
文化   2024-09-26 14:00   上海  



The 3rd Guangzhou Internacional Watercolour Exposition














Supervising organization: Guangzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles,China National Society for the Promotion of Arts and Culture Watercolor Painting Academy

Sponsors: Guangzhou Municipal Artist Association ,Guangdong University of Technology

Organizers:Watercolor Painting Committee under Guangzhou Municipal Artist Association ,School of Art and Design under Guangdong University of Technology

Supporters:School of Art and Academy of Fine Arts under Guangdong University of Education,Design under Guangdong University of Finance & Economics,Xiqu Fine Arts Education,Jiang Hao& Zhang Chao Culture and Art Museum,Institute of Fine Arts, Guangdong University of Technology,Hong Kong Watercolour Painting Research Association,Associazione Degli Artisti Cinesi In Italia ,Malaysia's state art association,Shanghai Auwen Painting Materials: Rubens,Yangjiang Contemporary Watercolor & Oil Painting Academy,Research Group of Guangzhou Young Painters Training Project

Exhibition period:September 26 - October 13,2024

Main venue:Art Museum, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou(729 Dongfeng East Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province)(Visitors entering and leaving the campus should comply with the school management system, the exhibition hall is open from 8 am to 4:30 PM)

Sub-exhibition venue:Jiangzhang Art Museum,Foshan(Building 1, Lingnan Art Industrial Park, 78 Jihua West Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province)

Curators:Zhang Hongliang, Luo Wenyong


文化自信,以美为媒。在这金秋的季节,我们即将迎来“第三届广州国际水彩艺术展”的开幕。“第三届广州国际水彩艺术展”是广州承办的国际性当代水彩艺术展览。广州是国家一线中心城市、国际大都市,也是我国对外贸易和文化交流窗口、粤港澳大湾区城市群经济文化艺术的核心城市,历史文化底蕴深厚。自古以来,广州一直是对外交流的主要口岸,商贸文化交往频繁,有大量侨居海外的华人,更有广泛的文化艺术交流合作渠道,水彩画艺术的发展在广州拥有得天独厚的有利条件,广州水彩有辉煌的历史,传世佳作不断,名家辈出。近代,具有西方绘画特征的“外销画”在广州地区盛极一时,对中西艺术交流与融合产生很大的作用。特别是五四运动以后,以李铁夫先生等为代表的许多海外留学的广东画家从西方带回了包括现实主义与现代绘画的新风格与新观念,促进了西方艺术与中国文化艺术的融合发展。广州的水彩画艺术一直走在全国的前列,国际交流方面也是非常活跃,这与岭南画派本身“融贯中西”的艺术特色以及广东人敢为天下先的开放精神分不开。广州在上世纪七八十年代的政治宣传画和海报流行期间,创作了一批影响全国的 水彩主题作品;特别是以李铁夫、王肇民、胡钜湛先生等为代表的前辈水彩画家们创作的一大批优秀作品,为岭南地区水彩画的整体发展提高了一个层次。
近期,随着前两届国际水彩展览在广州等地的成功举办,开启了广州水彩画发展的新起点。“第三届广州国际水彩艺术展”自征稿以来共收到来自海内外的投稿作品 1 千多件,经展览组委会组织抽选专家评委在广东工业大学艺术学院进行初评,共有 307 件作品入围复评。8 月 3 日,组委会组织抽选国内专家评委在岭南艺术产业园进行复评工作,共有277 件作品最终入选(含获奖)。入选和获奖作品中有不少精品佳作,作者中既有第十四届全国美展的获奖和入选作者,也有许多年轻新秀,他们都拿出了代表自己水平的新作参展。同时,许多在国际上享有盛名的水彩画家也应邀送来精品力作,更是为此次展览增添光彩。“第三届广州国际水彩艺术展”的举办,感谢这来之不易的安宁生活与美好时代,在全球经济发展面临严峻挑战的背景下,我们克服困难,恢复国际水彩艺术之间更多层次的交流显得尤为可贵。本次展览由广州市文学艺术界联合会和中国文化艺术发展促进会水彩画院指导,广州市美术家协会、广东工业大学主办,广州市美协水彩画艺术委员会、广东工业大学艺术与设计学院等单位承办,展览着眼于水彩艺术发展的前沿,展示水彩画发展的新面貌,探讨水彩艺术在当下语境与时代背景中的更多可能性。
秋风萧瑟,春华秋实。“第三届广州国际水彩艺术展”计划 9 月下旬开幕,展览将进一步促进广州与各地水彩艺术的交流,也将再次掀起新的水彩画艺术发展的热潮,希望广州国际水彩艺术展越办越好,努力打造成广州的一个艺术展览品牌!感谢积极参与本次展览的海内外艺术家们,感谢为展览做出贡献的企业家和各界朋友们!预祝展览圆满成功!




2024 年 8 月

  Preface I

With cultural self-confidence and taking beauty as the medium, in this golden autumn season, we are about to usher in the opening of The 3rd Guangzhou International Watercolor Painting Exhibition. "The 3rd Guangzhou International Watercolor Painting Exhibition" is an international contemporary watercolor art exhibition hosted by Guangzhou. Guangzhou is a first-tier central city in China, an international metropolis, a window of foreign trade and cultural exchanges in China, and a core city of economy, culture and art in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area urban agglomeration, with profound historical and cultural heritage. Since ancient times, Guangzhou has been the main port for foreign exchanges, with frequent commercial and cultural exchanges, a large number of overseas Chinese, and extensive channels for cultural and artistic exchanges and cooperation. The development of watercolor painting art has unique favorable conditions in Guangzhou, and Guangzhou watercolor has a glorious history, with excellent works handed down from generation to generation and a large number of famous artists. In modern times, "export painting" with the characteristics of western painting flourished in Guangzhou, which played a great role in the exchange and integration of Chinese and western art. Especially after the May 4th Movement, many Guangdong painters returned from studying abroad, represented by Mr. Li Tiefu, brought back new styles and concepts including realism and modern painting from the west, which promoted the integration and development of western art and Chinese culture and art. Guangzhou's watercolor painting art has always been at the forefront all over China, maintaining very active international exchanges, which is inseparable from the artistic characteristics of Lingnan Painting School itself of "integrating China and the West" and the open spirit of Cantonese people who dare to take the lead in the world. During the period with popularity of political paintings and posters in 1970s and 1980s, Guangzhou created a number of color-themed works that influenced the whole country. In particular, a large number of outstanding works created by senior watercolor painters represented by Li Tiefu, Wang Zhaomin and Mr. Hu Juzhan have raised the overall development level of watercolor painting in Lingnan area to a higher level.

Recently, with the successful organization of the first two international watercolor painting exhibitions in Guangzhou and other places, a new starting point for the development of watercolor painting in Guangzhou has been opened. Since the call for contributions, the 3rd Guangzhou International Watercolor Painting Exhibition has received more than 1,000 submissions from home and abroad. After the exhibition organizing committee selected expert judges for preliminary evaluation at the School of Art, GDUT, a total of 307 works were shortlisted for re-evaluation. On August 3rd, the organizing committee organized the selection of domestic expert judges for re-evaluation in Lingnan Art Industrial Park, and a total of 277 works were finally selected (including awards). There are many excellent works among the selected and award-winning works. As for the creators, there are not only the award-winning and selected creators of the 14th National Art Exhibition, but also many young rookies, all of whom have come up with new works representing their own level for the exhibition. At the same time, many internationally renowned watercolor painters have also been invited to participate in the exhibition with their masterpieces, which adds luster to this event. The holding of the "3rd Guangzhou International Watercolor Painting Exhibition" is used to praise this hard won peaceful life and beautiful times. Against the background of severe challenges facing global economic development, it is particularly valuable for us to overcome difficulties and restore more levels of exchanges between international watercolor arts. This exhibition is guided by Guangzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Watercolor Painting Institute of China Culture and Art Development Promotion Association, sponsored by Guangzhou Artists Association, and hosted by Watercolor Painting ArtCommittee of Guangzhou Artists Association. The exhibition focuses on the frontier of watercolor art development, showing the new look of watercolor painting development, and exploring more possibilities of watercolor art in the current context and the background of the times.

In the chilly autumn with prosperous fruits, the 3rd Guangzhou International Watercolor Art Exhibition is scheduled to open in late September. The exhibition will further promote the exchange of watercolor art between Guangzhou and other places, and will once again set off a new upsurge of watercolor art development. I hope Guangzhou International Watercolor Painting Exhibition will get better and better, and strive to become an art exhibition brand in Guangzhou! Thanks to the artists at home and abroad who actively participate in this exhibition, and thanks to the entrepreneurs and friends from all walks of life who contributed to the exhibition! I wish the exhibition a complete success!

Zhang Hongliang

Professor of Guangdong University of Technology

Vice Chairman of Guangzhou Artists Association and Director of Watercolor Painting Committee

August 2024



邓陆军 《家园-红土地》76x110cm 2024年 

宁玉峰《圣湖网事41》76x107cm 2003年


刘鹏《完美世界1》150×150cm  2022年 

陈宝仪《我与晴天一同灿烂》120x100cm 2024年

黄志刚《晨光》109x75cm  2024年

黄澜《墨韵琴心》150x150cm 2024年


方宏涛《漂·泊》115x75cm 2024年

叶培森《高原的云》56x78cm 2022年

纪钦达《起航》150x61cm 2023年

李心泳《共享》45x60cm 2024年

杨加侣《蚝香》83x113cm 2022年

吴胤岗《序章·律动的思绪》109.2x78.7cm 2024年

吴桐《恰逢花开》54x38cm 2023年

陆达铁《午后阳光》150x170cm 2024年

林诗淇《候鸟》53×70cm 2024年

欧阳强《布依族姐妹情》100x110cm 2023年

钟林燕《憩》85×94cm 2023年

洪永鑫《常青》109.2x78.7cm 2024年

莫介健《家乡三月》79x110cm 2024年

唐瑞笙《尘封的记忆》100x75cm 2023年

黄远明《湾区初夏》113x80cm 2024年

黄明标《深圳盐田港口》68x93cm 2024年 

蔡建权《熙熙攘攘》120x130cm 2024年


MARVIC GILE(菲律宾)《为城市赋能》100x70cm 2024年

王帅《放学后之新花园一》80x75cm 2024年

王启迪《华章》150x90cm 2014年

邓任飞《母亲寄来的包裹》112×112cm 2022年

邓惠娴《舞》125x95cm 2024年

代晓兰《春日海边》90x150cm 2024年

朱恒 《喧嚣已去》96x86cm 2022年

刘树辉《时代的印记》70x101cm 2024年

齐鹏城《远方》51x36cm 2024年

江华《圆明初雪》120x80cm 2024年

安琦《那年那日那时》100x100cm 2023年

何显标 《工地日记》 140x74cm 2023年

麦广文《晨光破晓》99.5x79.5cm 2024年

李尹琳《痕迹·昆钢》112.4x82.4cm 2023年

李玉湾《静物》79×58cm 2024年

肖惠明《矿工兄弟》85x95cm 2024年

吴希晨《编号D957W6》76x90cm 2023年

吴桂龙《无题》146x110cm 2023年

何美兰《书山之径》100x108cm 2024年

余炜鑫《历史长河的倒影》140x60cm 2024年

宋成艺《朝露驼铃》78x57cm 2024年

张雪琪《梦在黎明破晓时》68x68cm 2024年

陈美琼《时代感》106x65.5cm 2024年

林致言《不夜街头》110x130cm 2024年

罗天奇《暮去朝来》110x78cm 2024年

郑奋强(德国)《英歌舞》115x115cm 2024年

郑琦《梦旅》60x60cm 2023年

胡沁馨《植语--葳薇》39x27cm 2024年

徐启航、秦诗琪《生生不息》112x76cm 2024年

黄河生《工地》33x5cm 2024年

黄泽堂《秋风萧瑟满池汀》78x118cm 2023年

梁秋霞《瓶NO.2》80x110cm 2024年

梁戴维《倾斜的相遇“少年友谊之旅”》118x78cm 2024年

彭伟泡《锦瑟年华》105x145cm 2024年

蔡雪花《推海》70x110cm 2023年

瞿野《渔港系列-晨晖》70x110cm 2022年 


秦芙若(菲律宾) 《BEAUTY AND STRENGTH》70x90cm 2024年


Nelson N. Medina(菲律宾)《Market Vendor》113x91cm 2024年

Nelson S.Francisco(菲律宾)《Father and Son》77x77cm 2024 年

Sonny F.Perida(菲律宾)《Sword Pool》 113x77cm 2024年

SURAYEVANATALLIA( 白 俄 罗 斯 ) 《Taihang Mountin g Sonata》 52x76cm 2024年

Virgilio Romel M.Reyes(菲律宾)《Angela and Her Dog》 108x80cm 2024年

许锦和(中国香港)《雨过天晴》56x38cm 2023年

李东(加拿大) 《川西古镇》 35x53cm 2024年

陈钒琳(中国香港) 《有迹可循》 127x114cm 2023年

林荣斌(中国台湾) 《乡·记》 114x78cm 2023年

姚少虹(美国) 《尘封的记忆》 50x60cm 2024年

杨璦瑜(中国澳门) 《山乡秋色》 62x28cm 2013年

 ◆ ◆



GalinaShargina(俄罗斯) 、漆德琰 、钱海源 、刘云生 、陈 坚 、陆庆龙 、赵云龙 、梁 宇 、骆献跃 、周 刚 、黄中羊 、汪晓曙 、王金成(新加坡)、王绍波 、王辉宇 、王少斌 、王松柏 、长 海、马 丁 、方晓龙 、区焕礼 、叶献民 、 东富有(日本) 、史 涛、龙 虎 、包泽伟 、孙 黎 、许以冠 、关胜祥 、陆晓翰 、宋 清 、应金飞 、张冬峰 、张洪亮、张志祥 、沈 平(中国香港) 、陈朝生 、陈书强(马来西亚) 、吴卫坚(澳门)、陈威龙 、吴建印 、肖 蓉 、苏家芬 、李 健 、邹建敏 、邹继科 、余远权 、周作俊 、杨六南(马来西亚) 、罗文勇 、罗 奇 、金甲镇 、 金 莉(中国台湾) 、金美兰(韩国) 、孟宪德 、郑洪明 、郑江珊 、郑来喜 、 赵 龙 、 胡 兵 、龚 玉 、黄华兆 、黄运南(新加坡) 、栾泓伟 、黄德华 、黄明秋 、黄贤辉 、董克诚 、蔡清坤(马来西亚) 、蔡 靓 、陈之哆 、雷勇斌 、廖剑华 、谭乃科 、熊中华 、戴小蛮 、蓝晓辉、杨得聆、钟立生

GalinaShargina(俄罗斯) 《White rosehip》56x76cm 2021年

漆德琰 《秋天的尼亚加拉大瀑布》76x56cm 2024年

钱海源 《厦门鼓浪屿写生》53x37cm 1982年

刘云生 《洗衣女》36x50cm 2007年

陈 坚 《帕米尔的雪山》56x76cm 2011年

陆庆龙 《水乡》50x75cm 2023 年

赵云龙 《威尼斯印象 -81》100x150cm 2020年

梁 宇 《梧桐山远眺》56x38cm 2023 年

骆献跃 《石塘鱼港》56x75cm 2024年

周 刚 《等待下井闭目养神的矿工》105×75cm 2024年

黄中羊 《戏剧后台问包拯》56x76cm 2024年

汪晓曙 《雪域初春》150x120cm 2008年

王金成(新加坡) 《牛车水街景》38x53cm 2024年

王绍波 《绚》109x78cm 2021年

王辉宇 《古城系列》54x74cm 水彩 2023年

王少斌 《老屋记事》72x52cm 2024 年

长 海 《巴图和他的马》70x100cm 2023年

王松柏 《星期天的早晨》55x75cm 2023年

马 丁 《古村晨曦》75x55cm 2023 年

方晓龙 《远方的朋友》51x36cm 2023年

区焕礼 《荷塘琴韵》76x56cm 2009年

叶献民 《故乡》55x78cm 2023年

东富有(日本) 《紫阳花》27x24cm 2024年

史 涛 《青春的样子之一》78x54cm 2024年

龙 虎 《路上 NO.25》76x56cm 2016年

包泽伟 《万山渔港》37.2x26cm 2014年

孙 黎 《沸腾的岁月》50x62cm 2023年

许以冠 《佛手清供》76x56cm 2018年

关胜祥 《暮霭》23.5x34cm 2024年

陆晓翰 《甘南写生》46x61cm 2024年

宋 清 《静湖夕照》36x51cm 2021年

应金飞 《折叠的空间之二》75x55cm 2021年

张冬峰 《伸伸腰》78x53cm 2024年

张洪亮 《渔港早市》130x125cm 2023年

张志祥 《秋日》56x75cm 2023年

沈 平(中国香港) 《中环石板街》30x40cm 2024年

陈朝生 《红土人之二》100x150cm 2023年

陈书强(马来西亚) 《绿意·瓦影》56x78cm 2023年

吴卫坚(澳门) 《鹤冈八幡宫》36x47cm 2022年

陈威龙 《蓝色的柜子》95x65cm 2022年

吴建印 《程阳春晓》56x38cm 2024年

肖 蓉 《春风吹过》37x56cm 2023年

苏家芬 《塑料袋系列-青梨》135x100cm 1986年

李 健 《风的气息》57x70cm 2019年

邹建敏 《丝路秋语》130x66cm 2020年

邹继科 《打场》79x108cm 2020年

余远权 《声声慢 - 风铃》65x100cm 2022年

周作俊 《丰收》100x100cm 2017年

杨六南(马来西亚) 《泊》38x53cm 2024年

罗文勇 《幸福时光》110x149cm 2024年

罗 奇 《重读山海经之寓鸟》45x30cm 2019年

金甲镇 《炭基生命·痕迹》24x30cm 2023年

金 莉(中国台湾) 《红颜》80x97cm 2020年

金美兰(韩国) 《2024 Time travel》67x88cm 2024年

孟宪德 《2024 山海关写生 8》56x76cm 2024cm

郑洪明 《迎春》60x45cm 2024年

郑江珊 《等风来 .1》20x16cm 2023年

郑来喜 《珠江印象 No.39》76x56cm 2023年

赵 龙 《涅槃 -20》55x40cm 2020年

胡 兵 《弄山》系列之六 38x56cm 2019年

龚 玉 《秋收》26x36cm 2022年

黄华兆 《甘孜小伙》53x35cm 2018年

黄运南(新加坡) 《维也纳之夏》38x28cm 2024年

栾泓伟 《时间的门》60x45cm 2024年

黄德华 《亲爱的朋友》18x13cm 2013年

黄明秋 《随性》60x60cm 2024年

黄贤辉 《玉米地》73x55cm 2021年

董克诚 《去郎木寺的路上》30x40cm 2019年

蔡清坤(马来西亚) 《皖南古村落》38x56cm 2024年

蔡 靓 《旷野》38c16cm 2022年

陈之哆 《金色的旋律之——九月黄土坡》50x50cm 2020年

雷勇斌 《屯堡风景》62x46cm 2024年

廖剑华 《老屋》78x55cm 2020年

谭乃科 《早市》21x31cm 2022年

熊中华 《星期天的下午》120x120cm 2021年

戴小蛮 《又是桃李芬芳时》55x57cm 2019年

蓝晓辉《徽州余韵》39x54cm 2016年

杨得聆《守护》系列 25x25cmx3 2022年

钟立生《正午》75x55cm 2020年


“广州国际水彩艺术展”创办于 2021 年,经过四年三届的持续举办,集学术性、专业性、国际性于一体而备受大众所关注,并逐渐被视为体现中国文化特色,具有一定影响力和广泛知名度的文化品牌。展览通过持续的成功举办,联同港澳台乃至世界各国艺术家开展了系列深入的交流与合作,立足广州,面向世界,在讲好花城故事的同时,讲好中国故事,以水彩为媒塑造可爱、可敬、可信的中国形象,呈现世界的生活百态、民族文化、文明交融,促进各国艺术交流互鉴,推动广州文艺事业繁荣发展。



在评选中脱颖而出的两百余件作品中,既有展示众多人物构成的宏大场景,也有呈现艺术家个人体验的鲜活语境,涵盖题材多样,很好地传达出浓厚的时代精神和深厚的文化内涵,为观者奉上一幅幅生动而丰富的艺术画卷。如金奖得主宁玉峰的《圣湖网事 41》和银奖得主黄志刚的《晨光》,两幅作品都是从人文精神出发的现实题材创作。《圣湖网事 41》用单纯、朴素的色彩和概括的造型语汇,表达出温暖曦阳下劳动者的美感和自信。《晨光》是对乡间集市热闹场面的表现,通过宽广的画幅和柔和的色调,以最大限度

还原生活的温情之感——讨价还价的小摊贩、熙熙攘攘的人流、满载而归的购物袋,都充满了浓郁的烟火气息,展现出乡间小康生活的富足与繁华景象。铜奖获得者黄远明的作品《湾区初夏》,题材选取是一艘简易甚至有点“憨”态的船,但细品内在的妙趣却让作者发挥得淋漓尽致。他运用颜料混合胶剂进行着色,使画面有着油画般的厚重感又不失水彩因偶然性而产生的妙趣效果。船面建筑错综复杂的形体结构在他笔下也能很好地被赋予属于自己独有的表现语言,湿笔为始,随之辅以干笔,这巧妙的搭配使得内容与形式高度统一。水彩静物是最为常见的题材之一,但陆达铁、钟林燕、李玉湾、刘树辉、黄河生等的静物创作在构图上独具匠心,不墨守成规,正是通过家具、农务用品、灶具、劳动工具等静物的绘写,让人们发现那些被大家熟悉的静物具有了超越物质的可能性,通过个性化创造而形成了一种情感连接,让观者在平淡物件中感受到艺术家视角所带来的审美体验。欧阳强的《布依族姐妹情》、刘嘉韵的《节日欢歌》在关注少数民族题材上也有着个人的独特理解,欢快的画面中蕴含着浪漫温馨的情感,他们在写实绘画的语言创新上都有了大胆的尝试,将深入的细节巧妙地消解到整体氛围之中,含蓄而不失丰富。另外,林诗淇的《候鸟》、刘鹏的《完美世界 1》、关文龙的《都市迷航》这几幅作品均不同程度地从客观对象中强化出“形的再创造”,是构成、重组、建构衍生出来的画面力量,观者的注意力也不经意被吸引到纯形式之上。





2024 年 8 月

  Preface II

"Guangzhou International Watercolor Painting Exhibition" was founded in 2021. After three sessions have been held in four years, it attracts the attention of the public by integrating academic, professional and international features, and has gradually been regarded as a cultural brand with certain influence and wide popularity that embodies Chinese cultural characteristics. With continuous success in organizing, the exhibition has carried out a series of in-depth exchanges and cooperation with artists from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and even all over the world. Based in Guangzhou and facing the world, it tells the story of China well while telling the story of Guangzhou, creating alovely, respectable and credible image of China with watercolor as a medium, presenting people’s life, national culture and civilization blending all over the world, promoting artistic exchanges and mutual learning among countries, and boosting the prosperity and development of Guangzhou's literary and artistic undertakings.

In the "3rd Guangzhou International Watercolor Painting Exhibition", watercolor artists are faced with multiple contexts, such as East and West, tradition and modernity, regional and global. On the basis of adhering to the ontological artistic language of water, they show the characteristics of research and exploration, which are mainly reflected in three aspects: First, under the guidance of realistic care, artists freely express their individual spirit through their works. Their works are not only the reproduction of the objective world, but also the projection of emotions and thoughts from the inner world. Second, they inherit the academic spirit, while show a multi-dimensional appearance. In the blending of tradition and modernity, they absorb the essence of traditional techniques and ideas, and combine contemporary aesthetics and expression forms to create unique works. Finally, contemporary watercolor artists are carrying out comprehensive exploration and expansion of water-based media artistic language. They constantly try new technologies, materials and forms of expression, break the boundaries of traditional watercolor, expand the possibilities of art, and show unprecedented creativity andimagination, thus making the expression of contemporary watercolor painting form an uncertain change trend from stereotypes.

Among the more than 200 works that stood out in the selection, there are not only grand scenes with many characters, but also vivid contexts showing artists' personal experiences, covering various themes, well reflecting the prominent spirit of the times and profound cultural connotations, and presenting vivid and rich artistic pictures for viewers. For example, gold medal winner Ning Yufeng's Holy Lake Net Affairs 41 and silver medal winner Huang Zhigang's Morning Light are both works with realistic themes based on humanistic spirit. Holy Lake Net Affairs 41 uses simple and single colors and general modeling vocabulary to express the beauty and self-confidence of workers in the warm sunshine. Morning Light is an expression of the lively scene of the rural market. Through the wide frame and soft tones, it restores the warmth of life to the maximum

extent- bargaining vendors, bustling people and full shopping bags, full of strong fireworks, showing the prosperity and wealth of a well-off life in the countryside. The bronze medal winner Huang Yuanming's work Early Summer in the Bay Area selects the topic from a simple or even a bit "silly" boat, but the intrinsic interest after carefully tasting makes the artist fully utilize his skills. He uses pigment mixture of glue for coloring, which makes the picture have a heavy feeling like oil painting without losing the interesting effect of watercolor by accident. The intricate physical structure of the ship's surface architecture can also be endowed with his own unique expression language in his works, starting with wet pen and supplemented by dry pen. This ingenious collocation makes the content and form highly unified. Watercolor still life is one of the most common themes, but the still life works created by Lu Datie, Zhong Linyan, Li Yuwan, Liu Shuhui, Huang Hesheng, etc. are unique in composition and non-conformist. Through the

painting of still life such as furniture, agricultural supplies, stoves and labor tools, people find that those familiar still life have the possibility of transcending material things, and form an emotional connection through personalized creation, so that viewers can feel the aesthetic experience brought by the artist's perspective in plain objects. Ouyang Qiang's Sisterhood of Buyi Nationality and Liu Jiayun's Festival Songs also have their own unique understanding of ethnic minority themes. The cheerful images contain romantic and warm feelings, and they have made bold attempts in the language innovation of realistic painting, skillfully dissolving in-depth details into the overall atmosphere, which is implicit but rich. In addition, Lin Shiqi's Migratory Birds, Liu Peng's Perfect World 1 and Guan Wenlong's Urban Trek all strengthen the "re-creation of form" from objective articles to varying degrees, which are the power of images derived from composition, reorganization and construction, and the viewer's attention is inadvertently attracted to pure form.

Contemporary watercolor art is in a period when ideas and creativity are constantly stimulated. Artists show traces of shining thoughts and true feelings by adhering to the features of language ontology and extracting, transforming and re-creating pure visual images. This stage is not only a key place to demonstrate their ingenuity and artistic vitality, but also an important platform for them to express their passion for art and expose their inner world. Watercolor artists constantly reinvent themselves in practice, capture the color and complexity of the world with sincere hearts, and think about the choice of real life and art in the torrent of the times. The "3rd Guangzhou International Watercolor Painting Exhibition" is initiated at the right time. This grand event has undoubtedly injected new vitality and vigor into the prosperity of watercolor art, and also built a solid bridge for global art exchanges.

Luo Wenyong

Vice Chairman of Guangzhou Artists Association

Vice President, Academy of Fine Arts

August 2024


