Fundamentals of English Language Teaching
Understand key concepts of language teaching and learning, and different approaches.
Survey the theory and practice of teaching young learners. Develop a range of approaches to lesson planning, classroom management, creative materials development, and assessment.
授课导师H.Douglas Brown,是旧金山州立大学的终身名誉教授,致力于对外英语教学,在1980-1981年担任了TESOL国际组织的主席,并获得了该组织的杰出服务奖,著作颇丰。
Lesson 1: Understanding language teaching and learning
Lesson 2: Factors in language learning
Lesson 3: Sociocultural factors in language learning
Lesson 4: The post-method era: Toward informed approaches
Lesson 5: Teacher development
Understand listening strategies and elements of successful listening classes and assessment
Expand your knowledge of the reading process as you learn to apply a range of practical reading skills and strategies. Learn to develop an extensive reading program, assess reading abilities, and design authentic reading tasks.
授课导师Jack C.Richards,教授,他是国际知名的第二语言和外语教学专家、应用语言学家和教育家,编写了众多专业书籍,他更是被评为在过去五十年对全球英语教学起到重大影响力的50人之一,是业内的翘楚。
Lesson 1: Understanding listening
Lesson 2: Preparing a three-staged listening lesson
Lesson 3: Selecting listening materials
Lesson 4: Designing tasks to improve listening
Lesson 5: Assessing listening
Understand reading strategies and elements of successful reading classes and assessment
Learn skills and strategies to help students become effective listeners and learn how
to select appropriate listening materials, create dynamic listening lessons, and use new technologies.
授课导师Jeremy Harmer。Harmer教授在业内的影响力自不必多说,泰斗级人物,他的很多著作是英语教师必读的教材,也是TESOL硕士专业课程中导师推荐学生学习的首选书目,他还是一位歌手、词作者和口语表演者,极富魅力。
Lesson 1: Understanding reading
Lesson 2: Preparing a reading lesson
Lesson 3: Selecting and using reading materials
Lesson 4: Designing effective reading tasks
Lesson 5: Assessing reading
Understand speaking strategies and elements of successful speaking classes and assessment
Survey the theory and practice of language teaching and learning, and learn how to apply learner- centered instruction in a variety of contexts.
授课导师Allen Ascher。曾经任职于纽约城市大学国际英语语言研究所的学术主任,在口语教学方面拥有独到的见解,创作了经典著作《TOP Notch》、《Summit》。
Lesson 1: Understanding speaking
Lesson 2: Interacting in the classroom
Lesson 3: Planning a controlled speaking lesson
Lesson 4: Working on fluency
Lesson 5: Assessing speaking
Fundamentals of Teaching Young Learners
Understand how children learn and how to manage class and design effective class activities
Learn to foster authentic interaction in the classroom. Get concrete suggestions on error correction, lesson planning, spoken assessments, and communicative competence.
授课导师Diane pinkley/David Nunan。Diane pinkley是少儿畅销书作者,代表著作《our world》,《back pack》。
David Nunan是著名的语言学家,专注于英语教学,他是ELT教科书“Go For it!”的作者,2000年出任了全球最大的TESOL协会主席,他还是国际英语语言教育研究基金会的执行委员会成员。
Lesson 1: Understanding how children learn
Lesson 2: Planning for effective teaching and learning
Lesson 3: Selecting and developing materials for children
Lesson 4: Understanding classroom management
Lesson 5: Assessing young language learners
Cambridge Teaching Knowledge Test(TKT) Preparation
Have solid preparation for TKT
Master ELT terms and concepts, principles of lesson planning, and effective classroom management tools to succeed on the Cambridge ESOL TKT or other basic teaching exams.
授课导师Susan Hillyard/Vicky Saumell。
Vicky Saumell著有TKT相关教材《Teacher Development Interactive: Preparing for the Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT)》。她是国际英语教师协会IATEFL的成员,还是IATEFL出版委员会的委员。
Susan Hillyard,教授,也是一位经验丰富的英语教学专家,有多部著作出版,与牛津大学出版社和培生均有合作,同时也是一位英语戏剧教学专家。
Lesson 1: Describing Language and Language Skills
Lesson 2: Background to Language Learning and Teaching
Lesson 3: Planning Lessons
Lesson 4: Using resources for language teaching
Lesson 5: Managing the teaching and learning process
5、提供雅思、托福、PTE、商务英语、托业、KET/PET/FCE、Big English、speak out等教学课程课件系统,一站式解决老师的教学问题;