方间之外 | 成都麓湖生态城C7玄鸟湾样板岛二期

文化   2024-12-23 16:33   上海  

悦时尚  悦生活







Mysterious field, spiritual dimension

Self-exploration from "the space I am in" to"the space that does not belong to me"

Light and shadow, brightness and darkness

Building a pure and natural art world

From the square to the outside

It is the return of the environment to the state of self-ascension


Spirit of the Place

诺伯格 · 舒尔茨提出场所精神,其认为场所精神是人内心主观意识空间与客观存在空间的融合。相对于场所,场所精神具有更加广泛的意义,即人在参与活动过程中,所感受到的一种场所氛围,对场所萌生出的归属感或认同感。也是这个场所符合当地的大地、地形、气候、人生活的那种气质,进而转化成为由不同的物理形式唤起人们的精神共鸣。

Norberg Schulz proposed the concept of place spirit, which he believed is the integration of subjective consciousness and objective existence. Compared with the place, the place spirit has a broader meaning, that is, the atmosphere of the place that people feel when participating in activities, and the sense of belonging or identity that arises in the place. It is also the temperament of the place that conforms to the local land, topography, climate, and people's lives, and then transformed into different physical forms to arouse people's spiritual resonance.



▼空间结构推演 Spatial structure deduction



Breaking the boundaries of traditional space, the blurred but orderly scene layout of architecture and landscape aims to create a "boundless world" of harmonious symbiosis and mutual penetration. In the process of entering and feeling, the restrictions on scale are weakened, and infinite nature is felt in a limited space.

六栋建筑以M 字型布局建筑,以中心大户型发散布置,保证了每一栋建筑具有优质观景视野效果和更为丰富的景观动线。景观动线与建筑入户的一体化设计,也很好的将建筑入户空间与周围的景观环境融合,使建筑成为景观的一部分,同时景观也成为建筑入户的延伸和补充。提升建筑的整体美感的同时还增强用户的空间体验感和归属感。

The six buildings are arranged in an M-shaped layout, with large apartments in the center and radiating outwards, ensuring the viewing effect of each building. The integrated design of landscape movement lines and building entrances also well integrates the building entrance space with the surrounding landscape environment, making the building a part of the landscape, and the landscape also becomes an extension and supplement to the building entrance. While improving the overall beauty of the building, it also enhances the user's spatial experience and sense of belonging.

▼场地生长分析图 Site Growth Analysis Chart





We break the boundaries of space and give full play to imagination. Beyond the square room, there is a spiritual field without fixed form, where light and shadow interweave, the forest speaks, the mirror waves, the hidden stones, and the courtyard form a harmonious and tense visual world; beyond the square room, there is a space full of infinite possibilities, where people's thoughts flow continuously with the changes in space, and people feel the free and beautiful artistic realm in it.

▼概念手稿空间示意 Conceptual manuscript space diagram

▼模型推演 Model deduction



The ideal of poetry and distant places is not to escape, but to create a natural space with both garden and personality in the busy and noisy city. Every creation, every gaze, every meditation is a profound exploration of the essence of life and an infinite yearning for the spiritual world. Here, it is not only to appreciate art and feel nature, but also to cultivate the richness of the inner spirit...


A Patch of Woodland

▼一方林 进入自然神性之地



The environment is created by the mind, and the emotions resonate. Consider the space as a canvas, use light and shadow as pens, and color as ink to outline a flowing painting. As the space changes, follow the footsteps of light and shadow, become the dancer of the soul of the space, freely shuttle through every inch of corner, and find a moment of inner peace and self here.

▼一方林 以光为媒介,构灵动空间, 穿梭于树影水声之间


Every time you walk and stay, you are led to explore unknown mysteries. The trees are tall and straight, the branches and leaves are lush, and the light and shadows are mottled, and the mind is unprecedentedly calm and relaxed, as if you are one with nature, breathing together, and feeling this tranquility and beauty together. The organic dialogue between plants and buildings in the venue allows natural art to grow.



▼一方水 渐次开合,心旷神怡

潺潺流动,书写乐章随着水声缓缓探寻,此处的开阔水面倒影树影、倒影天空、倒影建筑,水幕潺潺流动,使得空间更有层次感。其创造出一种宁静而和谐的氛围,水洗尘浮, 漫步于闲庭之中,帮助人们在繁忙的生活中找到一片宁静之地。

As the sound of water slowly explores, the open water here reflects the shadows of trees, the sky, and the buildings. The flowing water curtain makes the space more layered. It creates a quiet and harmonious atmosphere, where the water washes away the dust and people stroll in the garden, helping people find a quiet place in their busy lives.



▼一方石 石之造物层叠自然意境

▼一方石 虚实明灭步移景异



▼一方园 方寸之间, 尽显灵趣

▼一方园 方界林立林影相映漫生绿意

▼一方园 自然边界,内外渗透


The shadows of trees and the sun accompany each other, creating a leisurely and warm atmosphere. The living room hidden in the shadows of trees and water is naturally quiet. The continuity of the landscape space breaks the traditional boundaries between the inside and outside spaces, and the inside and outside penetrate and merge with each other, creating a continuous, dynamic and layered landscape effect.


Plans and Sections

▼总平面图 General plan

▼施工详图 Construction details

▼施工过程 Construction process


Spirit of the Place

▼平面材料 Flat material

▼立面材料 Facade material




Beyond the square room - beyond the square inch, beyond the secular world. It is the vast world of the soul, allowing the impetuousness of life to settle in a mysterious field...

项目名称 | 麓湖C7玄鸟湾样板岛二期

项目地点 | 四川成都

项目面积 | 5344m²

完成时间 | 2024年10月

业主单位 | 成都万华新城发展股份有限公司

业主团队 | 万华景观中心

景观设计 | 麦微景观

主持设计 | 甘炜炜

技术总工 | 金亮亮

设计团队 | 马青 腾龙 黄柱 付丽红 廖嘉伟 郑尚婷 刘李军 罗彤语 庞勇平 龙婷婷 王超 杨丹 李庆梅 李敏

施工单位 | 四川卓璟园林工程有限公司

花镜单位 | 成都惠美花镜园艺工程有限责任公司

拍摄团队 | E-ar TARS、三棱镜景观摄影(首字母排序)

市场品牌 | 沈习创

Project Name | Luxelakes C7 South Golden Bay Model Island Phase II

Project Location | Chengdu,Sichuan

Project area | 5433m ²

Completion time | October 2024

Owner | Chengdu Wanhua New City Development Co

Owners' Team | Wanhua Landscape Center

Landscape Design | MaiWei Landscape Architecture Studio

Lead Design | Gan Weiwei

Technical Chief Engineer | Jin Liangliang

Design Team | Ma Qing, Teng Long, Huang Zhu, Fu Lihong, Liao Jiawei, Zheng Shangting Liu Lijun, Luo Tongyu, Pang Yongping, Long Tingting, Wang Chao, Yang Dan, Li Qingmei, Li Min

Construction unit | Sichuan Zhuojing Landscape Engineering Co.

Collaborating unit | Hom Floraland&Horticulture Co.,Ltd

Shooting Team | Triprism、E-ar TARS

Market Brand | Shen Xichuang

麦微景观建筑事务所创立于2020年6月,作为一家新锐的景观建筑设计事务所,善于探索景观与建筑之间积极而有趣的观点和实践。我们不拘泥于项目类型的限定,而是通过理性分析和研究,以感性维度表达对设计的理解。我们主导设计方法论的理论逻辑,创造性的解决场域中景观的矛盾性和复杂性。同时,我们专注于情感景观的价值输出,营造有温度、有情感、可持续的景观空间。通过景观的语言来回答人与自然的生命价值。MW LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE was founded in June 2020. As a cutting-edge landscape architecture design studio, it is good at exploring positive and interesting viewpoints and practices between landscape and architecture. We are not limited by the type of project, but, through the rational analysis and research to express our understanding of design in an emotional dimension. We lead the theoretical logic of design methodology, and creatively solve the contradiction and complexity of the landscape in the field. At the same time, we focus on the value output of emotional landscape, to create a warm, emotional and sustainable landscape space. Through the language of landscape to answer the life value of human and nature.
