讲座预告 | 生为华人孩,长为印度女:独立前马来亚与新加坡的跨文化收养及被领养群体的归属感探究

学术   2024-10-21 17:39   北京  





Indian Daughters by Upbringing, Chinese Daughters
by Birth: Belonging and Cross-Cultural Adoption
in Pre-Independence Malaysia and Singapore







Theresa Devasahayam



特蕾莎·德瓦萨哈扬(Dr Theresa Devasahayam)长期从事东南亚女性问题研究,现任教于新加坡社会科学大学(SUSS)。她的研究兴趣包括性别社会学、劳动流动性、健康社会学、老龄化、女性与政治以及粮食安全。她的最新著作Little Drops: Cherished Children of Singapore’s Past(Penguin, 2024)记录了15名在1930年代至1970年代出生在新加坡的被收养者的故事,内容涉及他们的家庭困境,非正式社会网络的力量,新加坡移民社会之遗产,以及被收养者在日本占领时期经历的苦难等。

Dr Theresa Devasahayam has engaged extensively on women’s issues in Southeast Asia for over 25 years. Currently as associate lecturer at Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), her areas of specialism include the sociology of gender, labour mobility, health sociology, ageing, women and politics, and food security. Aside from publishing widely in academic journals, she has authored and edited several books among which include: Gender, Emotions and Labour Markets: Asian and Western Perspectives (2011) (with Ann Brooks); Gender and Ageing: Southeast Asian Perspectives (2014); and Working and Mothering in Asia: Images, Ideologies and Identities (2007) (with Brenda S.A. Yeoh). Her most recent book entitled Little Drops: Cherished Children of Singapore’s Past (Penguin, 2024) chronicles the stories of fifteen Singaporean adoptees born in the 1930s to the early 1970s and the plight of families of that era; the strength of friendships and informal social networks; the intricate tapestry of Singapore’s migrant heritage; and the ravages of the Japanese Occupation and struggles individuals endured during that period. In her professional capacity, she has also been consultant for Asian Development Bank (ADB), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), European Union (EU), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and various United Nations agencies in the Southeast Asian region. Theresa holds dual degrees in Anthropology and Public Administration from Syracuse University, New York, U.S.A.



It has been argued by some anthropologists that the low value attributed to the girl child could have been a universal practice and not restricted to a few communities as once thought. In current times, the consequences of such cultural bias has taken different forms ranging from neglect of girl children to gender selective abortions. In pre-independence Malaya (and Singapore), unwanted Chinese female children were found instead to be given away. Willing couples who took these female babies in and raised them as their own would come from beyond the Chinese community. This paper examines the processes, modes, and materialities of belonging in the context of cross-cultural adoption. Narratives gathered from twenty adoptees, all now adults, received into Indian families show how they have grown up with a firm sense of belonging to their families of adoption rather than their families of origin in spite of growing up and residing in a multi-ethnic context. Amongst them, belonging is culturally derived, attributable to the success of their integration into their adoptive families and community.


谢侃侃 北京大学外国语学院东南亚系助理教授 


程  莹 北京大学外国语学院亚非系长聘副教授

张忞煜 北京大学外国语学院国别和区域研究专业助理教授








