
学术   2024-04-28 09:31   北京  

广西民族大学建筑工程学院组建于2019年6月,位于武鸣教育园区,建筑面积12530m²,其中专业实验室面积9698 m²,实训中心面积1332 m²。学院设有建筑系、土木工程系和工程管理系。

学院现有教职工64人。其中,专任教师57人。在专任教师中,正高职称4人,副高职称15人,高级职称占33%;中级职称30人,占53%。具有博士学位的教职工13人,占23%;具有硕士学位的教职工32人,占56%。有全球前2%顶尖科学家1人,“爱思唯尔” (Elsevier)中国高被引学者1人,广西高校引进海外高层次人才百人计划1人,广西高层次人才E类、广西高校高水平创新团队及卓越学者1人,广西本科高校青年教师教学能手1人,相思湖青年学者创新团队1个。有兼职教授19人。

近年来,学院获自治区级教改立项 5项,校级教改立项3项。教师以第一作者发表教学研究论文4篇。学院获得自治区级一流本科课程1门。获得自治区级青年教师教学竞赛一等奖1项、二等奖1项,校级青年教师教学竞赛一等奖5项。





· 学历要求:博士,正高职称可适当降低学历要求

· 面向专业:建筑规划类专业


· 学历要求:博士,正高职称可适当降低学历要求

· 面向专业:岩土、道桥,工程地质等方向


· 学历要求:博士,正高职称可适当降低学历要求

· 面向专业:工程项目管理、项目投融资与成本管理、智能建造与信息管理等方向


· 系电话:0771-3263617

· 简历邮箱:mdjgxy@gxmzu.edu.cn

· 广西民族大学高层次人才引进详细办法见


Join the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Guangxi Minzu University.

Are you a highly qualified pro-fessional seeking a rewarding career in academia? Look no further! Guangxi Minzu University' School of Architecture and Civil Engineering is offering exciting opportunities for dedicated individuals to join our esteemed institution.

Established in June 2019, our School is located in the beautiful Wuming Education Park and spans an impressive area of 12,530 square meters. Our world-class facilities include specialized laboratories covering 9698 square meters and a state-of-the-art training center occupying 1332 square meters.

We take pride in our diverse academic departments, which consist of the Department of Architecture, the Department of Civil Engineering, and the Department of Engineering Manage-ment. 

We are currently seeking out-standing candidates for the following positions:


Full-time Faculty Member in Architecture

· Requirements: Ph.D. degree in a relevant field, with a Bachelor's degree in architectural planning or a related discipline.

Full-time Faculty Member in Civil Engineering
· Requirements: Ph.D. degree in a relevant field, specializing in geo-technical engineering, transpor-tation engineering, or engineering geology.
Full-time Faculty Member in Engineering Management

· Requirements: Ph.D. degree in a relevant field, with expertise in engineering project management, project financing and cost ma-nagement, or intelligent construc-tion and information management.

Contact way

· Number: +08607713263617.

· Email:mdjgxy@gxmzu.edu.cn

· For more detailed information about our high-level talent re-cruitment process at Guangxi Minzu University, please visit our website: http://rsc.gxun.edu.cn/info/1010/3958.htm.


Join Guangxi Minzu University' School of Architecture and Civil Engineering today!

排版:  覃颖
审核:  黄鑫 欧金清
