
文摘   2024-09-15 20:30   江西  



目录 Catalogue

1. ETH苏黎世联邦理工学院招收全奖博士

2. 英国斯旺西大学招全奖博士

3. 香港浸会大学招全奖博士





PhD Position on ‘Linking Locus Coeruleus Function to Sleep, Brain Function and Health, and Autonomic Control in Humans’


1 Job description

This project aims to explore how sleep, brain function, health, and autonomic control are interconnected, with a particular focus on the role of the Locus Coeruleus. 

By using advanced electrophysiological measurement methods, different brain stimulation modalities, and pupillometry, we intend to unravel the neural mechanisms underlying these functions.

2 Requirements

We are looking for a candidate with:

A Master’s degree (or nearing completion) in neuroscience, neurophysiology, biomedical engineering, health sciences and technology, or a related field.

Strong technical skills, particularly in programming (e.g., Matlab, Python) and in setting up complex biosignal recording and brain stimulation systems.

Experience with at least one electrophysiological recording method, brain stimulation technique, or related experimental method listed above is desirable.

The ability to design and conduct rigorous experiments in humans, with a particular emphasis on synchronizing data from multiple sources.

Strong communication skills, scientific curiosity, and a very collaborative spirit.

A good integrative and connected thinking ability with a structured, reliable, and well-organized personality.

Flexibility in working hours, as some experiments may require nighttime work.

Fluency in English; German language skills are an advantage.

3 Tasks

The successful candidate will work on designing and conducting human experiments that link sleep, arousal, and autonomic functions. A central focus of the project will be using pupillometry to indirectly assess Locus Coeruleus activity, exploring its role in regulating arousal and supporting brain function through both pharmacological and non-invasive interventions.

Your work will include:

Configuration and integration of advanced brain stimulation techniques with multimodal biosignal recording systems

Hands-on data acquisition using advanced electrophysiological measurement methods, brain stimulation techniques, and pupillometry during sleep and wake in humans.

Development of study designs and research questions.

Advanced signal processing.

Dissemination of research findings through scientific publications and presentations.

4 职位信息网址






1 Job description

The research focus of the computational imaging group lies in computer graphics and spans across computer vision, image processing, optics, inverse problems, and artificial intelligence to solve hardware and software co-design problems. 

Our group is also affiliated with the Zienkiewicz Institute for Modelling, Data and AI, one of the top Engineering centers in the UK. By joining our group, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with distinguished academic and global leading industry partners while gaining extensive research experience. We offer access to cutting-edge resources, including GPUs, high-performance cameras and hardware to support advanced research. 

Our group also focuses on publishing high-quality research papers at leading conferences and journals such as SIGGRAPH, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, Optica, and Eurographics. The core goal of this 4-year PhD programme is to train students to develop innovative solutions for advanced problems in computational imaging.

The Department of Computer Science is offering a Graduate Teaching Assistantships for January 2025 entry to its PhD studies in Computer Science. 

We are looking for an applicant with a keen interest and competency in pursuing doctoral studies in the area of Computer Vision and Computational Imaging who are at the same time highly motivated in gaining teaching training and teaching experience. 

The GTA will complete the Associate Fellowship of Advance HE (AFHEA) and thereby develop their teaching related skills and enhance their professional competencies. The equivalent of 3 months per year will be devoted to teaching training/practice, the remaining time is for research studies on a four-year programme.

2 Requirements

· A first-class BSc degree or a master’s or equivalent postgraduate degree in Computer Science or related area.

· Teaching or TA experience is a plus.

· Good English communication and presentation skills.

· A track record in developing and delivering research.

4 Apply

Email: simeng.qiu@swansea.ac.uk




课题组诚征 2 名2025年入学博士研究生从事有机半导体薄膜光电器件的研究。

1 简介

课题组長王树仁2014年获得奥克兰大学化学与材料工程荣誉 (1st Class) 学士学位, 2018年于剑桥大学物理系获得博士学位. 2019-2023年在德国德累斯顿工业大学进行博士后研究 (合作导师:Karl Leo教授). 研究专长為有机半导体器件製備及測量. 已在Nature, Nature Electronics, Science Advances, Advanced Functional Materials 等国际期刊以第一作著发表研究成果. 2023年8月起透過HKBU Talent100 Scheme受聘為香港浸会大学物理系助理教授。

课题组致力于研究新型有机半导体器件及应用,新颖半导体薄膜材料传输物理等课题, 研究设备可参考课题组网业: 


2 招生要求

-具有薄膜沉积、电光测量、印刷电子/喷墨打印和多参数物理模拟(例如 COMSOL Multiphysics)方面的一些经验著佳


托福总成绩 ≥79, 其中 reading ≥18; listening ≥18; speaking≥18; writing≥19。
雅思最低6.5,单项 ≥5.5。

3 其他信息

博士生 ≈18k HKD/月 (生活津貼)另含医疗保险等福利! 优秀的学生可申请香港博士生奖学金(https://cerg1.ugc.edu.hk/hkpfs/index.html)或其它HKBU内部奖学金. 

4 联系方式

有意者请将个人简历及成绩单发送至 shu-jenwang at hkbu.edu.hk





1 简介


堪萨斯州立大学是一所位于美国堪萨斯州曼哈顿的公立研究型(Carnegie R1)大学,拥有美国中西部最好的食品专业之一。谷物淀粉研究组在该领域具有卓越的历史和成就。对于优秀的申请人,GRE要求可以免除。

2 招生要求

Kansas State University 食品加工淀粉方向 诚邀1-2名全奖博士生,拟于2025年春季或者秋季入学。老板人超级好 研究方向涵盖但不限于研究方向:淀粉化学 结构功能 食品胶体运用 谷物化学相关领域。

1. 淀粉化学
2. 淀粉结构和功能
3. 食品胶体化学
4. 食品谷物化学

3 联系方式

请帮忙推荐,有意向者请直接邮箱发送简历给18281357168@163.com 联系或者私信联系




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B  加入全球各国硕士生申请交流群

C  加入全球各国博士生申请交流群


