
文摘   2024-09-01 17:32   辽宁  



遗传算法 (Genetic Algorithm):


粒子群优化 (Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO):


模拟退火 (Simulated Annealing):


蚁群算法 (Ant Colony Optimization, ACO):


梯度下降法 (Gradient Descent):



遗传算法 (GA) 是一种自适应启发式搜索算法,属于进化算法的大部分。遗传算法基于自然选择和遗传学的思想。这些算法智能地利用随机搜索,并提供历史数据,将搜索引导到解决方案空间中性能更好的区域。它们通常用于为优化问题和搜索问题生成高质量的解决方案。



遗传算法基于与种群染色体的遗传结构和行为的类比。以下是基于这种类比的 GA 的基础 -  

  • 种群中的个体竞争资源和配偶

  • 那些成功(最适合)的个体会交配,从而产生比其他个体更多的后代

  • 来自“最适合”父母的基因会在整个世代中传播,也就是说,有时父母会创造出比父母更优秀的后代。

  • 因此,每一代都更适应其环境。





GA 维护 n 个个体(染色体/解决方案)的种群及其适应度得分。适应度得分较高的个体比其他个体有更多繁殖机会。选择适应度得分较高的个体,通过结合父母的染色体进行交配并产生更好的后代。种群规模是静态的,因此必须为新来者腾出空间。因此,一些个体死亡并被新来者取代,最终在旧种群的所有交配机会耗尽时产生新一代。希望在连续几代中,更好的解决方案将会出现,而适应度最低的个体则会死亡。 



一旦创建了初始代,算法就会使用以下运算符来进化该代 - 
1) 选择运算符:其思想是优先考虑具有良好适应度分数的个体,并允许它们将基因传递给后代。 
2) 交叉运算符:这代表个体之间的交配。使用选择运算符选择两个个体,并随机选择交叉点。然后交换这些交叉点的基因,从而创建一个全新的个体(后代)。例如 - 

3)变异算子:关键思想是在后代中插入随机基因,以保持种群的多样性,避免过早收敛。例如 - 


1)随机初始化种群 p 2)确定种群的适应度3)直到收敛重复:      a)从种群中选择父母      b)交叉并产生新种群      c)对新种群进行变异      d)计算新种群的适应度



  • 字符 AZ、az、0-9 和其他特殊符号被视为基因

  • 由这些字符生成的字符串被视为染色体/解决方案/个体



# Python3 program to create target string, starting from # random string using Genetic Algorithm 
import random
# Number of individuals in each generation POPULATION_SIZE = 100
# Valid genes GENES = '''abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890, .-;:_!"#%&/()=?@${[]}'''
# Target string to be generated TARGET = "I love GeeksforGeeks"
class Individual(object): ''' Class representing individual in population ''' def __init__(self, chromosome): self.chromosome = chromosome self.fitness = self.cal_fitness()
@classmethod def mutated_genes(self): ''' create random genes for mutation ''' global GENES gene = random.choice(GENES) return gene
@classmethod def create_gnome(self): ''' create chromosome or string of genes ''' global TARGET gnome_len = len(TARGET) return [self.mutated_genes() for _ in range(gnome_len)]
def mate(self, par2): ''' Perform mating and produce new offspring '''
# chromosome for offspring child_chromosome = [] for gp1, gp2 in zip(self.chromosome, par2.chromosome):
# random probability prob = random.random()
# if prob is less than 0.45, insert gene # from parent 1 if prob < 0.45: child_chromosome.append(gp1)
# if prob is between 0.45 and 0.90, insert # gene from parent 2 elif prob < 0.90: child_chromosome.append(gp2)
# otherwise insert random gene(mutate), # for maintaining diversity else: child_chromosome.append(self.mutated_genes())
# create new Individual(offspring) using # generated chromosome for offspring return Individual(child_chromosome)
def cal_fitness(self): ''' Calculate fitness score, it is the number of characters in string which differ from target string. ''' global TARGET fitness = 0 for gs, gt in zip(self.chromosome, TARGET): if gs != gt: fitness+= 1 return fitness
# Driver code def main(): global POPULATION_SIZE
#current generation generation = 1
found = False population = []
# create initial population for _ in range(POPULATION_SIZE): gnome = Individual.create_gnome() population.append(Individual(gnome))
while not found:
# sort the population in increasing order of fitness score population = sorted(population, key = lambda x:x.fitness)
# if the individual having lowest fitness score ie. # 0 then we know that we have reached to the target # and break the loop if population[0].fitness <= 0: found = True break
# Otherwise generate new offsprings for new generation new_generation = []
# Perform Elitism, that mean 10% of fittest population # goes to the next generation s = int((10*POPULATION_SIZE)/100) new_generation.extend(population[:s])
# From 50% of fittest population, Individuals # will mate to produce offspring s = int((90*POPULATION_SIZE)/100) for _ in range(s): parent1 = random.choice(population[:50]) parent2 = random.choice(population[:50]) child = parent1.mate(parent2) new_generation.append(child)
population = new_generation
print("Generation: {}\tString: {}\tFitness: {}".\ format(generation, "".join(population[0].chromosome), population[0].fitness))
generation += 1

print("Generation: {}\tString: {}\tFitness: {}".\ format(generation, "".join(population[0].chromosome), population[0].fitness))
if __name__ == '__main__':   main() 


Generation: 1    String: tO{"-?=jH[k8=B4]Oe@}    Fitness: 18Generation: 2    String: tO{"-?=jH[k8=B4]Oe@}    Fitness: 18Generation: 3    String: .#lRWf9k_Ifslw #O$k_    Fitness: 17Generation: 4    String: .-1Rq?9mHqk3Wo]3rek_    Fitness: 16Generation: 5    String: .-1Rq?9mHqk3Wo]3rek_    Fitness: 16Generation: 6    String: A#ldW) #lIkslw cVek)    Fitness: 14Generation: 7    String: A#ldW) #lIkslw cVek)    Fitness: 14Generation: 8    String: (, o x _x%Rs=, 6Peek3   Fitness: 13                           .                            .                            . Generation: 29    String: I lope Geeks#o, Geeks   Fitness: 3Generation: 30    String: I loMe GeeksfoBGeeks    Fitness: 2Generation: 31    String: I love Geeksfo0Geeks    Fitness: 1Generation: 32    String: I love Geeksfo0Geeks    Fitness: 1Generation: 33    String: I love Geeksfo0Geeks    Fitness: 1Generation: 34    String: I love GeeksforGeeks    Fitness: 0






  • 单一解决方案

  • 收敛到局部最优

  • 未知搜索空间问题



粒子群优化 (PSO) 是一种强大的元启发式优化算法,其灵感来自自然界中观察到的群体行为,例如鱼和鸟群。PSO 是对简化社会系统的模拟。PSO 算法的初衷是图形化地模拟鸟群优雅但不可预测的舞蹈动作。 







图 1:2 个变量的 Rastrigin 函数

对于优化算法来说,rastrigin 函数是非常具有挑战性的。其复杂的行为导致优化算法经常陷入局部最小值。平面上存在大量余弦振荡会给该函数带来复杂的行为。



图 2:2 个变量的球面函数



  • 维度数 ( d ) = 3

  • 下限 ( minx ) = -10.0

  • 上限 ( maxx ) = 10.0


  • 粒子数(N)= 50

  • 最大迭代次数 ( max_iter ) = 100

  • 惯性系数 ( w ) = 0.729

  • 认知系数(c1)= 1.49445

  • 社会系数(c2)= 1.49445


  • 适应度函数

  • 问题参数(如上所述)

  • 种群规模(N)和最大迭代次数(max_iter)

  • 算法特定的超参数(w,c1,c2)


# python implementation of particle swarm optimization (PSO)# minimizing rastrigin and sphere function
import randomimport math # cos() for Rastriginimport copy # array-copying convenienceimport sys # max float

#-------fitness functions---------
# rastrigin functiondef fitness_rastrigin(position):fitnessVal = 0.0for i in range(len(position)): xi = position[i] fitnessVal += (xi * xi) - (10 * math.cos(2 * math.pi * xi)) + 10return fitnessVal
#sphere functiondef fitness_sphere(position): fitnessVal = 0.0 for i in range(len(position)): xi = position[i] fitnessVal += (xi*xi); return fitnessVal;#-------------------------
#particle class class Particle:def __init__(self, fitness, dim, minx, maxx, seed): self.rnd = random.Random(seed)
# initialize position of the particle with 0.0 value self.position = [0.0 for i in range(dim)]
# initialize velocity of the particle with 0.0 value self.velocity = [0.0 for i in range(dim)]
# initialize best particle position of the particle with 0.0 value self.best_part_pos = [0.0 for i in range(dim)]
# loop dim times to calculate random position and velocity # range of position and velocity is [minx, max] for i in range(dim): self.position[i] = ((maxx - minx) * self.rnd.random() + minx) self.velocity[i] = ((maxx - minx) * self.rnd.random() + minx)
# compute fitness of particle self.fitness = fitness(self.position) # curr fitness
# initialize best position and fitness of this particle self.best_part_pos = copy.copy(self.position) self.best_part_fitnessVal = self.fitness # best fitness
# particle swarm optimization functiondef pso(fitness, max_iter, n, dim, minx, maxx):# hyper parametersw = 0.729 # inertiac1 = 1.49445 # cognitive (particle)c2 = 1.49445 # social (swarm)
rnd = random.Random(0)
# create n random particlesswarm = [Particle(fitness, dim, minx, maxx, i) for i in range(n)]
# compute the value of best_position and best_fitness in swarmbest_swarm_pos = [0.0 for i in range(dim)]best_swarm_fitnessVal = sys.float_info.max # swarm best
# computer best particle of swarm and it's fitnessfor i in range(n): # check each particle if swarm[i].fitness < best_swarm_fitnessVal: best_swarm_fitnessVal = swarm[i].fitness best_swarm_pos = copy.copy(swarm[i].position)
# main loop of psoIter = 0while Iter < max_iter:
# after every 10 iterations # print iteration number and best fitness value so far if Iter % 10 == 0 and Iter > 1: print("Iter = " + str(Iter) + " best fitness = %.3f" % best_swarm_fitnessVal)
for i in range(n): # process each particle
# compute new velocity of curr particle for k in range(dim): r1 = rnd.random() # randomizations r2 = rnd.random()
swarm[i].velocity[k] = ( (w * swarm[i].velocity[k]) + (c1 * r1 * (swarm[i].best_part_pos[k] - swarm[i].position[k])) + (c2 * r2 * (best_swarm_pos[k] -swarm[i].position[k])) )

# if velocity[k] is not in [minx, max] # then clip it if swarm[i].velocity[k] < minx: swarm[i].velocity[k] = minx elif swarm[i].velocity[k] > maxx: swarm[i].velocity[k] = maxx

# compute new position using new velocity for k in range(dim): swarm[i].position[k] += swarm[i].velocity[k]
# compute fitness of new position swarm[i].fitness = fitness(swarm[i].position)
# is new position a new best for the particle? if swarm[i].fitness < swarm[i].best_part_fitnessVal: swarm[i].best_part_fitnessVal = swarm[i].fitness swarm[i].best_part_pos = copy.copy(swarm[i].position)
# is new position a new best overall? if swarm[i].fitness < best_swarm_fitnessVal: best_swarm_fitnessVal = swarm[i].fitness best_swarm_pos = copy.copy(swarm[i].position)
# for-each particle Iter += 1#end_whilereturn best_swarm_pos# end pso

#----------------------------# Driver code for rastrigin function
print("\nBegin particle swarm optimization on rastrigin function\n")dim = 3fitness = fitness_rastrigin

print("Goal is to minimize Rastrigin's function in " + str(dim) + " variables")print("Function has known min = 0.0 at (", end="")for i in range(dim-1):print("0, ", end="")print("0)")
num_particles = 50max_iter = 100
print("Setting num_particles = " + str(num_particles))print("Setting max_iter = " + str(max_iter))print("\nStarting PSO algorithm\n")

best_position = pso(fitness, max_iter, num_particles, dim, -10.0, 10.0)
print("\nPSO completed\n")print("\nBest solution found:")print(["%.6f"%best_position[k] for k in range(dim)])fitnessVal = fitness(best_position)print("fitness of best solution = %.6f" % fitnessVal)
print("\nEnd particle swarm for rastrigin function\n")


# Driver code for Sphere function print("\nBegin particle swarm optimization on sphere function\n")dim = 3fitness = fitness_sphere

print("Goal is to minimize sphere function in " + str(dim) + " variables")print("Function has known min = 0.0 at (", end="")for i in range(dim-1):print("0, ", end="")print("0)")
num_particles = 50max_iter = 100
print("Setting num_particles = " + str(num_particles))print("Setting max_iter = " + str(max_iter))print("\nStarting PSO algorithm\n")

best_position = pso(fitness, max_iter, num_particles, dim, -10.0, 10.0)
print("\nPSO completed\n")print("\nBest solution found:")print(["%.6f"%best_position[k] for k in range(dim)])fitnessVal = fitness(best_position)print("fitness of best solution = %.6f" % fitnessVal)
print("\nEnd particle swarm for sphere function\n")


Begin particle swarm optimization on rastrigin function
Goal is to minimize Rastrigin's function in 3 variablesFunction has known min = 0.0 at (0, 0, 0)Setting num_particles = 50Setting max_iter = 100
Starting PSO algorithm
Iter = 10 best fitness = 8.463Iter = 20 best fitness = 4.792Iter = 30 best fitness = 2.223Iter = 40 best fitness = 0.251Iter = 50 best fitness = 0.251Iter = 60 best fitness = 0.061Iter = 70 best fitness = 0.007Iter = 80 best fitness = 0.005Iter = 90 best fitness = 0.000
PSO completed

Best solution found:['0.000618', '0.000013', '0.000616']fitness of best solution = 0.000151
End particle swarm for rastrigin function

Begin particle swarm optimization on sphere function
Goal is to minimize sphere function in 3 variablesFunction has known min = 0.0 at (0, 0, 0)Setting num_particles = 50Setting max_iter = 100
Starting PSO algorithm
Iter = 10 best fitness = 0.189Iter = 20 best fitness = 0.012Iter = 30 best fitness = 0.001Iter = 40 best fitness = 0.000Iter = 50 best fitness = 0.000Iter = 60 best fitness = 0.000Iter = 70 best fitness = 0.000Iter = 80 best fitness = 0.000Iter = 90 best fitness = 0.000
PSO completed

Best solution found:['0.000004', '-0.000001', '0.000007']fitness of best solution = 0.000000
End particle swarm for sphere function


模拟退火 (SA) 是一种概率技术,用于寻找优化问题的近似解。它特别适用于大型搜索空间,因为在这种空间中寻找精确解是不切实际的。该算法的灵感来自冶金学中的退火过程。

用 Python 一步步实现模拟退火

步骤 1:了解模拟退火


第 2 步:定义目标函数

目标函数是我们想要优化(最小化或最大化)的函数。在这个例子中,我们将使用 Rastrigin 函数,它是优化算法的常用基准函数。

import random
def get_neighbor(x, step_size=0.1): neighbor = x[:] index = random.randint(0, len(x) - 1) neighbor[index] += random.uniform(-step_size, step_size)    return neighbor

步骤 3:创建邻居函数


import random
def get_neighbor(x, step_size=0.1): neighbor = x[:] index = random.randint(0, len(x) - 1) neighbor[index] += random.uniform(-step_size, step_size)    return neighbor

步骤 4:实现模拟退火算法


def simulated_annealing(objective, bounds, n_iterations, step_size, temp):    # Initial solution    best = [random.uniform(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in bounds]    best_eval = objective(best)    current, current_eval = best, best_eval    scores = [best_eval]
for i in range(n_iterations): # Decrease temperature t = temp / float(i + 1) # Generate candidate solution candidate = get_neighbor(current, step_size) candidate_eval = objective(candidate) # Check if we should keep the new solution if candidate_eval < best_eval or random.random() < math.exp((current_eval - candidate_eval) / t): current, current_eval = candidate, candidate_eval if candidate_eval < best_eval: best, best_eval = candidate, candidate_eval scores.append(best_eval)
# Optional: print progress if i % 100 == 0: print(f"Iteration {i}, Temperature {t:.3f}, Best Evaluation {best_eval:.5f}")
    return best, best_eval, scores

步骤 5:运行算法


# Define problem domainbounds = [(-5.0, 5.0) for _ in range(2)]  # for a 2-dimensional Rastrigin functionn_iterations = 1000step_size = 0.1temp = 10
# Perform the simulated annealing searchbest, score, scores = simulated_annealing(objective_function, bounds, n_iterations, step_size, temp)
print(f'Best Solution: {best}')print(f'Best Score: {score}')

Python 中的模拟退火实现


import mathimport random
# Objective function: Rastrigin functiondef objective_function(x): return 10 * len(x) + sum([(xi**2 - 10 * math.cos(2 * math.pi * xi)) for xi in x])
# Neighbor function: small random changedef get_neighbor(x, step_size=0.1): neighbor = x[:] index = random.randint(0, len(x) - 1) neighbor[index] += random.uniform(-step_size, step_size) return neighbor
# Simulated Annealing functiondef simulated_annealing(objective, bounds, n_iterations, step_size, temp): # Initial solution best = [random.uniform(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in bounds] best_eval = objective(best) current, current_eval = best, best_eval scores = [best_eval]
for i in range(n_iterations): # Decrease temperature t = temp / float(i + 1) # Generate candidate solution candidate = get_neighbor(current, step_size) candidate_eval = objective(candidate) # Check if we should keep the new solution if candidate_eval < best_eval or random.random() < math.exp((current_eval - candidate_eval) / t): current, current_eval = candidate, candidate_eval if candidate_eval < best_eval: best, best_eval = candidate, candidate_eval scores.append(best_eval)
# Optional: print progress if i % 100 == 0: print(f"Iteration {i}, Temperature {t:.3f}, Best Evaluation {best_eval:.5f}")
return best, best_eval, scores
# Define problem domainbounds = [(-5.0, 5.0) for _ in range(2)] # for a 2-dimensional Rastrigin functionn_iterations = 1000step_size = 0.1temp = 10
# Perform the simulated annealing searchbest, score, scores = simulated_annealing(objective_function, bounds, n_iterations, step_size, temp)
print(f'Best Solution: {best}')print(f'Best Score: {score}')


Iteration 0, Temperature 10.000, Best Evaluation 53.95166Iteration 100, Temperature 0.099, Best Evaluation 49.75767Iteration 200, Temperature 0.050, Best Evaluation 49.74828Iteration 300, Temperatu...








#Ant colony optimization to solve TSP problemimport numpy as npimport random as rd
def lengthCal(antPath,distmat): #Calculate distance length =[] dis = 0 for i in range(len(antPath)): for j in range(len(antPath[i]) - 1): dis += distmat[antPath[i][j]][antPath[i][j + 1]] dis += distmat[antPath[i][-1]][antPath[i][0]] length.append(dis) dis = 0 return length
distmat = np.array([[0,35,29,67,60,50,66,44,72,41,48,97], [35,0,34,36,28,37,55,49,78,76,70,110], [29,34,0,58,41,63,79,68,103,69,78,130], [67,36,58,0,26,38,61,80,87,110,100,110], [60,28,41,26,0,61,78,73,103,100,96,130], [50,37,63,38,61,0,16,64,50,95,81,95], [66,55,79,61,78,16,0,49,34,82,68,83], [44,49,68,80,73,64,49,0,35,43,30,62], [72,78,103,87,103,50,34,35,0,47,32,48], [41,76,69,110,100,95,82,43,47,0,26,74], [48,70,78,100,96,81,68,30,32,26,0,58], [97,110,130,110,130,95,83,62,48,74,58,0]])
antNum = 12 #Ant numberalpha = 1 #Pheromone importance factorbeta = 3 #Heuristic function importance factorpheEvaRate = 0.3 #Pheromone evaporation ratecityNum = distmat.shape[0]pheromone = np.ones((cityNum,cityNum)) #Pheromone matrixheuristic = 1 / (np.eye(cityNum) + distmat) - np.eye(cityNum) #Heuristic information matrix, take 1/dismatiter,itermax = 1,100 #Number of iterations
while iter < itermax: antPath = np.zeros((antNum, cityNum)).astype(int) - 1 # Ant's path firstCity = [i for i in range(12)] rd.shuffle(firstCity) #Randomly assign a starting city for each ant unvisted = [] p = [] pAccum = 0 for i in range(len(antPath)): antPath[i][0] = firstCity[i] for i in range(len(antPath[0]) - 1): #Gradually update the next city each ant is going to for j in range(len(antPath)): for k in range(cityNum): if k not in antPath[j]: unvisted.append(k) for m in unvisted: pAccum += pheromone[antPath[j][i]][m] ** alpha * heuristic[antPath[j][i]][m] ** beta for n in unvisted: p.append(pheromone[antPath[j][i]][n] ** alpha * heuristic[antPath[j][i]][n] ** beta / pAccum) roulette = np.array(p).cumsum() #Generate Roulette r = rd.uniform(min(roulette), max(roulette)) for x in range(len(roulette)): if roulette[x] >= r: #Use the roulette method to choose the next city to go antPath[j][i + 1] = unvisted[x] break unvisted = [] p = [] pAccum = 0 pheromone = (1 - pheEvaRate) * pheromone #Pheromone volatile length = lengthCal(antPath,distmat) for i in range(len(antPath)): for j in range(len(antPath[i]) - 1): pheromone[antPath[i][j]][antPath[i][j + 1]] += 1 / length[i] #Pheromone update pheromone[antPath[i][-1]][antPath[i][0]] += 1 / length[i] iter += 1print("The shortest distance is:")print(min(length))print("The shortest path is:")print(antPath[length.index(min(length))])





  • 批量梯度下降:在此变体中,梯度在整个数据集上计算,并且在每个时期之后更新参数。

  • 随机梯度下降:在此变体中,梯度是在单个训练示例上计算的,并且在每个示例之后更新参数。

  • 小批量梯度下降:在此变体中,梯度是在训练数据的一小部分上计算的,并且在每个小批量之后更新参数。





  • 线性回归:在线性回归中,梯度下降用于寻找最小化预测值和实际值之间的平方误差和的最佳系数。

  • 逻辑回归:在逻辑回归中,梯度下降用于寻找最小化交叉熵损失函数的最佳参数,该函数衡量预测概率和实际标签之间的差异。

  • 神经网络:在深度学习中,梯度下降用于通过最小化损失函数来优化神经网络的权重和偏差,损失函数衡量预测输出和实际输出之间的差异。

  • 支持向量机 (SVM):在 SVM 中,梯度下降用于寻找以最大边距将数据点分成不同类别的最佳超平面。

  • 降维:在主成分分析 (PCA) 等技术中,使用梯度下降来寻找捕获数据中最大方差的最佳特征向量。

  • 聚类:在 k 均值等聚类算法中,梯度下降用于通过最小化数据点与其指定聚类质心之间的平方距离和来优化聚类的质心。


  1. 选择一个模型和一个成本函数:










在单独的数据集上测试训练后的模型以评估其性能,例如准确率、精确率、召回率或 F1 分数。



import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 
# 定义要最小化的函数(简单的二次函数)def f ( x, y ): return x** 2 + y** 2
# 定义函数关于 x 和 y 的偏导数def df_dx ( x, y ): return 2 * x
def df_dy ( x, y ): return 2 * y
# 定义梯度下降算法def gradient_descent ( start_x, start_y, learning_rate, num_iterations ): # 初始化参数 x = start_x y = start_y history = []
# 执行梯度下降迭代 for i in range (num_iterations): # 计算梯度 grad_x = df_dx(x, y) grad_y = df_dy(x, y)
# 更新参数 x = x - learning_rate * grad_x y = y - learning_rate * grad_y
# 保存参数的历史记录 history.append((x, y, f(x, y)))
return x, y, f(x, y), history
# 定义用于绘制函数的网格x_range = np.arange(- 10 , 10 , 0.1 ) y_range = np.arange(- 10 , 10 , 0.1 ) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_range, y_range) Z = f(X, Y)
# 执行梯度下降并绘制结果start_x, start_y = 8 , 8 learning_rate = 0.1 num_iterations = 20 x_opt, y_opt, f_opt, history = gradient_descent(start_x, start_y, learning_rate, num_iterations)
fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot( 111 , projecting= '3d' ) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap= 'coolwarm' ) ax.scatter(* zip (*history), c= 'r' , marker= 'o' ) ax.set_xlabel( 'x' ) ax.set_ylabel( 'y' ) ax.set_zlabel( 'f(x, y)' ) plt.show()

此实现定义了一个简单的二次函数f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2及其偏导数df_dx(x, y) = 2x和df_dy(x, y) = 2y。然后,它定义了gradient_descent()函数,该函数以起点(start_x, start_y)、学习率learning_rate和迭代次数num_iterations作为输入,并返回函数的最佳点(x_opt, y_opt)和最小值f_opt,以及迭代过程中参数值的历史记录history。网格用于绘制函数,并使用在 3D 图中绘制梯度下降算法的结果matplotlib


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