学英语,在生活情景中运用非常重要。前阵子,给大家推荐过一套适合儿童观看的日常生活情景动画,很多妈妈说太棒了,孩子非常喜欢,学到不少日常英语表达。有没有适合成人观看的这种类型情景剧呢?今天给大家推荐一套经典的英语视频课Living English,共42集(咱们整理了其中的41集),每集14分钟左右,这套英语教学情景剧,可以让您真实感受国外各个场合日常对话,轻松学口语。全集是一个连续剧形式。每集开头几分钟情景剧纯剧情展示,无字幕,锻炼听力;这套视频难度门槛较低,入门会比较快。非常适合初学者。Episode 1: Pleased to meet you
Episode 2: Enjoy Your StayEpisode 3: What time is it?Episode 4: Second on the LeftEpisode 5: Are you married?Episode 6: He didn't writeEpisode 8: This is my brotherEpisode 9: The most beautiful cityEpisode 10: What's the matter?Episode 12: The day after tomorrowEpisode 13: What are you doing tomorrow?Episode 14: Are there some kangaroos?Episode 15: A big grey oneEpisode 16: What Would you Like?Episode 17: I usually catch a busEpisode 18: There's a message for youEpisode 19: I haven't found himEpisode 20: You walk sadlyEpisode 21: Single trip or Daytrip?(缺视频)Episode 22: Look after yourselfEpisode 23: If I were YouEpisode 24: The Most Expensive WineEpisode 25: How many prawns?Episode 26: I thought I saw himEpisode 27: It's made of goldEpisode 28: You should relaxEpisode 29: Do you have a wok?Episode 30: First, fry the prawnsEpisode 31: That was DeliciousEpisode 32: He says he knows my brotherEpisode 33: Who Wants to Know?Episode 34: You were going too fastEpisode 35: This is the houseEpisode 36: This is your nephewEpisode 37: I had to find a jobEpisode 38: You Should Ring Your ParentsEpisode 39: How could you?Episode 40: He said he loved meEpisode 41: If I like youEpisode 42: See You Again是不是非常棒呢?真实展现英文生活场景,赶快来领取吧~如你也觉得这份资源很棒,右下角点个在看,然后公众号回复 真好 按提示领取吧!郑老师暑假中高考词汇课来啦,从根本上解决孩子们的词汇问题。来一起看看试听:这次,我们给大家争取到了超低福利价,中考+高考一起,150节、贯穿一年、讲解3000多个单词,拼团价仅999,也就线下几次课钱,在郑老师这里可以学一年;听过郑老师课程的妈妈们都说:按照郑老师备课的这种标准,需要耗费太多精力,150节才999,简直太划算啦~