国际英语外语教师协会IATEFL(International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language)成立于1967年,总部设在英国肯特大学,是目前国际上规模最大、最具权威性的英语外语教师学术机构之一。其宗旨为在世界范围内沟通、发展、支持英语外语教学。它在全世界100多个国家中拥有3500余名会员。
在IATEFL大会上大咖云集,汇聚了从事英语教学的众多名家,齐聚一堂,注定了是一场学术的盛宴,大会上会看到一些耳熟能详的TESOL/TEFL业内知名专家,如我们TESOL/TEFL认证课程中的Harmer教授,jack c. richards教授,同时还有我们介绍过的Stephen D. Krashen教授,也经常出席该会议,今年有哪些重量级的嘉宾参与呢?大家可以关注官网了解详情。
IATEFL stands for the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language and our mission is to link, develop and support English Language Teaching professionals throughout the world. We do this through:
a range of regular publications. These include six copies of our magazine IATEFL Voices and a free publication per year;
holding an Annual International Conference with an extensive programme of talks and workshops, which attracts over 1,400 delegates;
offering members the chance to join any number of 14 Special Interest Groups (SIGs);
providing members with reduced rates on a number of selected professional journals;
offering scholarships to specific groups of teachers to enable them to attend our Annual Conference;
linking with associated professional organisations in other countries;
providing help to others in forming or developing a local teachers' organisation.
SIG(Special Interest Group)
Business English ELT Management ES(O)L English for Specific Purposes Global Issues Learner Autonomy Learning Technologies Literature, Media & Cultural Studies Pronunciation Research Teacher Development Teacher Training & Education Testing, Evaluation & Assessment Young Learners
The IATEFL International Annual Conference and Exhibition each spring is one of the main events in the English Language Teaching calendar. Attended by 3,000 ELT professionals from more than 100 countries, it involves a 4-day programme of around 500 talks, workshops and forums as well as a vibrant social programme. It is a unique opportunity to meet leading trainers, theorists, practising teachers, materials writers and publishers, and exchange ideas with fellow professionals from all sectors of English language teaching and learning.
Alongside the conference is a large resources Exhibition involving over 50 ELT-related exhibitors: your one-stop shop to see all the latest ELT publications and services. Plus, the IATEFL Careers Fair continues to grow in popularity as a one-stop-shop for careers guidance, job opportunities, how-to sessions and much more!
每年的IATEFL大会上,经常会看到业界的专家,我们TESOL/TEFL认证课程中的几位导师(如:Jeremy Harmer教授、David Nunan、H.Douglas Brown等)也是经常参加该会议,大家有兴趣可以报名参加,这绝对是行业盛会。
5、提供雅思、托福、PTE、商务英语、托业、KET/PET/FCE、Big English、speak out等教学课程课件系统,一站式解决老师的教学问题;