12 月 21 日周六,三组即兴音乐人 Levi Liauw、咿呀叽喳机、杨凌远将于晚上 8 点开始带来时长 2 小时的现场演出。
Levi Liauw
Levi Liauw (廖先勇) 是墨尔本即兴音乐界冉冉升起的新星。他的风格充满了暴力和愤怒的永恒之美,他的每一次敲击都同时用革命性的愤怒拥抱鼓、挑衅鼓。他曾与 Robbie Avenaim 和 Dave Brown 等澳大利亚传奇即兴演奏家合作。他与 Mia Alexander 的双人组 (萨克斯管/鼓二重奏) ,曾在墨尔本最有名的即兴俱乐部 The Make It Up Club 庆生音乐会上表演,也曾登陆 Safe in Sound 音乐节。
Levi Liauw is a rising star in Melbourne's improvisational music scene. His style is imbued with the timeless beauty of violence and rage, each stroke of his simultaneously embracing and defying the drum with revolutionary fury. He has collaborated with legendary Australian improvisers such as Robbie Avenaim and Dave Brown. His duo (saxophone/drums duo) with Mia Alexander has performed at the birthday concert of The Make It Up Club, the most famous improv club in Melbourne, and also performed at the Safe in Sound Music Festival.
咿呀叽喳机,噪音/即兴duo,活跃于广深一带与上海。模块合成器: 林茵;萨克斯: 若瑜。
杨凌远,吉他手/作曲家。他演出/录音/写作过多种风格,包括但不限于:爵士/即兴音乐/当代古典/电子原音音乐。演奏吉他,预制吉他,电子。其风格受到 Brian Ferneyhough、Gérard Grisey 等作曲家影响,热衷于将频谱主义和新复杂主义融合到爵士/即兴音乐中。目前就读于纽约 The New School,师从 Peter Evans、Miles Okazaki、Matt Mitchell、Ingrid Laubrock、Cory Smythe 等纽约顶级音乐家。曾与 Joe Morris、James Paul Nadien、Noah Franche-Nolan、Jonathan Reisin、Ken Kobayashi、Shinya Lin、高太行、小豆、吴雯君等演出/录音,并在国内与纽约的多个不同场地演出。
Lingyuan Yang is a guitarist, composer and improviser. His musical style encompasses various genres, including new music, jazz, improvisation, and electroacoustic music. He is currently studying at the New School where he studied privately with Peter Evans, Miles Okazaki, Matt Mitchell, Cory Smythe and so on. He has performed and/or recorded with Joe Morris, James Paul Nadien, Noah Franche-Nolan, Jonathan Reisin, Ken Kobayashi, Shinya Lin, Asher Herzog and many more.
12 月 21 日 周六 20: 00 - 22: 00
厦门市思明区美湖路 49-53 号 INSULAR RECORDS·离岛
Levi Liauw | 咿呀叽喳机 | 杨凌远
立足于厦门的独立唱片店,专注于挖掘最值得收藏的黑胶唱片。以世界音乐和律动音乐为出发点,横跨 Jazz、Funk、Hip-hop 到 Ambient 等诸多风格,更有从 1930 年代到如今,受到民族音乐启发的诸多 Alternative 音乐类型。店内除了有全场黑胶唱片的试听,也提供咖啡及酒水饮料,并不定期举办演出、派对等音乐活动。