Part 1
在part1中,用3-4句话回答每个问题即可,多说反而容易出错。Part1 的回答逻辑思路是:清晰的观点+解释。句子之间注重连接词的运用,以及搭配的运用。Part1中,我建议,一定要对着题库自己过一遍。遇到不擅长的话题,可以翻参考书、笔记、上网搜索、请教老师,务必在上考场前形成答案。
Eg. Have you thought about learning how to cook?
NO. I don’t think I have the talent for this. (第一句话清晰的表明观点)Also(连接词,引入解释), I am still not the one for elaborate sit down dinners. Just a quick meal in front of the TV works for me. So (逻辑连接词,得出结论)fast food has always been my favorite.
Part 2
同时,注重词汇、句型的积累,上过课的同学可以复习笔记,没上过的同学可以买小姨的7天突破口语,或者《会让你在IELTS写作与口语考试中更像一个Native Speaker的纯正英式短语&英式句型1000条》来进行积累。
Eg. Describe a café you like to visit.
You should say:
where it is;
how often you go there;
what you usually do there;
and explain why you like this place.
Answer: Well, sometimes I’d like to go to the café after work in the evening, before I go back home.(套话) It’s just located in the first floor of my office building.(介绍位置) In fact, it’s a tiny cafe with several tables inside. When the weather is good, people love to eat outside to enjoy the fresh air.(评价)
I frequently go to this café with my colleagues because the food is very tasty, and the prices are extremely reasonable. They offer a wide range of coffee, including espresso, Americano and cappuccino, with a great choice of dishes, like cheese burger, seafood salad, chicken pizza and ice cream.(描述咖啡馆)
In addition,(逻辑连接词) the boss is a friendly old man, and the waitresses remember their customers and even what they like to eat. They often give us a small discount when we ask for the bill: they know how to retain their clients. What’s the most important is that the food is clean,and cheap. That’s what really counts.(评价)
Part 3
Part3考察的是考生的辩证思维能力,为了给出更成熟的答案,我们需要背一些常用句型,比如,比较类(There are a couple of differences between them……)、原因类、解决类、优势类等等,给我们争取思考的时间。至于素材,可以选择运用雅思写作的素材,再运用恰当的连接词将素材连贯起来。如果考官不打断的话,就一直说下去,切勿停顿,这与Part1有一定的区别。
Eg. Whose fault is it that we have these environment problems?
The destruction of the environment is an issue of important international concern. In fact, it is an issue which affects every single person on the planet. (提前准备的套话) It is apparent that human beings are themselves responsible for the damage to the global environment. (进一步解释)For example, damage to the soil is being caused by the excessive dumping of garbage. The greenhouse effect is being caused by the use of fossil fuels and the destruction of the rain forests. Water pollution and the destruction of marine life is being caused by oil spills and industrial wastes.(举例子,抽象化为具体) All of these factors are having a detrimental effect on the world's important life-supporting ecosystems.(结论)