(CVPR 2024)频域自适应空洞卷积FADC,即插即用涨点启动!

文摘   2024-12-15 17:20   上海  


题目:Frequency-Adaptive Dilated Convolution for Semantic Segmentation






  • 频率自适应空洞卷积(Frequency-Adaptive Dilated Convolution, FADC):

  • 三种关键策略:

    • 自适应空洞率(Adaptive Dilation Rate, AdaDR): 根据输入的频率分布,空间上动态地分配空洞率,在高频区域使用较小的空洞率以保留高效带宽,在低频区域使用较大的空洞率以扩展感受野。

    • 自适应卷积核(Adaptive Kernel, AdaKern): 将卷积权重分解为低频和高频分量,并动态调整这两种分量的比例,从而增强有效带宽。

    • 频率选择模块(Frequency Selection, FreqSelect): 通过空间变化的重新加权,平衡特征表示中的高频和低频分量,鼓励学习更大的空洞率,从而进一步扩大感受野。

  • 频率域视角下的分析:

  • 多任务验证:

    • 在语义分割任务中,与多个主流方法(如PSPNet、DeepLabV3+等)相比,FADC在准确率和计算效率方面都表现出了明显的改进。

    • 在目标检测任务中,FADC通过与现有的可变形卷积(DCNv2)和注意力机制(如DiNAT)结合,也展示了性能提升。

  • 减少混叠伪影(Aliasing Artifacts):

  • 轻量化设计:



     这篇论文提出了基于 CondConv(条件参数化卷积)的模型结构,它通过动态生成输入依赖的卷积核取代传统静态卷积核,核心是将卷积核参数化为多专家(Mixture of Experts)的线性组合,专家权重由输入通过路由函数生成。CondConv 可无缝集成到现有 CNN 架构中,作为普通卷积层的替代,显著提升了多种模型(如 MobileNet、ResNet 和 EfficientNet)的性能,同时保持较低的计算开销,非常适合对实时性和计算资源有限的应用场景。

1. 自适应空洞率模块(Adaptive Dilation Rate, AdaDR)

  • 核心功能:

  • 细节:

    • 根据局部区域的高频或低频分量,计算适合该区域的空洞率。

    • 在高频区域(如边界细节)应用较小的空洞率,以提高高频信息的捕获能力。

    • 在低频区域(如物体内部或背景)应用较大的空洞率,以扩大感受野。

  • 优化目标:

2. 自适应卷积核模块(Adaptive Kernel, AdaKern)

  • 核心功能:

  • 细节:

    • 将卷积核权重分解为低频部分(平均值表示)和高频部分(残差表示)。

    • 动态分配低频和高频权重的比例(由轻量化网络预测),以适应输入的特定频率特性。

    • 提高对高频信息的敏感性,从而提升有效带宽。

  • 增强效果:

3. 频率选择模块(Frequency Selection, FreqSelect)

  • 核心功能:

  • 细节:

    • 通过傅里叶变换将输入特征分解为多个频率带。

    • 动态生成空间变化的选择权重,对每个频率带进行加权。

    • 压制背景或物体中心的高频分量,突出边界区域的高频特征。

  • 效果:

4. 模块集成的整体框架

  • 模型整体结构的设计以FADC为核心,可以直接替换标准卷积层或空洞卷积层。

  • 在网络中:

    • AdaDR负责动态分配空洞率;

    • AdaKern优化卷积核的频率响应;

    • FreqSelect调整输入特征的频率分量。

  • 这些模块能够无缝集成到现有的深度学习框架(如DeepLabV3+、PSPNet、PIDNet等)中。


FADConv 作为一个即插即用模块

  • 增强边界细节捕获能力:在高频区域(如边界)分配更多带宽,提升对小目标和复杂边界的细节建模。

  • 动态调整感受野:根据不同区域的频率分布,扩大背景和低频区域的感受野,保留高频区域的特征带宽。

  • 减少混叠伪影:通过动态调整空洞率,缓解因频率超出采样带宽而导致的伪影(如栅格伪影)。

  • 优化高低频信息的平衡:动态压制背景中的高频噪声,突出目标区域的重要特征。

  • 提高实时性与效率:在保持高分辨率的同时,通过轻量化设计减少计算开销,提升处理速度。

  • 增强多尺度特征建模能力:同时适应大物体和小物体的特征需求,提升模型对多尺度目标的鲁棒性。


     展示了 FADC 在 Cityscapes 数据集上的性能,与传统方法(如标准空洞卷积、DCNv2、ADC 等)相比,FADC 在多种主干网络(Dilated-ResNet-50 和 Dilated-ResNet-101)上显著提升了 mIoU(平均交并比)。例如,在 PSPNet 和 DeepLabV3+ 上,FADC 仅增加少量参数和计算开销(+0.5M 参数,+9.2G FLOPs),分别带来了 2.6 和 1.1 的 mIoU 提升。这表明 FADC 在保持高效率的同时,大幅度提高了分割精度。

       展示了 FADC 在更具挑战性的 ADE20K 数据集上的表现,与多个主流模型(如 ResNet、ConvNeXt、Swin Transformer 等)相比,FADC 在提升准确率方面表现出色。例如,在 ResNet-50 上,FADC 提升了 mIoU 至 44.4(相比原始 ResNet-50 提高了 3.7),且性能超过了参数更多的 ResNet-101。同时,在 HorNet-B 等更大型模型中,FADC 也带来了 0.6 mIoU 的增益。该表验证了 FADC 在不同规模网络和数据集上的广泛适用性。

          评估了 FADC 在实时语义分割任务中的表现。通过将 FADC 集成到轻量化的 PIDNet-M 模型中,FADC 实现了 81.0 mIoU,同时保持了 37.7 FPS 的较高帧率。这一结果超过了更重的 PIDNet-L 模型(80.9 mIoU,31.1 FPS),表明 FADC 在实时性和精度上的优异平衡。这使其特别适合于实时应用场景,如自动驾驶和机器人视觉任务。


# 论文:Frequency-Adaptive Dilated Convolution for Semantic Segmentation[CVPR 2024]
# 论文地址:https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.05369
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.fft

class OmniAttention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size, groups=1, reduction=0.0625, kernel_num=4, min_channel=16):
        super(OmniAttention, self).__init__()
        attention_channel = max(int(in_planes * reduction), min_channel)
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        self.kernel_num = kernel_num
        self.temperature = 1.0

        self.avgpool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)
        self.fc = nn.Conv2d(in_planes, attention_channel, 1, bias=False)
        self.bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(attention_channel)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)

        self.channel_fc = nn.Conv2d(attention_channel, in_planes, 1, bias=True)
        self.func_channel = self.get_channel_attention

        if in_planes == groups and in_planes == out_planes: # depth-wise convolution
            self.func_filter = self.skip
            self.filter_fc = nn.Conv2d(attention_channel, out_planes, 1, bias=True)
            self.func_filter = self.get_filter_attention

        if kernel_size == 1: # point-wise convolution
            self.func_spatial = self.skip
            self.spatial_fc = nn.Conv2d(attention_channel, kernel_size * kernel_size, 1, bias=True)
            self.func_spatial = self.get_spatial_attention

        if kernel_num == 1:
            self.func_kernel = self.skip
            self.kernel_fc = nn.Conv2d(attention_channel, kernel_num, 1, bias=True)
            self.func_kernel = self.get_kernel_attention


    def _initialize_weights(self):
        for m in self.modules():
            if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
                nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, mode='fan_out', nonlinearity='relu')
                if m.bias is not None:
                    nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
            if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
                nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1)
                nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)

    def update_temperature(self, temperature):
        self.temperature = temperature

    def skip(_):
        return 1.0

    def get_channel_attention(self, x):
        channel_attention = torch.sigmoid(self.channel_fc(x).view(x.size(0), -1, 1, 1) / self.temperature)
        return channel_attention

    def get_filter_attention(self, x):
        filter_attention = torch.sigmoid(self.filter_fc(x).view(x.size(0), -1, 1, 1) / self.temperature)
        return filter_attention

    def get_spatial_attention(self, x):
        spatial_attention = self.spatial_fc(x).view(x.size(0), 1, 1, 1, self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size)
        spatial_attention = torch.sigmoid(spatial_attention / self.temperature)
        return spatial_attention

    def get_kernel_attention(self, x):
        kernel_attention = self.kernel_fc(x).view(x.size(0), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
        kernel_attention = F.softmax(kernel_attention / self.temperature, dim=1)
        return kernel_attention

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.avgpool(x)
        x = self.fc(x)
        x = self.bn(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        return self.func_channel(x), self.func_filter(x), self.func_spatial(x), self.func_kernel(x)

import torch.nn.functional as F

def generate_laplacian_pyramid(input_tensor, num_levels, size_align=True, mode='bilinear'):
    a alternative way for feature frequency decompose

    pyramid = []
    current_tensor = input_tensor
    _, _, H, W = current_tensor.shape
    for _ in range(num_levels):
        b, _, h, w = current_tensor.shape
        downsampled_tensor = F.interpolate(current_tensor, (h // 2 + h % 2, w // 2 + w % 2), mode=mode,
                                           align_corners=(H % 2) == 1) # antialias=True
        if size_align:
            # upsampled_tensor = F.interpolate(downsampled_tensor, (h, w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=(H%2) == 1)
            # laplacian = current_tensor - upsampled_tensor
            # laplacian = F.interpolate(laplacian, (H, W), mode='bilinear', align_corners=(H%2) == 1)
            upsampled_tensor = F.interpolate(downsampled_tensor, (H, W), mode=mode, align_corners=(H % 2) == 1)
            laplacian = F.interpolate(current_tensor, (H, W), mode=mode, align_corners=(H % 2) == 1) - upsampled_tensor
            # print(laplacian.shape)
            upsampled_tensor = F.interpolate(downsampled_tensor, (h, w), mode=mode, align_corners=(H % 2) == 1)
            laplacian = current_tensor - upsampled_tensor
        current_tensor = downsampled_tensor
    if size_align: current_tensor = F.interpolate(current_tensor, (H, W), mode=mode, align_corners=(H % 2) == 1)
    return pyramid

class FrequencySelection(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
                 # freq_list=[2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11],

        # k_list.sort()
        # print()
        self.k_list = k_list
        # self.freq_list = freq_list
        self.lp_list = nn.ModuleList()
        self.freq_weight_conv_list = nn.ModuleList()
        self.fs_feat = fs_feat
        self.lp_type = lp_type
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        # self.residual = residual
        if spatial_group > 64: spatial_group = in_channels
        self.spatial_group = spatial_group
        self.lowfreq_att = lowfreq_att
        if spatial == 'conv':
            self.freq_weight_conv_list = nn.ModuleList()
            _n = len(k_list)
            if lowfreq_att: _n += 1
            for i in range(_n):
                freq_weight_conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels,
                                             padding=spatial_kernel // 2,
                if init == 'zero':
                    # raise NotImplementedError
            raise NotImplementedError

        if self.lp_type == 'avgpool':
            for k in k_list:
                    nn.ReplicationPad2d(padding=k // 2),
                    # nn.ZeroPad2d(padding= k // 2),
                    nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=k, padding=0, stride=1)
        elif self.lp_type == 'laplacian':
        elif self.lp_type == 'freq':
            raise NotImplementedError

        self.act = act
        # self.freq_weight_conv_list.append(nn.Conv2d(self.deform_groups * 3 * self.kernel_size[0] * self.kernel_size[1], 1, kernel_size=1, padding=0, bias=True))
        self.global_selection = global_selection
        if self.global_selection:
            self.global_selection_conv_real = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels,
            self.global_selection_conv_imag = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels,
            if init == 'zero':

    def sp_act(self, freq_weight):
        if self.act == 'sigmoid':
            freq_weight = freq_weight.sigmoid() * 2
        elif self.act == 'softmax':
            freq_weight = freq_weight.softmax(dim=1) * freq_weight.shape[1]
            raise NotImplementedError
        return freq_weight

    def forward(self, x, att_feat=None):
        att_feat:feat for gen att

        # freq_weight = self.freq_weight_conv(x)
        # self.sp_act(freq_weight)
        # if self.residual: x_residual = x.clone()
        if att_feat is None: att_feat = x
        x_list = []
        if self.lp_type == 'avgpool':
            # for avg, freq_weight in zip(self.avg_list, self.freq_weight_conv_list):
            pre_x = x
            b, _, h, w = x.shape
            for idx, avg in enumerate(self.lp_list):
                low_part = avg(x)
                high_part = pre_x - low_part
                pre_x = low_part
                # x_list.append(freq_weight[:, idx:idx+1] * high_part)
                freq_weight = self.freq_weight_conv_list[idx](att_feat)
                freq_weight = self.sp_act(freq_weight)
                # tmp = freq_weight[:, :, idx:idx+1] * high_part.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)
                tmp = freq_weight.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w) * high_part.reshape(b, self.spatial_group,
                                                                                               -1, h, w)
                x_list.append(tmp.reshape(b, -1, h, w))
            if self.lowfreq_att:
                freq_weight = self.freq_weight_conv_list[len(x_list)](att_feat)
                # tmp = freq_weight[:, :, len(x_list):len(x_list)+1] * pre_x.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)
                tmp = freq_weight.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w) * pre_x.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h,
                x_list.append(tmp.reshape(b, -1, h, w))
        elif self.lp_type == 'laplacian':
            # for avg, freq_weight in zip(self.avg_list, self.freq_weight_conv_list):
            # pre_x = x
            b, _, h, w = x.shape
            pyramids = generate_laplacian_pyramid(x, len(self.k_list), size_align=True)
            # print('pyramids', len(pyramids))
            for idx, avg in enumerate(self.k_list):
                # print(idx)
                high_part = pyramids[idx]
                freq_weight = self.freq_weight_conv_list[idx](att_feat)
                freq_weight = self.sp_act(freq_weight)
                # tmp = freq_weight[:, :, idx:idx+1] * high_part.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)
                tmp = freq_weight.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w) * high_part.reshape(b, self.spatial_group,
                                                                                               -1, h, w)
                x_list.append(tmp.reshape(b, -1, h, w))
            if self.lowfreq_att:
                freq_weight = self.freq_weight_conv_list[len(x_list)](att_feat)
                # tmp = freq_weight[:, :, len(x_list):len(x_list)+1] * pre_x.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)
                tmp = freq_weight.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w) * pyramids[-1].reshape(b, self.spatial_group,
                                                                                                  -1, h, w)
                x_list.append(tmp.reshape(b, -1, h, w))
        elif self.lp_type == 'freq':
            pre_x = x.clone()
            b, _, h, w = x.shape
            # b, _c, h, w = freq_weight.shape
            # freq_weight = freq_weight.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)
            x_fft = torch.fft.fftshift(torch.fft.fft2(x, norm='ortho'))
            if self.global_selection:
                # global_att_real = self.global_selection_conv_real(x_fft.real)
                # global_att_real = self.sp_act(global_att_real).reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)
                # global_att_imag = self.global_selection_conv_imag(x_fft.imag)
                # global_att_imag = self.sp_act(global_att_imag).reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)
                # x_fft = x_fft.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)
                # x_fft.real *= global_att_real
                # x_fft.imag *= global_att_imag
                # x_fft = x_fft.reshape(b, -1, h, w)
                # 将x_fft复数拆分成实部和虚部
                x_real = x_fft.real
                x_imag = x_fft.imag
                # 计算实部的全局注意力
                global_att_real = self.global_selection_conv_real(x_real)
                global_att_real = self.sp_act(global_att_real).reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)
                # 计算虚部的全局注意力
                global_att_imag = self.global_selection_conv_imag(x_imag)
                global_att_imag = self.sp_act(global_att_imag).reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)
                # 重塑x_fft为形状为(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)的张量
                x_real = x_real.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)
                x_imag = x_imag.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)
                # 分别应用实部和虚部的全局注意力
                x_fft_real_updated = x_real * global_att_real
                x_fft_imag_updated = x_imag * global_att_imag
                # 合并为复数
                x_fft_updated = torch.complex(x_fft_real_updated, x_fft_imag_updated)
                # 重塑x_fft为形状为(b, -1, h, w)的张量
                x_fft = x_fft_updated.reshape(b, -1, h, w)

            for idx, freq in enumerate(self.k_list):
                mask = torch.zeros_like(x[:, 0:1, :, :], device=x.device)
                mask[:, :, round(h / 2 - h / (2 * freq)):round(h / 2 + h / (2 * freq)),
                round(w / 2 - w / (2 * freq)):round(w / 2 + w / (2 * freq))] = 1.0
                low_part = torch.fft.ifft2(torch.fft.ifftshift(x_fft * mask), norm='ortho').real
                high_part = pre_x - low_part
                pre_x = low_part
                freq_weight = self.freq_weight_conv_list[idx](att_feat)
                freq_weight = self.sp_act(freq_weight)
                # tmp = freq_weight[:, :, idx:idx+1] * high_part.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)
                tmp = freq_weight.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w) * high_part.reshape(b, self.spatial_group,
                                                                                               -1, h, w)
                x_list.append(tmp.reshape(b, -1, h, w))
            if self.lowfreq_att:
                freq_weight = self.freq_weight_conv_list[len(x_list)](att_feat)
                # tmp = freq_weight[:, :, len(x_list):len(x_list)+1] * pre_x.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w)
                tmp = freq_weight.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h, w) * pre_x.reshape(b, self.spatial_group, -1, h,
                x_list.append(tmp.reshape(b, -1, h, w))
        x = sum(x_list)
        return x

from mmcv.ops.deform_conv import DeformConv2dPack
from mmcv.ops.modulated_deform_conv import ModulatedDeformConv2d, modulated_deform_conv2d, ModulatedDeformConv2dPack, \
import torch_dct as dct
#pip install torch-dct

class AdaptiveDilatedConv(ModulatedDeformConv2d):
    """A ModulatedDeformable Conv Encapsulation that acts as normal Conv

        in_channels (int): Same as nn.Conv2d.
        out_channels (int): Same as nn.Conv2d.
        kernel_size (int or tuple[int]): Same as nn.Conv2d.
        stride (int): Same as nn.Conv2d, while tuple is not supported.
        padding (int): Same as nn.Conv2d, while tuple is not supported.
        dilation (int): Same as nn.Conv2d, while tuple is not supported.
        groups (int): Same as nn.Conv2d.
        bias (bool or str): If specified as `auto`, it will be decided by the
            norm_cfg. Bias will be set as True if norm_cfg is None, otherwise

    _version = 2

    def __init__(self, *args,
                 offset_freq=None, # deprecated
                 pre_fs=True, # False, use dilation
                     'k_list': [2, 4, 8],
                     'fs_feat': 'feat',
                     'lowfreq_att': False,
                     'lp_type': 'freq',
                     # 'lp_type':'laplacian',
                     'act': 'sigmoid',
                     'spatial': 'conv',
                     'spatial_group': 1,

        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if padding_mode == 'zero':
            self.PAD = nn.ZeroPad2d(self.kernel_size[0] // 2)
        elif padding_mode == 'repeat':
            self.PAD = nn.ReplicationPad2d(self.kernel_size[0] // 2)
            self.PAD = nn.Identity()

        self.kernel_decompose = kernel_decompose
        self.use_dct = use_dct

        if kernel_decompose == 'both':
            self.OMNI_ATT1 = OmniAttention(in_planes=self.in_channels, out_planes=self.out_channels, kernel_size=1,
                                           groups=1, reduction=0.0625, kernel_num=1, min_channel=16)
            self.OMNI_ATT2 = OmniAttention(in_planes=self.in_channels, out_planes=self.out_channels,
                                           kernel_size=self.kernel_size[0] if self.use_dct else 1, groups=1,
                                           reduction=0.0625, kernel_num=1, min_channel=16)
        elif kernel_decompose == 'high':
            self.OMNI_ATT = OmniAttention(in_planes=self.in_channels, out_planes=self.out_channels, kernel_size=1,
                                          groups=1, reduction=0.0625, kernel_num=1, min_channel=16)
        elif kernel_decompose == 'low':
            self.OMNI_ATT = OmniAttention(in_planes=self.in_channels, out_planes=self.out_channels, kernel_size=1,
                                          groups=1, reduction=0.0625, kernel_num=1, min_channel=16)
        self.conv_type = conv_type
        if conv_type == 'conv':
            self.conv_offset = nn.Conv2d(
                self.deform_groups * 1,
                padding=self.kernel_size[0] // 2 if isinstance(self.PAD, nn.Identity) else 0,

        self.conv_mask = nn.Conv2d(
            self.deform_groups * 1 * self.kernel_size[0] * self.kernel_size[1],
            padding=self.kernel_size[0] // 2 if isinstance(self.PAD, nn.Identity) else 0,
        if sp_att:
            self.conv_mask_mean_level = nn.Conv2d(
                self.deform_groups * 1,
                padding=self.kernel_size[0] // 2 if isinstance(self.PAD, nn.Identity) else 0,

        self.offset_freq = offset_freq

        # An offset is like [y0, x0, y1, x1, y2, x2, ⋯, y8, x8]
        offset = [-1, -1, -1, 0, -1, 1,
                  0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1,
                  1, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1]
        offset = torch.Tensor(offset)
        # offset[0::2] *= self.dilation[0]
        # offset[1::2] *= self.dilation[1]
        # a tuple of two ints – in which case, the first int is used for the height dimension, and the second int for the width dimension
        self.register_buffer('dilated_offset', torch.Tensor(offset[None, None, ..., None, None])) # B, G, 18, 1, 1
        if fs_cfg is not None:
            if pre_fs:
                self.FS = FrequencySelection(self.in_channels, **fs_cfg)
                self.FS = FrequencySelection(1, **fs_cfg) # use dilation
        self.pre_fs = pre_fs
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.use_zero_dilation = use_zero_dilation

    def freq_select(self, x):
        if self.offset_freq is None:
            res = x
        elif self.offset_freq in ('FLC_high', 'SLP_high'):
            res = x - self.LP(x)
        elif self.offset_freq in ('FLC_res', 'SLP_res'):
            res = 2 * x - self.LP(x)
            raise NotImplementedError
        return res

    def init_weights(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'conv_offset'):
            # if isinstanace(self.conv_offset, nn.Conv2d):
            if self.conv_type == 'conv':
                # self.conv_offset.bias.data.fill_((self.dilation[0] - 1) / self.dilation[0] + 1e-4)
                self.conv_offset.bias.data.fill_((self.dilation[0] - 1) / self.dilation[0] + self.epsilon)
            # self.conv_offset.bias.data.zero_()
        # if hasattr(self, 'conv_offset'):
        # self.conv_offset_low[1].weight.data.zero_()
        # if hasattr(self, 'conv_offset_high'):
        # self.conv_offset_high[1].weight.data.zero_()
        # self.conv_offset_high[1].bias.data.zero_()
        if hasattr(self, 'conv_mask'):

        if hasattr(self, 'conv_mask_mean_level'):

    # @force_fp32(apply_to=('x',))
    # @force_fp32
    def forward(self, x):
        # offset = self.conv_offset(self.freq_select(x)) + self.conv_offset_low(self.freq_select(x))
        if hasattr(self, 'FS') and self.pre_fs: x = self.FS(x)
        if hasattr(self, 'OMNI_ATT1') and hasattr(self, 'OMNI_ATT2'):
            c_att1, f_att1, _, _, = self.OMNI_ATT1(x)
            c_att2, f_att2, spatial_att2, _, = self.OMNI_ATT2(x)
        elif hasattr(self, 'OMNI_ATT'):
            c_att, f_att, _, _, = self.OMNI_ATT(x)

        if self.conv_type == 'conv':
            offset = self.conv_offset(self.PAD(self.freq_select(x)))
        elif self.conv_type == 'multifreqband':
            offset = self.conv_offset(self.freq_select(x))
        # high_gate = self.conv_offset_high(x)
        # high_gate = torch.exp(-0.5 * high_gate ** 2)
        # offset = F.relu(offset, inplace=True) * self.dilation[0] - 1 # ensure > 0
        if self.use_zero_dilation:
            offset = (F.relu(offset + 1, inplace=True) - 1) * self.dilation[0] # ensure > 0
            # offset = F.relu(offset, inplace=True) * self.dilation[0] # ensure > 0
            offset = offset.abs() * self.dilation[0] # ensure > 0
            # offset[offset<0] = offset[offset<0].exp() - 1
        # print(offset.mean(), offset.std(), offset.max(), offset.min())
        if hasattr(self, 'FS') and (self.pre_fs == False): x = self.FS(x, F.interpolate(offset, x.shape[-2:],
                                                                                        mode='bilinear', align_corners=(
                                                                                                                                       -1] % 2) == 1))
        # print(offset.max(), offset.abs().min(), offset.abs().mean())
        # offset *= high_gate # ensure > 0
        b, _, h, w = offset.shape
        offset = offset.reshape(b, self.deform_groups, -1, h, w) * self.dilated_offset
        # offset = offset.reshape(b, self.deform_groups, -1, h, w).repeat(1, 1, 9, 1, 1)
        # offset[:, :, 0::2, ] *= self.dilated_offset[:, :, 0::2, ]
        # offset[:, :, 1::2, ] *= self.dilated_offset[:, :, 1::2, ]
        offset = offset.reshape(b, -1, h, w)

        x = self.PAD(x)
        mask = self.conv_mask(x)
        mask = mask.sigmoid()
        # print(mask.shape)
        # mask = mask.reshape(b, self.deform_groups, -1, h, w).softmax(dim=2)
        if hasattr(self, 'conv_mask_mean_level'):
            mask_mean_level = torch.sigmoid(self.conv_mask_mean_level(x)).reshape(b, self.deform_groups, -1, h, w)
            mask = mask * mask_mean_level
        mask = mask.reshape(b, -1, h, w)

        if hasattr(self, 'OMNI_ATT1') and hasattr(self, 'OMNI_ATT2'):
            offset = offset.reshape(1, -1, h, w)
            mask = mask.reshape(1, -1, h, w)
            x = x.reshape(1, -1, x.size(-2), x.size(-1))
            adaptive_weight = self.weight.unsqueeze(0).repeat(b, 1, 1, 1, 1) # b, c_out, c_in, k, k
            adaptive_weight_mean = adaptive_weight.mean(dim=(-1, -2), keepdim=True)
            adaptive_weight_res = adaptive_weight - adaptive_weight_mean
            _, c_out, c_in, k, k = adaptive_weight.shape
            if self.use_dct:
                dct_coefficients = dct.dct_2d(adaptive_weight_res)
                # print(adaptive_weight_res.shape, dct_coefficients.shape)
                spatial_att2 = spatial_att2.reshape(b, 1, 1, k, k)
                dct_coefficients = dct_coefficients * (spatial_att2 * 2)
                # print(dct_coefficients.shape)
                adaptive_weight_res = dct.idct_2d(dct_coefficients)
                # adaptive_weight_res = adaptive_weight_res.reshape(b, c_out, c_in, k, k)
                # print(adaptive_weight_res.shape, dct_coefficients.shape)
            # adaptive_weight = adaptive_weight_mean * (2 * c_att.unsqueeze(1)) * (2 * f_att.unsqueeze(2)) + adaptive_weight - adaptive_weight_mean
            # adaptive_weight = adaptive_weight_mean * (c_att1.unsqueeze(1) * 2) * (f_att1.unsqueeze(2) * 2) + (adaptive_weight - adaptive_weight_mean) * (c_att2.unsqueeze(1) * 2) * (f_att2.unsqueeze(2) * 2)
            adaptive_weight = adaptive_weight_mean * (c_att1.unsqueeze(1) * 2) * (
                        f_att1.unsqueeze(2) * 2) + adaptive_weight_res * (c_att2.unsqueeze(1) * 2) * (
                                          f_att2.unsqueeze(2) * 2)
            adaptive_weight = adaptive_weight.reshape(-1, self.in_channels // self.groups, 3, 3)
            if self.bias is not None:
                bias = self.bias.repeat(b)
                bias = self.bias
            # print(adaptive_weight.shape)
            # print(bias.shape)
            # print(x.shape)
            x = modulated_deform_conv2d(x, offset, mask, adaptive_weight, bias,
                                        (self.kernel_size[0] // 2, self.kernel_size[1] // 2) if isinstance(self.PAD,
                                                                                                           nn.Identity) else (
                                        0, 0), # padding
                                        (1, 1), # dilation
                                        self.groups * b, self.deform_groups * b)
        elif hasattr(self, 'OMNI_ATT'):
            offset = offset.reshape(1, -1, h, w)
            mask = mask.reshape(1, -1, h, w)
            x = x.reshape(1, -1, x.size(-2), x.size(-1))
            adaptive_weight = self.weight.unsqueeze(0).repeat(b, 1, 1, 1, 1) # b, c_out, c_in, k, k
            adaptive_weight_mean = adaptive_weight.mean(dim=(-1, -2), keepdim=True)
            # adaptive_weight = adaptive_weight_mean * (2 * c_att.unsqueeze(1)) * (2 * f_att.unsqueeze(2)) + adaptive_weight - adaptive_weight_mean
            if self.kernel_decompose == 'high':
                adaptive_weight = adaptive_weight_mean + (adaptive_weight - adaptive_weight_mean) * (
                            c_att.unsqueeze(1) * 2) * (f_att.unsqueeze(2) * 2)
            elif self.kernel_decompose == 'low':
                adaptive_weight = adaptive_weight_mean * (c_att.unsqueeze(1) * 2) * (f_att.unsqueeze(2) * 2) + (
                            adaptive_weight - adaptive_weight_mean)

            adaptive_weight = adaptive_weight.reshape(-1, self.in_channels // self.groups, 3, 3)
            # adaptive_bias = self.unsqueeze(0).repeat(b, 1, 1, 1, 1)
            # print(adaptive_weight.shape)
            # print(offset.shape)
            # print(mask.shape)
            # print(x.shape)
            x = modulated_deform_conv2d(x, offset, mask, adaptive_weight, self.bias,
                                        (self.kernel_size[0] // 2, self.kernel_size[1] // 2) if isinstance(self.PAD,
                                                                                                           nn.Identity) else (
                                        0, 0), # padding
                                        (1, 1), # dilation
                                        self.groups * b, self.deform_groups * b)
            x = modulated_deform_conv2d(x, offset, mask, self.weight, self.bias,
                                        (self.kernel_size[0] // 2, self.kernel_size[1] // 2) if isinstance(self.PAD,
                                                                                                           nn.Identity) else (
                                        0, 0), # padding
                                        (1, 1), # dilation
                                        self.groups, self.deform_groups)
        # x = modulated_deform_conv2d(x, offset, mask, self.weight, self.bias,
        # self.stride, self.padding,
        # self.dilation, self.groups,
        # self.deform_groups)
        # if hasattr(self, 'OMNI_ATT'): x = x * f_att
        return x.reshape(b, -1, h, w)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    input_tensor = torch.randn(2, 64, 128, 128)

    adaptive_dilated_conv = AdaptiveDilatedConv(in_channels=64,out_channels=64,kernel_size=3)

    output_tensor = adaptive_dilated_conv(input_tensor)

    print(input_tensor.shape)    print(output_tensor.shape)



