Private Sub CmdSum_Click()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim rng As Range
Dim recentYear As String
Dim temp(), iRow As Integer, iCol As Integer
Dim dkey
Call checkDic
For Each dkey In dicYear.keys
If dkey > recentYear Then
recentYear = dkey
End If
iRow = UsedRange.Rows.Count
If iRow > 3 Then
Cells(3, 1).Resize(iRow, UsedRange.Columns.Count).Clear
End If
iRow = dic.Count + 2
iCol = 14
ReDim temp(1 To iRow, 1 To iCol)
For i = 1 To 12
temp(1, i + 1) = monthText(i, 1)
temp(1, 1) = "客户名称"
temp(1, iCol) = "合计"
temp(iRow, 1) = "合计"
i = 1
For Each dkey In dic.keys
i = i + 1
temp(i, 1) = dkey
If dic(dkey).exists(recentYear) Then
For j = 1 To 12
temp(i, j + 1) = dic(dkey)(recentYear)(j)
temp(iRow, j + 1) = temp(iRow, j + 1) + temp(i, j + 1)
temp(i, iCol) = temp(i, iCol) + temp(i, j + 1)
temp(iRow, iCol) = temp(iRow, iCol) + temp(i, j + 1)
End If
Set rng = Cells(2, 1).Resize(iRow, iCol)
With rng
.Value = temp
.Borders.LineStyle = 1
.Offset(1, 1).NumberFormat = "_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * -#,##0.00_ ;_ * ""-""??_ ;_ @_ "
.Columns(iCol).NumberFormat = "_ * #,##0.00_ 元;_ * -#,##0.00_ 元;_ * ""-""??_ 元;_ @_ 元"
End With
End Sub
2、在工作表“客户单月数据”里,命令按钮点击事件、ComboBox的Change事件,工作表Change事件,工作表Selection Change事件,getData自定义过程:
Private Sub CmdGetData_Click()
Call getDic
Call getData
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Selection.Value = Me.ComboBox1.Text
Me.ComboBox1.Visible = False
Selection.Offset(0, 1).Select
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim arr(), key As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim customer As String, currYear As String, preYear As String
Dim currMonth As Integer
Debug.Print Target.Address
If Target.Address = "$C$3:$E$3" Or Target.Address = "$C$4" Or Target.Address = "$F$4" Then
Call getData
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim arr(), sList As Object
Set sList = CreateObject("System.Collections.SortedList")
If Target.Address = "$C$3:$E$3" Or Target.Address = "$C$4" Or Target.Address = "$F$4" Then
Call checkDic
End If
If Target.Address = "$C$3:$E$3" Then
With Me.ComboBox1
.Visible = True
.Top = Target.Top
.Left = Target.Left
.Height = Target.Height
.Width = Target.Width
arr = dic.keys
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
sList(arr(i)) = ""
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
arr(i) = sList.getkey(i)
.List = arr
End With
Me.ComboBox1.Visible = False
End If
If Target.Address = "$C$4" Or Target.Address = "$F$4" Then
Call checkDic
arr = dicYear.keys
Call SetDataValidation(arr, Target)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub getData()
Dim arr(), key As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim customer As String, currYear As String, preYear As String
Dim currMonth As Integer
customer = Range("C3").Value
currYear = Range("C4")
preYear = Range("F4")
Range("C6").Resize(12, 1) = 0
Range("F6").Resize(12, 1) = 0
Call checkDic
If dic.exists(customer) Then
If dic(customer).exists(currYear) Then
i = 0
ReDim arr(1 To 12, 1 To 2)
For Each key In dic(customer)(currYear).keys
currMonth = key
i = i + 1
arr(i, 1) = monthText(currMonth, 2)
arr(i, 2) = dic(customer)(currYear)(key)
Range("B6").Resize(12, 2) = arr
End If
If dic(customer).exists(preYear) Then
i = 0
ReDim arr(1 To 12, 1 To 2)
For Each key In dic(customer)(preYear).keys
currMonth = key
i = i + 1
arr(i, 1) = monthText(currMonth, 2)
arr(i, 2) = dic(customer)(preYear)(key)
Range("E6").Resize(12, 2) = arr
End If
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public dic As Object
Public dicYear As Object
Sub getDic()
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim key1, key2, key3
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim arr(), customer, currYear As String, currMonth As Integer
Dim sales As Double
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dicYear = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
With ws
If InStr(.Range("A1"), "年销售数据") > 0 Then
arr = .Range("A1").CurrentRegion
For i = 3 To UBound(arr)
customer = arr(i, 1)
currYear = Year(arr(i, 2)) & "年"
currMonth = Month(arr(i, 2))
sales = arr(i, 8)
dicYear(currYear) = ""
If Not dic.exists(customer) Then
Set dic(customer) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End If
If Not dic(customer).exists(currYear) Then
Set dic(customer)(currYear) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For j = 1 To 12
dic(customer)(currYear)(j) = 0
End If
dic(customer)(currYear)(currMonth) = dic(customer)(currYear)(currMonth) + sales
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub checkDic()
If dic Is Nothing Or dicYear Is Nothing Then
Call getDic
ElseIf dic.Count = 0 Or dicYear.Count = 0 Then
Call getDic
End If
End Sub
Function monthText(currMonth As Integer, Optional mType As Integer = 0)
If mType = 0 Then
Select Case currMonth
Case Is = 1
monthText = "一月"
Case Is = 2
monthText = "二月"
Case Is = 3
monthText = "三月"
Case Is = 4
monthText = "四月"
Case Is = 5
monthText = "五月"
Case Is = 6
monthText = "六月"
Case Is = 7
monthText = "七月"
Case Is = 8
monthText = "八月"
Case Is = 9
monthText = "九月"
Case Is = 10
monthText = "十月"
Case Is = 11
monthText = "十一月"
Case Is = 12
monthText = "十二月"
Case Else
monthText = "无效月份"
End Select
ElseIf mType = 1 Then
Select Case currMonth
Case Is = 1
monthText = "一月份"
Case Is = 2
monthText = "二月份"
Case Is = 3
monthText = "三月份"
Case Is = 4
monthText = "四月份"
Case Is = 5
monthText = "五月份"
Case Is = 6
monthText = "六月份"
Case Is = 7
monthText = "七月份"
Case Is = 8
monthText = "八月份"
Case Is = 9
monthText = "九月份"
Case Is = 10
monthText = "十月份"
Case Is = 11
monthText = "十一月份"
Case Is = 12
monthText = "十二月份"
Case Else
monthText = "无效月份"
End Select
ElseIf mType = 2 Then
monthText = currMonth & "月份"
End If
End Function
Sub SetDataValidation(arr(), rng As Range)
Dim i As Integer, t As Integer
Dim listStr As String
Dim rngValue As String
rngValue = rng.Value
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
listStr = listStr & arr(i) & ","
If rngValue = CStr(arr(i)) Then
t = 1
End If
If t = 0 Then rng = ""
'//去掉结尾的 ","
listStr = Left(listStr, Len(listStr) - 1)
With rng.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _
Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:=listStr
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.ShowInput = True
.ShowError = False '//不显示出错警告,改为TRUE则显示,同时不能输入不合验证的字符
End With
End Sub
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