
职场   2023-12-24 19:30   马来西亚  








1. 负责艺术基会的视觉形象管理及延展,以确保品牌连贯性。

2. 负责基会官、微信、Instagram及其他媒体平台的运营作。

3. 负责基会项及活动的宣传及媒体联络作。

4. 负责基会外部合作项的拓展与联络作。


1. 本科或以上学历。

2. 3年或以上的艺术媒体或艺术机构的作经验,了解艺术业动态与趋势。

3. 有优秀的沟通以及多任务处理能

4. 具备中英双语写作能

5. 熟悉新媒体运营,并具备基础的设计知识。

6. 媒体运营经验者优先考虑。





1. 配合基会的学术规划,协助持续性的研究作。

2. 配合完成基会相关展览、研讨会及其他活动的执与落地。

3. 组织与协调外部合作项的落地。

4. 资料的整理与归档。

5. 协助传播部门,完成所需资料准备。


1. 艺术类或⼈⽂学科硕研究

2. 2年艺术机构作经验,有独的研究或展览项的执落地经验。

3. 扎实的研究和分析能

4. 优秀的组织协调能

5. 具备中英双语的作能

6. 具备泛的学术兴趣和在开放和快速的环境中作的能


    We are an art foundation in the process of establishment, dedicated to building globally influential collections in modern and contemporary arts. Our mission is to encourage independent academic research and nurture a new generation of art production. With an open and inclusive attitude, we collaborate with visionary art creators, thinkers, and cultural practitioners, providing support for their career development and facilitating their participation in global artistic dialogues.

    In 2024, we will establish the first "Liaison Projects" in Shanghai. This multifunctional workspace will serve as a hub for our global operations, offering working, communication, and exhibition spaces. It will also function as an experimental platform for artists and curatorial practices, exploring innovative models of curating and artistic collaboration through continuous small-scale exhibitions and projects.

    If you are passionate about art, have a sense of responsibility, thrive in a united and friendly team atmosphere, and are eager to learn and grow in a fulfilling job, we invite you to join us.

Communication Department

Position: Media Coordinator

Location: Shanghai


1. Manage and extend the visual identity of the art foundation to ensure brand consistency.

2. Operate the foundation's official website, WeChat, Instagram, and other media platforms.

3. Handle publicity and media liaison for foundation projects and activities.

4. Expand and maintain external collaborative projects of the foundation.


1. Bachelor's degree or above.

2. 3 or more years of experience in art media or art institutions, with a deep understanding of industry dynamics and trends.

3. Excellent communication and multitasking skills.

4. Proficiency in both Chinese and English writing.

5. Familiarity with new media operations and basic design knowledge.

6. Experience in self-media operations is preferred.

Curatorial and Research Department

Position: Curatorial Assistant

Location: Shanghai


1. Assist in the foundation's academic planning and support ongoing research work.

2. Assist in executing and implementing foundation-related exhibitions, seminars, and other activities.

3. Organize and coordinate the implementation of external collaborative projects.

4. Organize and archive materials.

5. Assist the Communication Department in preparing required materials.


1. Master's degree in art or humanities.

2. 2 years of work experience in art institutions, including experience in independently executing research or exhibition projects.

3. Strong research and analytical skills.

4. Excellent organizational and coordination abilities.

5. Proficiency in both Chinese and English.

6. Wide range of academic interests and ability to work in an open and fast-paced environment.

If you are interested in joining us, please submit your resume to


