12月4日,联合国世界旅游组织发布《世界旅游业晴雨表》报告称,全球旅游业预计在年底前实现全面复苏,消费增长速度快于入境人数。● 在北半球经历了强劲的夏季假期之后,2024年1月至9月,国际游客人数达到2019年水平的98%(比2019年同期下降2%)。● 2024年前九个月,约有11亿游客进行了国际旅行,全球旅游业恢复到疫情前98%的水平。● 得益于欧洲在疫情后的强劲需求、全球大型客源市场的强劲表现,以及亚太地区目的地的持续复苏。航班数和签证便利性的提高也助力了国际旅行的恢复。● 与2023年同期相比,大多数目的地的数据显示,在2024年前9个月持续强劲恢复,其中大多数超过了疫情前的水平。● 中东仍然是增长最强劲的地区,国际游客人数比2019年增长了29%。2024年1月至9月非洲接待的游客比2019年同比增加6%。欧洲的入境人数超过了疫情前的1%,而美洲的入境人数为2019年的97%,亚太地区达到85%。● 按次区域划分,2024年1月至9月,北非和中美洲的表现最为强劲,国际游客人数分别比疫情前增加了18%和16%。● 继2023年强劲增长之后,国际旅游收入继续呈现惊人的增长态势,大多数目的地均超过了疫情前的水平。● 大多数目的地的数据显示,收入增长速度均高于入境人数。● 国际旅游消费数据也反映了同样的趋势,尤其是在德国(与2019年相比增长了35%)、美国(增长了33%)和法国(增长了11%)等大型客源市场。● 新冠肺炎疫情四年后,尽管仍处于具有挑战性的经济和地缘政治背景下,国际游客人数预计将在2024年底恢复至2019年的水平。*《世界旅游业晴雨表》定期监测短期旅游趋势,为全球旅游利益相关者提供国际旅游的最新分析。On December 4, UN Tourism | World Tourism Organization released the "World Tourism Barometer" , International tourism on track for full recovery by the end of the year with spending growing faster than arrivals.● International arrivals reached 98% of 2019 levels in January-September 2024 (-2% over same period of 2019) following a strong Northern Hemisphere summer season.● An estimated 1.1 billion international tourist arrivals (overnight visitors) were recorded in the January-September 2024, about 11% more than in the same period of 2023.● Results were driven by strong post-pandemic demand in Europe and robust performance from large source markets globally, as well as the ongoing recovery of destinations in Asia and the Pacific. Increased air connectivity and visa facilitation also supported international travel.● Most destinations reporting monthly data continued to enjoy strong results in January-September 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, with a majority exceeding pre-pandemic levels.● The Middle East remained the strongest-growing region, with international arrivals climbing 29% above 2019 levels. Africa welcomed 6% more tourists than in January-September 2024 the same months of 2019. Arrivals in Europe exceeded by 1% pre-pandemic arrivals, while the Americas recorded 97% of 2019 levels and Asia and the Pacific 85%.● By subregions, North Africa and Central America saw the strongest performance in January-September 2024, with 18% and 16% more international arrivals than before the pandemic respectively.● International tourism receipts have seen extraordinary growth following an already strong 2023, surpassing pre-pandemic levels in most destinations.● The majority of destinations reporting data has seen faster growth in receipts than in arrivals.● Data on international tourism expenditure reflects the same trend, especially among large source markets such as Germany (+35% compared to 2019), the United States (+33%) and France (+11%).● After four years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, international tourist arrivals are expected to reach 2019 levels by the end of 2024, though still in a challenging economic and geopolitical context.*The UN Tourism World Tourism Barometer monitors short-term tourism trends on a regular basis to provide global tourism stakeholders with up-to-date analysis on international tourism.