hectares)."This orchard mainly cultivates Honeycrisp apples, a Chinese variety, using dwarf rootstock, dense planting, and wide-row planting. The irrigation system utilizes Israel's Netafim system, reducing water usage by 60 percent and fertilizer by more than 50 percent." Xiao said.


In 2018, Kinetic Coal's Dafanpu Coal Mine established Inner Mongolia Liangyun AgriculturalDevelopment Co for the purpose of promoting the restoration and development of the mine rehabilitation and ecological restoration and advancing the high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin.


The company has developed characteristic economic forestry in the reclamation area according to local conditions, introducing technology, cultivating professionals, and collaborating with several universities to establish an 8.5-mu fruit tree production research base with 36 experimental varieties cultivated. Five agricultural technology projects have been approved and rewarded, contributing to the cultivation of more characteristic fruit trees suitable for Juungar.


"The construction of orchards in the mining area has created jobs for local farmers, who have become skilled fruit tree planters after training. This benefits not only the company itself but also the local community. The reclamation area is not just about reclamation and greening; it also leaves behind a sustainable eco-industry for a green future." Xiao said.


In recent years, Juungar has steadfastly pursued a new path of high-quality development in which it prioritizes ecology and pursues green development, developing characteristic forestry and fruit industries. While strengthening weak links in ecological conservation, it continuously enhances the ecological value of major mining areas and has transformed once barren wasteland into verdant fruit mountains.


By the end of 2023, Juungar's green mine construction had involved 102 mine sites, including eight national-level green mines and 58 autonomous region-level green mines that have been completed and 22 under evaluation, achieving an 86.27-percent completion rate for green mine construction. The work on green mine construction in 2024 is currently underway, aiming to meet standards of green mines by the end of the year for all qualifying production mines across the entire region.




校对:刘柯彤 千娜
审核:王兴宇 任彦荣
