
文摘   财经   2024-06-19 17:19   广东  


The Smarter E Europe, the largest platform in Europe for the smart energy industry, which focuses extensively on the world of smart energy to drive the global transition from traditional to smart energy. From June 19 to 21, PHOMIHOLDING will showcase its latest research results, including its eBIPV and eDisplay at the summit. 


 - Inorganic Solid Waste is no longer Waste - 


Once again, the booth of PHOMIHOLDING becomes a hub for global networking as it is bustling with visitors. One visitor told us , "PHOMI's products are highly regarded in Europe due to their environmental sustainability,excellent performance, and durability."Featured special reports have appeared on many prominent media outlets.


"PHOMI’s eCoverings ,  a product series derived from PHOMI’s invention econiclay, has received carbon footprint certification from international authority Bureau Veritas. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission in the life cycle of 1 m2 eCoverings is 1.02 kg CO2 equivalent,which is 95.4% and 98.6% less than porcelain’s and stone’s emission, respectively. " stated by a representative. 

福美econiclay 固废处理前沿技术


Currently, industrial and mining solid waste poses significant challenges in processing, leading to extremely low rates of reusage.Construction solid waste typically undergoes mechanical crushing before being mixed with cement for molding and surface paint finishing, resulting in bad-looking product appearance and low added value. What makes PHOMIHOLDING stands out is her innovative “zero to one” approach towards basic material transformation from soild waste to useful products.


 - Zero-carbon building materials  - 

“福美零碳面材轻、薄、柔特点,完美规避了外墙瓷砖、石材脱落伤人隐患和涂料龟裂变色的常见问题。可实现建筑装饰轻量化施工,工序简化,工期缩短,即装即用。”参展代表提到,基于其热塑性和A级防火性,兼具柔性特质, 其制品可替代塑料件、水泥和石材制品,不局限于建筑领域,还可广泛应用于汽车、家电及家具等领域。

PHOMI offers a one-stop solution for zero-carbon building covering materials. eCoverings are light, thin and soft, effectively avoiding common issues such as peeling off, paint cracking and discoloration seen with tiles/stones on exterior wall,. eCoverings enable lightweight construction for building decoration while simplifying processes and shortening construction periods. Thanks to their thermoplasticity and Class A fire resistance with flexible characteristics, eCoverings can replace plastic, cement and stone products. Their applications extend beyond the field of construction to include automobiles, home appliances, furniture and other areas.


The theme of PHOMIHOLDING is "We realize 'the light in your dream'". It is anticipated that PHOMI's self-developed eBIPV (econiclay building-integrated photovoltaics) and eDisplay (econiclay Display) technologies will make significant contributions towards creating i-Home, the Future Habitat for Humanity.


The eBIPV technology allows for customizable multi-material coverings which break away from monotonous visual appearance of traditional photovoltaic panels limited only to roofs or glass curtain walls. Its future applications will diversify further into areas such as automobiles and mobile devices among others. In the other arena, the eDisplay integrates photoelectric technology with building materials, allowing for embedded images and motion pictures on various surfaces like stone walls, wood walls and brick walls when energized, thus offering more visually stunning displays for audience experience.

诚邀莅临 共话未来

 - Welcome to PHOMI HOLDING - 


We cordially invite you, along with your esteemed colleagues, friends, and partners, to join us at our booth to witness the product launch and engage in discussions. 


我们是福美控股,成立于2008年,是行业领先的高科技企业,专注于研发以econiclay 生态环境材料为核心的创新产品,致力于为企业和组织提供碳中和材料解决方案。