
学术   2024-11-26 17:20   浙江  

经济学五大顶刊 《American Economic Review》,《Quarterly Journal of Economics》,《Journal of Political Economy》,《Review of Economic Studies》,《Econometrica》。

据web of science数据库统计,最早在经济学五大刊上发表论文的学者是林毅夫,时间是1990年


林毅夫 1990 JPE

林毅夫 1992 AER

陈增敬 2002 Econometrica

陈庆池 2008 RES

沈凯玲 2013 QJE


《Journal of Political Economy》

Collectivization and China Agricultural Crisis in 1959-1961


发表时间:DEC 1990
林毅夫 北京大学

The agricultural crisis in China in 1959-61, after the initial success of the collectivization movement, resulted in 30 million extra deaths. In this paper, a game theory hypothesis proposes the main cause of this catastrophe. I argue that, because of the difficulty in supervising agricultural work, the success of an agricultural collective depends on a self-enforcing contract, however, can be sustained only in a repeated game. In the fall of 1958, the right to withdraw from a collective was deprived. The nature of the collectivization was thus changed from a repeated game to a one-time game. As a result, the self-enforcing contract could not be sustained and agricultural productivity collapsed. Copyright 1990 by University of Chicago Press.


《American Economic Review》

Rural Reforms and Agricultural Growth In China


发表时间:MAR 1992
林毅夫 北京大学

This paper employs province-level panel data to assess the contributions of decollectivization, price adjustments, and other reforms to China's agricultural growth in the reform period. Decollectivization is found to improve total factor productivity and to account for about half of the output growth during 1978-1984. The adjustment in state procurement prices also contributed positively to output growth. Its impact came mainly from the responses in input use. The effect of other market-related reforms on productivity and output growth was very small. Reasons for slowdown in agricultural growth after 1984 are also analyzed.



Ambiguity, risk, and asset returns in continuous time


发表时间:July, 2002

陈增敬 山东大学

Larry Epstein 罗切斯特大学

Models of utility in stochastic continuous-time settings typically assume that beliefs arerepresented by a probability measure, hence ruling out a priori any concern with ambiguity.This paper formulates a continuous-time intertemporal version of multiple-priors utility,where aversion to ambiguity is admissible. In a representative agent asset market setting,the model delivers restrictions on excess returns that admit interpretations reflecting apremium for risk and a separate premium for ambiguity.


《Review of Economic Studies》

A Spatial Theory of News Consumption and Electoral Competition


发表时间:July, 2008

陈庆池 上海财经大学 (现为香港中文大学)

Wing Suen 香港大学

We characterize the optimal editorial positions of the media in a model in which the media influence both voting behaviour and party policies. Political parties are less likely to choose partisan policies when more voters consume informative news. When there are two media outlets, each should be slightly biased relative to its audience in order to attract voters with relatively extreme views. Voter welfare is typically higher under a duopoly than under a monopoly. Two media outlets under joint ownership may provide more diverse viewpoints than two independent ones, but voter welfare is not always higher.


《Quarterly Journal of Economics》

Gender Discrimination in Job Ads: Evidence from China


发表时间:FEB 2013

沈凯玲 厦门大学(现为澳洲国立大学)

Peter Kuhn U 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校

We study explicit gender discrimination in a population of ads on a Chinese Internet job board. Gender-targeted job ads are common, favor women as often as men, and are much less common in jobs requiring higher levels of skill. Employers' relative preferences for female versus male workers, on the other hand, are more strongly related to the preferred age, height, and beauty of the worker than to job skill levels. Almost two thirds of the variation in advertised gender preferences occurs within firms, and one third occurs within firm occupation cells. Overall, these patterns are not well explained by a firm-level animus model, by a glass-ceiling model, or by models in which broad occupational categories are consistently gendered across firms. Instead, the patterns suggest a model in which firms have idiosyncratic preferences for particular job-gender matches, which are overridden in skilled positions by factors such as thinner labor markets or a greater incentive to search broadly for the most qualified candidate.

