初五也被称为“牛日”。民间传说正月头七天分别是“鸡日”、“犬日”、“猪日”、“羊日”、“牛日”、“马日”和“人日”。中国传统神话中的女神女娲在创造凡间生物时就是遵循了这个顺序,在创造人类之前先创造了这六种生物。The fifth day is also called the "day of cow". According to Chinese folklore, the first seven days of the 1st lunar month are respectively called "day of chicken", "day of dog", "day of pig", "day of sheep", "day of cow", "day of horse" and "day of man". When creating all living beings on earth, Nu Wa, a goddess in Chinese mythology, created the six creatures before human beings.初五还是财神的生日,人们会举办盛宴以示庆祝。这天也被称为“破五日”,字面意思是打破数字五。根据习俗,许多新年禁忌过此日皆可破。The fifth day is also the God of Fortune's birthday and people will celebrate this day with a large banquet. This day is also commonly known as the Festival of Po Wu, literally breaking five. According to custom, it is believed that many New Year taboos can be broken on this day.