摘要:本期介绍了GISChat (集思洽谈) 的主要贡献人员及新媒体矩阵。
十次分享的成功举办,实际上归功于志愿者团队(众位GISChat Fellow简短介绍链接: www.giserzhang.xyz/markdown)的积极贡献。无论是线上会议的组织,主持,logo的设计以及嘉宾的邀请,都离不开团队背后的努力,共同目标是在商业化浪潮中依然保留一个城市研究者自由交流的自留地,为公众号订阅者和GIS同行带来更高质量,耳目一新的知识体验。GISChat Fellow们是一群关注 GeoAI、生态遥感、城市气候学、极端灾害、空间可达性 等学科领域的年轻学者。我们将坚持以往的运营思路,扎根城市研究,与学术和工业的从业者共同进步,也欢迎新Fellow加入我们,一起认识世界改造世界。
GISChat Fellow介绍:
张岩 (Yan Zhang)
简介: 城市感知计算公众号和GISChat的发起人,武汉大学地信博士,香港中文大学博士后。欢迎与我交流和交友,可以访问我的学术主页(www.giserzhang.xyz)获取关于我的更多动态。
Contact: sggzhang@whu.edu.cn
陆慧缘(HuiYuan Lu)
简介: 研究方向为生态遥感,地理空间分析,生物多样性,全球气候变化
Location: 武汉
Contact: 208014658@qq.com
郭家乐(Jiale Guo)
简介: GeoAI、极端灾害
School: 米兰理工大学(Polimi)
Location: 米兰
Contact: jiale.guo@mail.polimi.it
柯恩童 (Entong Ke)
简介: I hope to contribute something meaningful to the Earth and humanity.
School: South China Normal University
Location: 广州
Contact: entongke@m.scnu.edu.cn
张志捷(Zhijie Zhang)
简介: 湿地遥感、WebGIS、GeoAI(I have conducted research Wetland remote sensing, economic geography and WebGIS. Future research interest is GeoAI.)
School: Gischat
Location: 武汉
Contact: 1546157076@qq.com
谷天顺(Tianshun Gu)
简介: In the context of climate change and rapid urbanization, the frequency and intensity of record-breaking extreme precipitation events in urban areas have increased significantly, seriously threatening the sustainable development of urban systems and the health and well-being of residents.My research focuses on the impact of urbanization on hydroclimate, and delves into the physical mechanism of action between extreme weather events and urbanization.Welcome to follow my Google Scholar and ResearchGate academic homepage, and look forward to further communication with you via email.In addition, the academic platform “城市地理之光 (Urban Geography Illumination)” operated by me regularly pushes the latest research results in this field, and sincerely invites your attention and participation.
School: 中国地质大学(武汉)China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Location: 武汉
Contact: gutsgeo@163.com
冯元宝(Yuanbao Feng)
简介: Still being selected, perhaps GIS spatial analysis modeling, remote sensing of cold areas and hydrological modeling
School: 青海师范大学(Qinghai Normal University)
Location: 西宁
Contact: fengmeta@163.com
马昕悦(Xinyue Ma)
简介: 城市气候学(Urban Climatology) I specialize in urban planning and urban climate research, with a focus on exploring ways to improve urban heat environments. Feel free to reach out to me via email!
School: 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
Location: 深圳
Contact: womaxinyue@163.com
魏臻(Zhen Wei)
简介: 地理社会计算(Geosocial Computing); GeoAI
School: 华东师范大学(East China Normal University)
Location: 上海
Contact: 1376755287@qq.com
叶卿(Qing Ye)
简介: Currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s program in Environmental Engineering, my primary focus is on the development and application of water treatment materials, specifically addressing dye and heavy metal pollution control. Additionally, I am engaged in research related to urban remote sensing, atmospheric chemical processes of trace gases, and soil remediation.
School: 皖西学院(West Anhui University)&安徽理工大学(Anhui University Of Science & Technology)
Location: 合肥
Contact: xuanduli@yeah.com
聂海如(HaiRu Nie)
简介: 生态遥感
School: 伊犁师范大学(YiLi Normal University)
Location: 伊宁
Contact: hairunie2261@hotmail.com
崔秦毓 (Qinyu Cui)
简介: My research interests encompass the utilization of multi-source data for analyzing urban issues, particularly in the fields of urban planning, GIS, and transportation. More introduction about me was shown in my personal website (https://cuiqinyu.github.io/).
School: 华南理工大学 (South China University of Technology)
Location: 广州
Contact: 464059678@qq.com
徐玲子(Lingzi Xu)
简介: 环境感知、环境心理、热环境、热舒适
School: 浙江农林大学(Zhejiang Agriculture & Forestry University)
Location: 杭州
Contact: 943501151@qq.com
张浩楠(Haonan Zhang)
简介: 采煤沉陷区村民福祉(Subjective well-being),煤炭资源型城市韧性空间规划(Urban resilience spatial planning)
School: 中国矿业大学(China University of Mining and Technology)
Location: 徐州
Contact: 1943828327@qq.com
段红锐(Hongrui Duan)
简介: 夜间灯光遥感,GeoAl
School: 唐山师范学院(Tangshan Norma University)
Location: 唐山
Coordinates: X: 118.18645947204, Y: 39.6365837241473
Contact: duanhrgeo@163.com
王世琦(Shiqi Wang)
简介: GeoAI,空间可达性
School: 爱丁堡大学(University of Edinburgh)
Location: 爱丁堡
Contact: qtec@outlook.com
侯策 (Ce Hou)
简介: GeoAI; urban sensing; sustainable urban development
School: 香港科技大学 (the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Location: 香港
汪俊辰(Junchen Wang)
简介: 植被遥感 激光雷达点云融合
School: 黑龙江工程学院(Heilongjiang Institute of Technology)
Location: 哈尔滨
Contact: 3378236599@qq.com
杨敏(Min Yang)
简介: 城市洪水灾害,城市脆弱性,城市韧性
School: 马来西亚国立大学 (The National University of Malaysia)
Location: 吉隆坡
Contact: yangmin9508@gmail.com 714676460@qq.com
秦全 (Quan Qin)
简介: iYan; GeoAI, Geospatial Representation Learning
School: 武汉大学 (Wuhan University)
Location: 武汉
Contact: qinquan@whu.edu.cn
马浩然 (Haoran Ma)
简介: 香港中文大学研究助理,环艺跨地理专业选手,多篇交叉学科top期刊加持。主要研究方向为地理人工智能、环境心理学、绿色暴露、不平等、城市感知。
School: 香港中文大学 (CUHK University)
Location: 香港
陈钧洛(Dylan Junluo CHEN)
Introduction: genAI, online community, healthcare, corporate governance, children trafficking
School: 香港城市大学 (City University of Hong Kong)
Location: 香港
Contact: chenjunluo.is@gmail.com
陶天民(Tianmin Tao)
Introduction: Urban resilience; Sustainable development; Walkability
Location: 广州
Contact: nwnuttm@163.com
刘佳雨(Jiayu Liu)
Introduction: 面向交通地理的时空大数据,空间优化与轨迹挖掘
School: 陕西师范大学
Location: 西安
Contact: liujiayu@snnu.edu.cn
文舒昊(Shuhao Wen)
简介: GeoAI,农业遥感
School: 中国地质大学(武汉)China University of Geosciences,Wuhan
Location: 武汉
Contact: wenshuhao1125@163.com