Plumeria Rejuvenating Soap

文摘   2024-06-27 19:25   中国澳门  

Meet our Plumeria Rejuvenating Soap, shaped like a joyful puppy eager to pamper your skin. 

Wishbone Fun Soap Series

Plumeria Rejuvenating Soap

Interesting Life, Natural Soap

Infused with plumeria alba essential oil, this soap radiates sunny and lively energy. It's further enriched with centella asiatica extract to protect and rejuvenate your skin.

Centella Entella Asiatica Extract

Speeds up skin metabolism, promotes collagen production, improves acne-prone skin, soothes the skin.

Plumeria Alba Essential Oil

Tightens and repairs skin, helps relieve acne and pimples, suitable for oily skin.

Main Ingredients: Water, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Soybean Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Castor Oil, Shea Butter, Centella Entella Asiatica Extract, Plumeria Alba Essential Oil, Activated Carbon, Red Mineral Clay.

Recommended Skin Type: Oily and combination skin.


我们许下了一个愿望:为您定制的每一块手工小皂都能为您的生活添上一束阳光, 一缕清香...我们的每一块私家小皂,所为您挑选的都是优质进口精油 ,精选橄榄油等纯天然无添加健康原材料,采取纯手工冷制皂的工艺制成 让您在沐浴的同时享受美丽和健康 !