俄克拉荷马大学Dr. Rui Q. Yang招收物理及相关背景博士生(方向:量子半导体器件)

文摘   2024-11-17 08:16   甘肃  

有兴趣的同学尽快联系杨老师啊,不要错过!可以先给杨老师发邮件,附上简历和cover letter。有问题也可以留言或者私信给我。
The Quantum Device Laboratory (QDL) in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Engineering Physics program at the University of Oklahoma invites applications for a graduate study towards Ph.D. degree with a research assistantship involving the exploration and development of advanced semiconductor quantum devices. The QDL focuses on semiconductor quantum structures and devices such as mid-infrared
lasers, photodetectors, and photovoltaic cells particularly based on interband cascade architectures. The interband cascade laser invented by the Director of the QDL is currently working on Mars Curiosity rover and has successfully found organic molecules on Mars. QDL is a world-leading group in mid-infrared optoelectronic devices. The students in the QDL will have unique opportunities to pursue education and research through the inherent multidisciplinary topics (materials science, semiconductor physics, quantum engineering, photonics, and device fabrication). They will gain extensive experience in connecting and applying their knowledge to the real world, as well as conceiving innovative ideas and making them become reality. Please find more information on the group website https://sites.create.ou.edu/qdlou/. Desirable applicants for Graduate Assistantship should have BS or above degrees in Physics, Engineering, or other related fields, and strong motivation to do high quality research in semiconductor quantum structures and devices, as well as their applications. Interested candidates should send a cover letter describing your research interests, CV, and contact information of 3 professional references to Prof. Rui Q. Yang at Rui.Q.Yang@ou.edu.

