【MARS TALK】是由深圳市美团机器人研究院(Meituan Academy of Robotics Shenzhen,简称MARS)发起的系列活动。每一期活动我们将邀请来自美团以及学术界和产业界的专家分享他们在前沿领域的实践经验,共同探讨机器人技术在学术研究和行业应用中的最新发展及热点问题。
时间 | 具体日程 |
14:00-14:30 | 观众签到 |
14:30-14:35 | 主持人开场 |
14:35-16:35 | 嘉宾分享 |
中场 | 休息 |
16:45-17:15 | 圆桌环节+现场提问 |
17:15-17:30 | 自由交流 |
17:30-18:00 | 展厅参观 |
Before joining UD, he was a Postdoctoral Associate (2012-2014) at MIT CSAIL (Marine Robotics) after receiving his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota. From 2003 to 2005, and was a Research Assistant (Electrical Engineering) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests focus on state estimation and spatial computing for robotics and XR, including optimal sensing, calibration, localization, mapping, tracking, perception, navigation and locomotion of autonomous vehicles and mobile devices. He has served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), and IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics (CSR), as well as the robotics flagship conferences (ICRA and IROS). Dr. Huang has received many honors and awards, including the 2015 UD Research Award (UDRF), 2015/2023 NASA DE Space Research Seed Award, 2016 NSF Research Initiation Award, 2018 Google Daydream Faculty Research Award, 2019 Google AR/VR Faculty Research Award, 2020 ARL SARA Award, 2022 Google AI Faculty Research Award, 2023 Meta Reality Labs Faculty Research Award. He was recognized among the AI 2000 Scholars (Top 100 in robotics) and World Top 2% Scientists. He was also the recipient of the ICRA 2022 Best Paper Award (Navigation), 2023 GNC Journal Best Overseas Paper Award, and the Finalists of the ICRA 2024 Best Paper Award (Robot Vision), RSS 2023 Best Student Paper Award, ICRA 2021 Best Paper Award (Robot Vision), and RSS 2009 Best Paper Award.
Visual-Inertial Sensing, Estimation and Learning
As cameras and IMUs are becoming ubiquitous, visual-inertial systems for spatial perception, in analogy to biological visual-vestibular neural systems, hold great potential in a wide range of applications from extended reality (XR) to autonomous robots. While visual-inertial navigation systems (VINS), alongside with SLAM, have witnessed tremendous progress in the past decade, yet certain critical aspects in the design of visual-inertial systems remain poorly explored, hindering the widespread deployment of these systems in practice. In this talk, I will present some recent research efforts of my group on advancing the state of the art of visual-inertial sensing, navigation and perception, including consistent and efficient 3D motion tracking and scene understanding. Many of the codebases have been open sourced to promote visual-inertial systems, broadly benefiting the community.
His research focuses on the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Dr. Zhang has worked on various topics of UAVs, including design, navigation, control, and perception, as well as LiDAR SLAM algorithms, such as odometry, place recognition, mapping, and multi-sensor fusion. His team received the IROS’23 Best Paper Award on Robot Mechanisms and Design and the ICRA23 Best Mechanical Design Award in workshop on Agile Movements: Animal Behavior, Biomechanics, and Robot Devices. His work are selected for the TMECH’23 Best Paper Award Finalist, IROS’23 Best Paper Award Finalists (two), and ICRA’23 Outstanding Navigation Paper Finalist. His papers in Science Robotics are selected as the cover page of the journal or visually featured on the website of Science. Dr. Zhang’s work in this field has also led to numerous championships in international SLAM challenges and has found wide applications in the industry.
UAV navigation and mapping using LiDAR sensors
Over the last decades, small-size multi-copter unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have received intensive research interests. These UAVs have shown promising potential for various applications, including aerial photography, farming, delivery, mapping, and surveying. However, for these applications to be successful, autonomous flights in unknown environments are necessary. In this talk, we will discuss our work on developing autonomous UAVs using lidar navigation. Specifically, we will explore recent advancements in lidar technologies and focus on navigation algorithms, including localization, mapping, planning, and control. We will showcase how lidar sensors can be utilized on small UAVs to enable complex navigation tasks, such as high-speed flight navigation, environment exploration, and estimation of agile UAV motion.
深圳市美团机器人研究院(Meituan Academy of Robotics Shenzhen,MARS)于2022年7月正式挂牌,于2022年11月正式对外宣布成立。研究院将依托美团生活服务丰富的业务场景与数据积累,结合国内外学术界与产业界的科研优势,开展面向机器人领域的关键技术的研发,引领机器人学科前沿和技术创新方向,加快科研成果的落地转化,推动机器人相关技术的示范应用,在大湾区打造机器人技术「产学研用」全方位结合的开放协同创新平台。